My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 8 - Forever Until Death Do Us Part


I get down to the coffee shop and it seems like it took me hours to get there with these irritating crutches. But as I approach the coffee shop I see something that warms my heart. Kim and her mother had clearly talked things out and I can not be happier.

I do not want to interrupt their hugging but I know that I need to get to the Admiral as soon as possible. As I approached them, it is her mother that sees me first.

"Nick! I am so glad to see you! You saved my daughter!"

She leaves her daughter's embrace, and then almost knocks me off of my crutches by giving me a tight hug. I have never been someone that likes people touching me. I have this thing where I only allow the people that I want to touch me only they can touch me. But for some reason, I am enjoying this hug as I know that she is good to Kim.

"It is only my pleasure, ma'am"

She holds me by my shoulders and looks into my eyes while she says with a stern voice.

"I am not a "ma'am" you can call me, Deborah"

"Yes ma'am... I mean, Deborah"

Then Kim comes walking up to us and says.

"Mom, give him some air to breathe. Let's take a seat at the table. You can see the poor man is on crutches"

I can not remember when last I saw her this happy and complete. I know that she was happy when I asked her to marry me but this is a different happy. It reminds me of the Kim that I fell in love with the first time. But she's a bit different as if she can not get any happier.

As we take a seat at the table and I look like a fool trying to sit down, I see something in Kim's eyes as she almost asking me a question. Then, I know exactly what she is asking and I nod my head in agreement.

A big grin appears on her face and she excitingly turns to her mother while she says.

"Mom, we have to tell you something"

I feel her grabbing my hand under the table and I can not help feeling her joy in my heart too.

"What is it? Tell me?"

Her mother reminds me a lot of how she is. She wouldn't leave you alone until you have told her what she wanted to hear.

"Nick and I got engaged!"

Suddenly I hear a high pitch scream coming from her mother as she jumps up and gives both of us a hug.

"That is the best news ever! I am going to throw you an engagement party! Can I? Please, please can I?!"

I have never seen someone at that age acts like a little girl but at the same time, it is something so warm and wonderful to see that a mother can care so much for her child. I can not help as a little bit of jealousy creeps into my heart as I wish that my mother just had a pinch of care as she has for her daughter.


I have seen my mother happy before but never have I seen her this happy. She's like the girl that got her first pony. I look over to Nick and I can see that he's happy for me. But then I see something that I never thought I'll see in his eyes.

He almost looks uneasy. I can not put my finger on it but he doesn't truly look happy. It is as if something is bothering him and of course, he is not telling me. I should get to the bottom of this as I want him to enjoy this time with me.

"Of course, you can, Mom! I would not want it any other way"

"That is the best news. I should get Betty immediately to print out some invitations for us. What are your favorite colors? Or wait, it is blue and gunmetal grey, right? Then we should talk to the baker as soon as possible before he-"

"Ma'am...I mean, Deborah. Would it be possible if I could just talk to Kim in private for two minutes?"

"It is not a problem at all. I was any way eying that doughnut in the display case. I'll be right back"

I turn to Nick with concern in my eyes. I wonder what he wants to tell me that he doesn't want to say before my mother and that is what is making me nervous. He takes both my hands in his and then he says to me.

"Kim, I am so happy that you and your mother made up. And I can not believe that I'm going to say this but I am excited that your mother might throw us an engagement party..."

I almost can not believe that he is saying he is going to enjoy a party as he doesn't look like the kind of man that enjoys public attention.

"...but I have to go back to the base today. And I was just wondering if you would come with me but I understand if you want to stay with your family and organize the engagement party. It is just that last time when I-"


I haven't even had time to finish my sentence when I feel her soft velvety lips come crashing down on mine. I can feel the passion in her kiss and the undying love she has for me. I can feel how her entire body is engaged in this heated kiss. I know that if she speaks now, it would come from the deepest parts of her heart.

"Nick, how can you even wonder whether I would come with you or not. I love my family but you have consumed my entire heart.. So, for you to tell me to stay behind would be the same as you tell me to stop breathing. I'm yours now…forever until death do us part"

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