My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 98 - Bachelorette Party


I close the door behind me and I realized that I am leaving Nick all alone tonight. Part of me wants to go back and crawl into bed next to him just watching a movie but another part really wants to have a bachelorette party. I also want to find out why Angie is so happy and cheery.

I want to know if she really wants to be sisters and I guess tonight will be proof of it. I hope that I'm not imagining things. As I make my way to my car, I decide not to drink too much tonight because I want to make sure that Angie is sincere. I take to drive to the only pub in our small town and I remember how I left for the Navy and spend my last night here.

Suddenly I realize that even then Angie and John were together and John even had tears in his eyes because I was leaving. As I get out of my car I remember how we stood outside in the parking lot and how he didn't want to let go of me. How can someone that has an affair act the way that he did?

I shake my head because I do not want to think about the lies that they told me. I'd rather want to look at the future and I want to meet the new Angie. I want to have fun tonight with my sister. I make my way into the pub and I am welcomed with a banner that says.

"She is whipped!"

I can not help but smile as everyone is dressed up with crowns and feathers around their neck. Then Angie walks my way and she has a grin on her face. She quickly labeled me with a badge that says the bride-to-be. Then she hands me a glass of champagne and she turns to the crowd while throwing her arm around my neck, saying.

"My sister is going to be Mrs. Roberts in only a few days. Let's enjoy her almost last night of freedom together!"

Everyone cheers and the music starts. She turns to me and says.

"Are you ready for a party?"

I am so glad to see how much effort she put into the night just for me. I can not help but feel happy and then I smile while answering her.

"I can not wait to see what you have planned"

"I promise you it would be a night you will never forget"

Then she leads me to a table where some of our closest friends sit and then the night begins with some shots. Everyone drinks their shot but I hesitate to drink. Then Angie turns to me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am okay, why do you ask?"

"I am just wondering why you are not drinking?"

"I guess I just want to remember the night and not forget everything"

She smiles while she throws her arm around my neck and then she says.

"Do not worry, sis, I've got your back. I will see to it that you do not drink too much. Now have a shot"

There is no way that I am trusting my drunk sister to see to it that I do not drink too much but I smile and take my shot. Then as the night grows older we play some games and soon we start to dance. I am having a lot of fun and I am glad that I came tonight.

But every so often my thoughts go back to Nick in our bed. I still want to go back and just be with him but I told myself that I would enjoy tonight. So that is what I'm going to do.

Then suddenly the music changes and everyone screams as if there is something wrong in the pub. They all turn and look at the door pointing to it it. I turn to look at what danger it could be and then I see the danger.

A very handsome man dressed in a military uniform walks through the door. I see that he only has eyes for me and soon I realize that this must be a stripper. I really didn't want a stripper but of course, Angie would get one. I should have expected it.

He walks even closer to me and I walk backward but then I fall straight onto a chair. It is clear that they are not letting me get out of this and then he stops only an inch away from me. The music suddenly changes again and then he starts to strip.

I would lie if I said that he was not good-looking and well-built but my desire is only for one man and that man is not this man. But I realized that everyone is looking at me and so I smile and laugh where I need to.

Soon Angie hands me another glass of champagne. Then I have champagne in one hand and some one-dollar bills in the other. It is clear that they want me to put the money in his underpants. So, I down the glass of champagne and put in the one-dollar bills without touching too much of his bare skin.

I can not help but scream not of excitement but rather disgust. I would much rather put some one-dollar bills in Nick's underpants. Then finally the girls are so obsessed with the stripper and I have a chance to get away. It is clear that everyone is way too drunk for me and so I take a seat in a booth.

I enjoy just watching the party happening in front of my eyes. All the girls are throwing themselves onto that stripper and I can not help but laugh at how much they enjoy it. Then Stacy comes to join me in my booth. She is probably the closest friend that I have in this town and I can see the she too does not want to be part of the spectacle.

She's married and has two kids. I know that she loves her husband dearly and we both just sit and laugh at everyone. I do not know if it is because I was laughing so hard or just enjoying the party that my head starts to hurt.

"Do you also feel kind of dizzy?"

She laughs and then she looks at me.

"Who doesn't?"

I laugh at her and then I just continue to watch these crazy women around me. Angie has truly come through and I am glad that I came tonight.



I suddenly open my eyes ready for combat but then when I listen carefully and I see the shadow in the room. I realized that the voice is Kim. She must be back from her bachelorette. Then I hear another thump against the table and she says.


I can not help but smile because it is clear that she is drunk. Then I say putting on the light next to me.

"Kim, is that you?"

I look at her and I can see that she is squinting her eyes because of the light and then she almost falls next to me, saying in the most sympathetic voice.

"Oh god did I wake you up?, go back to need your rest...sshhh"

Now she is patting me on my arm like I am a baby that she needs to put to sleep. I have to contain the laughter because I have never seen her so out of control.

"Doc, I think you need to come to bed"

"Yeah, I think you are right...I think I might be a little bit drunk"

I smile again because she's so adorable and it is clear that she can not hold her liquor.

"I think so too"

I open the blanket for her to get in and then before she even hits the pillow. I can hear her snore. I can not help but feel like I want to kiss her all over. I only got to know the Kim that knew everything and was very responsible. I never thought that I will meet this Kim and I'm glad that I did.

I put the blanket over her and pull her closer to me. I make sure that my arms are around her and that she would feel secure. I realize that I love this woman more than any woman I have ever loved. It seems like she had a good night and I hope that Angie was good to her.

I put the light off and then I just look at her silhouette in the shadows. I know now more than ever that she is meant to be with me because of tonight like she had tonight, she came straight back to me. She did not run off with some guy she came back to me.

I then lay my head back and close my eyes. I know that tomorrow she might have a very bad hangover.. I can not help but smile because I can only imagine what the sober Kim would say about the drunk Kim.

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