My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 97 - Laughter Is Pain Medicine


As I am kissing Kim in front of an entire audience, I can not help but give them an extra show. I can almost hear the gasps of the woman in the room and then I make sure that I let out a moan or two. Then after both of us is completely breathless I pull away only an inch. Then I say loud and clear so that everyone can hear me while staring at Kim.

"Oh my god, you are the best wife to be that I can have"

Then the loud gasps come from the audience again and this time I decided to look into their eyes. But of course, as soon as I turn my head everyone acts like they are looking at their food or talking to the person in front of them. This is nothing new to me because I, myself have grown up in a small town.

I know how people like to talk and they loved to talk about my family because we were so screwed up. So a lot of times I would go into town and give them a show. Either, I would act as if I was a junky or as if I am severely heartbroken because that is what they expect from our family.

If you would walk around like nothing was wrong they would just find out more and would go as far as asking questions. Then I look back at Kim and I see a big grin on her face. I lower my voice and I say.

"Did you forget that I also come from a small town and I know these gossips who like to talk?"


I love the way that he protects me. He has this way of taking a potentially dangerous situation and turn it into something light and fun. I can not help but fall even more in love with him and it feels like I will do anything for him.

"I did not forget, no but still it's not a good thing if everyone stares at you"

"I know that feeling well with my family and all"

Then it is as if I realize for the first time that he too has a screwed-up family. It must have been hard for him as a boy with his dad doing what he did, cheating on his mom like that. I guess he had his fair share of people talking about him.

"See that's the exact reason why I said I am sorry because of their behavior"

"Doc, let's just stop right there. You should never apologize on behalf of somebody else's stupidity. You are much more intelligent than that"

This time it is me pulling him in for a kiss because his words just keep on healing me. But I guess I pulled him in a bit too hard as I feel him wincing against my lips. I quickly pull away and put my hand over my mouth.

"Oh god, I am so sorry. I keep on forgetting about your ribs"

He just smiles as he coughs slightly and then he says.

"I wish that I can also forget about them but they are a painful reminder"

I want to laugh at his joke but I know that he will also make him laugh so I just give him my nice big grin. I can see him holding on to his ribs because he too wants to laugh. Then our food arrives and we start to eat.

We talk about the wedding and what we expect to happen. We realized that we haven't picked a date yet and then Nick came up with a brilliant idea.

"Why don't we pick the date that we first met on the dock? You know, when I had to carry your luggage that weighed a ton by the way"

Again I want to laugh but I just smile and I lightly slap him against the shoulder.

"That is not true. But I like your idea of the date"

It was the 15th and so we decide to get married on the 15th of this month.

"I like it too but then we have to contact John to come down and are you going to ask your sister to be the maid of honor?"

His question suddenly brings me back to reality. I know that I have decided that Nita would be my maid of honor but I never thought that Angie would turn her life around like that. It feels like I am between a rock and a hard place and I do not know which way to go.

"Honestly, I do not know who I'm going to ask. I think after tonight I will have a better idea"

"So, you are still planning to leave me all alone and go out to watch strippers?"

This time I can not contain my laughter and I can see that he struggles to contain his too.

"There is no way that I am leaving you alone to go and watch some lousy strippers. I also want you to look around yourself and think how these strippers will look like in a small town like this"

We are laughing a bit too much because now I can see the pain in his eyes instead of laughter.

"I am sure I told you to stop with your jokes...aaahhh god!"

"I will stop the moment that you stop commenting these ridiculous comments"

After wiping the tears of laughter from our eyes, I can hear he turns to a more serious tone.

"But seriously though, do you think it's a good idea that she throws you a bachelorette?"

"Well, she seems like she has turned her life around and she even told me to tell you to feel better. That must mean something don't you think?"

"I guess. I just want you to be happy"

I take his hand and he starts to caress my hand with his thumb.

"I am very happy and not because of my family but because of you. As long as you are in my life I will be happy"

"Then that makes me very happy"

We finish our breakfast and then we take a very slow stroll around town. Soon it is time for me to get ready for my bachelorette and we make our way back home. We say a quick hello to my mom and dad before I get Nick straight to bed. I can see that he is very tired after the day he had and so I put him into bed.

I give him some pain medicine and I take a look at his ribs. Then I say to him.

"We can not do what we did today, tomorrow again. It is just too much for you"

I see a frown developing on his face and then he says.

"But I had so much fun with you"

"So did I but you need to rest"

Then I put the TV on for him and take a shower. As I stand in the shower I can not help it feel a little bit nervous about what is waiting for me tonight. I know that it is supposed to be fun tonight but I do not really know what is up with Angie. In our entire life together I have never seen her this happy before.

I guess it is just human nature to doubt that which you are not used to. Then I get out of the shower and make sure to dress in the most casual and fun dress I can find. As soon as I get out of the bathroom, I see Nick staring at me.


I know that I'm going to marry a very beautiful woman but just every time I see her she keeps on getting more beautiful.

"I hope you're dressing up for me and not for your bachelorette because every man will be all over you"

I watch as she slowly makes away to me, walking as seductively as she possibly can. I immediately feel my arousal for her and I know that she knows what she's doing to me. Then she puts her one knee on the bed and her hand on my chest, saying with red lipstick lips only an inch away from mine.

"The only man that I want all over me is you. The rest must keep their paws for themselves"

I can not help but smile as she kisses me and then I say.

"That is all I want to hear. Now, go and have fun because you look so great"

I see her smiling and then she walks away. Just before she opens the door she looks over her shoulder saying.

"Now be a good boy and get some rest"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Then she opens the door and disappears. I know that she is extremely happy but for some reason when she left this room, I just have this feeling that things might be different when she comes back.

I shake my head and then I crawl into bed. I am exhausted and in much pain. The best thing for me to do now is just sleep.. It does not take me long before I fall into a deep sleep.

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