I wake up the next morning with a beautiful woman in my arms. I can see that she is still sleeping soundly and I have no intention to wake her up. I know that when she wakes up she will have one hell of a hangover, judging by how she acted last night. I can not help but smile at the sweetness that I am looking at.

I knew that when I'm going to marry her I'm going to see a lot of sides to her. I am so happy that I have met the drunk Kim. I am sure she is going to be mad at herself for getting so drunk because if I know anything about her, she likes to be in control. Then I hear my phone getting a text message.

I reach for my phone and it is still sore to move my ribs just a little. I see that the message is coming from a number that I do not know. I open the message and I read.

"I am so sorry..."

Then I start to frown as I scroll down. It is a picture of Kim kissing John. I do not believe what I am seeing. I zoom in to make sure that this is Kim but I can see by her clothes that it is the same clothes she is wearing now.

My heart starts to race because I do not know which emotion I should have now. Should I get mad and angry or should I just think that this can not be? I look at the Kim lying next to me and I remember how much love I felt towards her just a few seconds ago.

Now, suddenly I wonder what I should feel. I can not believe that Kim will do this to me. Then I start to wonder who will send me a message like this? Why would they send me a message like this? Could it be Angie?

Then I quickly reach over to Kim's phone to just check Angie's number. When I open her phone I see she has a text message. Suddenly I am in two minds again. Should I open the message or should I wait until she tells me what happened?


I can not help but utter the words because I do not like the way that I'm feeling right now. It feels like someone has open my ribs and take out my heart and then squeezed it in their hands. Without thinking about it any longer I open the message, it reads.

"Thank you, for last night. I had a lot of fun. Love John"

I put the phone down and suddenly I start to tremble. I can feel how anger is starting to take place in my heart. This can not be. This is not be happening. Kim will never do this to me. We are getting married in a few days.

A million things is going through my mind. I guess I have one of two ways that I can react. I can either confront her and hear what she has to say or I can wait for her to tell me. I just do not know if I would be able to control myself if this is the truth.

I might have thought that it was a hoax with the picture that was sent to me but when I saw the message on her phone, it completely destroyed me. Then I feel her starting to wake up. I wish that I can feel the need that I had earlier on to hold her but for some reason, I do not want to touch her.

I know that I can not just give up on her. We have been through thick and thin. It would be wrong for me to just give up. I know that I need to give her the benefit of the doubt but I know that I would not be able to keep it in. I move a bit away from her and then I just stare as she wakes up.


I feel my eyes starting to open but I have no desire to open them. It feels like I have laid my head on train tracks and a train with many compartments drove over my head. I do not think that I have ever had such a bad headache as I have right now.

Then as I open my eyes I see Nick staring at me. I smile and then I say to him.



I am waiting for that cocky smile of his but nothing is happening. It is as if he has gone cold. Then I realized that I am not laying in his arms as always and he is on the other side of the bed. I can not help that frown as I try to sit up.

I have to grab my head because of the pain from the headache but that does not bother me as much as I seen Nick sitting so far away.

"What is going on? Are you okay?"

Then I see something in his eyes that I probably never have seen before. It kind of reminds me of the way that he looked at Kelly, his ex-girlfriend. No emotion and no compassion.

"I am not really okay. I would like you to tell me what happened last night?"

I do not know why he's asking me that because he knows that I went to the bachelorette. Then I try to think back to last night. I remember how I was having fun and watching the girls freak about a stripper.

"What do you mean? You know I went to a bachelorette to my bachelorette. Why are you asking? Oh god, my head"

"I know that you went to your party but what I want to know is exactly what you did there"

Suddenly it feels like an interrogation as if I did something wrong. I start telling him exactly what happened from the beginning to the end.

"...and then I and Stacy were just watching how they freaked out about this stripper and then..."

Suddenly I realized that I can not remember anything after that. I have no idea how I got home.

"...and then...I..."

"And then you did what?"

"I can honestly not remember"

Then I see him distancing himself even more. Something is going on and I have no idea.

"What is going on? Did I say something to you last night?"


I listen carefully to everything she is telling me because I know that l can not just jump to conclusions. I do not want to believe that what I am seeing and hearing is the truth but the evidence is so overwhelming. Then she finally comes to the end of the night and conveniently she can not remember.

I know her very well and I can see that she is telling me the truth. My heart wants to believe every word that she's telling me but I guess I have to tell her what I know.

"It is not what you said but what you did"

I see her reaching for my hand but I jerk it away. She's instantly in shock and then she says.

"Please tell me what did I do?"

I take out my phone and then I show her the picture. She gasps while putting her hand over her mouth. Usually, I would love the way that she reacts because everything about her is beauty but right now it feels like she's stabbing me with a knife in my heart.

"What? What is that? Where did you get that? That can not be me? I would never do that?! I honestly can not remember anything?! What the fuck?!"

I do not know if she is a very good actor or if she's telling me the truth. Once again my heart wants to believe every word she is saying but I have to use my common sense in this.


I grab the phone from Nick's hand and zoom in. I can not believe what I am seeing. John was not even there last night or the part that I can remember. I am sure that I didn't even drink so much. That can not be me.

"I do not understand. Nick, you have to believe me. I have no recollection of this. I would never do that to you. You have to know that"

"Fuck, Kim. I want to believe you but have a look at your own phone"

I quickly grab my phone and then I see the message. It is from John and he said he had fun? I do not understand. How can this be? The frown on my face has not left my face yet and I assume it will not leave it anytime soon.

I look up at Nick and now I see what was once foreign to me. He is hurt. He is deeply deeply hurt. I would never hurt him like that.

"Nick, you have to believe me that I know of nothing.. I would never in my life hurt the man that I love with my entire heart like this. I need you to know that I love you and no one else??"

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