I look at the woman that I am about to marry sitting next to me on the bed. I can see how sincere she is in what she's saying but the evidence is so overwhelming. I have been in this situation before and I did not even know that they were cheating on me.

Of course, in my mind, I can not compare Helena or Kelly with Kim but Helena was pregnant with the man that she cheated on me with. I was so blind and did not see what was going on around me and I wonder if I have walked into the same trap. But there is this overwhelming feeling that there is just no way that she would do this to me.

We have been through so many things and our bond has never been stronger. We have literally been through thick and thin. We have been through dramas that are unimaginable to the normal couple. We have saved each other over and over again. I can not imagine that she would cheat on me like that.

Then before I could say something I see her starting to cry and my heart breaks into pieces because I do not want her to be unhappy but for some reason, I can not get myself to hold her. I do not know if she's acting because she knows she made a mistake or is she truly telling me the truth.

"I want you to know that I love you with my entire heart and that I hate that I can not make you feel better right now. But at the same time, I do not know what to think"


I didn't want to cry. I wanted to be strong and talk to him like an adult but the thoughts of him not liking me and maybe not even love me anymore are slowly breaking me inside. He is the only man in my life and now something happened that I have no recollection of. Then he goes ahead and tells me how much he loves me and how he doesn't want to see me hurt.

I wish I can be in his strong arms again but then I remember how Helena cheated on him and I remember how broken he was. He was very angry and I was luckily there to console him but now he is all alone in this.

I have to make this right. I have to show him that it wasn't me. I do not blame him for thinking something happened because the evidence is overwhelming. I understand that he's a Navy Seal and for that, they need to be cautious in everything they do. I am determined not to lose the man that I love.

I'm trying to put myself in his shoes. If I saw him kissing someone and then a message on his phone saying that the girl had fun last night, it would break me. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and then I stand up.

It is very hard for me because my head is pounding, I just felt like someone hit me with a hammer. But I do not show him any pain and I look straight into his eyes.

"I know that you love me and I need you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. There is just one thing I would like to ask you"


Suddenly she stands up from the bed and everything feels cold. I would never want her to leave my bed like this. I do not want her to leave my life. I do not want her to walk out of this room. I would rather talk to her and try and sort it out. Then I see the determination in her eyes and I am somewhat surprised.

My brain says one thing and my heart says another. But I take a deep breath and then I say.

"What is your question?"

"I would understand if you do not want to see me again but I want to ask you to give me just one day to prove to you that I did not do that. Would you give me that chance?"

Then I remember again why I am so intoxicated by her. She does not react like any other woman I've ever dated or even befriended. She is on a completely different level and I can not imagine having my life without her. I can see that she truly loves me.

I fight the urge to get angry about the situation. I will give her what she wants because she means the world to me and I do not want to lose her ever.

"Of course, I will give you the chance. I will wait for you to show me that it wasn't you or whatever the reason might be because my love for you has not changed"


I want to break down and cry again because he is so real in what he says. I can hear that his words drip with honesty. He truly does love me and that has not changed. His words give me enough courage to face the day. I will go out there and show him it wasn't me.

But I do not just want to leave. Then I walk a bit closer to the bed and I say.

"Thank you, for giving me a chance. There is just one last request which I know I probably do not deserve"


She walks closer and I can see the humbleness in her demeanor. Then suddenly a tear rolls down her cheek and I just can not control myself to not wipe away the sadness from her cheeks. I hear her voice cracking as she asks for another request as if I am this man up on a pedestal who she should beg and I am not that.

"Of course, you can ask"

"I would ask if I could just give you a...kiss. Even if it's just on your cheek before I leave"

I do not know how to stop my heart from breaking to hear her saying that. How did it go from us being together forever to this elephant in the room that is separating us? She's asking me for a kiss which I freely would give.

I decide not to answer her but I move closer and then I see her moving closer. My ribs are pounding in my chest but the pain is not something I want to feel right now because the pain in my heart is too overwhelming. I put my hand on the small of your neck and I pull her closer to me. Then my lips gently touch hers and I play with her lips while breathing heavily.

Suddenly I wonder if this could be our last kiss.


I see him closing in and my heart starts to swell with a bit of hope. He does still love me and when our lips meet, I can not stop but let out a moan. I do not close my eyes as I want to take in this moment and then without warning, I feel a tear falling from his eyes on my lip.

He jerks away from me and I can see he does not want to show me that his heart is broken. He wipes away his tears and looks the other way. It feels as if my heart is dead. I grab some clothes and I turn around leaving the room.

I fall down the floor as everything in me is broken. Then without warning my heart is filled with anger. I do not know at who I should be angry. Should I be angry at myself for doing stupid things when I am drunk or what happened last night?

I stand up from the floor determined to get my man back. I go into the bathroom and get dressed. I feel like shit not just on the outside but the inside too. But right now I do not care. All I care about is Nick and that is all I have ever cared about. I look into the mirror at myself and then I scream.

"Fuck!! Kim!!"

I cry some more and then I wipe away my tears looking at myself in the mirror again. I will get to the bottom of this. Then I make my way to Angie's room. She must still be sleeping but I will wake her up.


I dare not look at her for one more second because if I do I will break down and cry like a little baby. I never thought that any woman would have so much power over my heart but I realized that I have given my heart away the moment that I saw her the first time.

As I hear the door closing I know she's gone and suddenly nothing feels right. Nothing in this world is right without her. I have to be without her for the entire day and I know that I will do nothing but think about her. I do not want her out of my life. I want her in my life. Then suddenly I get a thought.

I pick up my phone and look at the picture again. This just can not be. I dial a number and then he says.

"Well, well, well a call from the famous Nick Roberts or forgive me, Master Chief Roberts. What do I owe the honor to?"

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