I tell Nick everything about what happened tonight and how happy I am that we are a family once again. I can see the happiness that he has for me in his eyes and he asks me questions as we go along. It is not long after he has eaten that I can see that he is very tired. I quickly go to the bathroom and put on my pajamas as it is already very late at night.

When I get out of the bathroom he is already half asleep and I know that we are going to have a good night's rest tonight. We didn't only have a long day's drive but the excitement around the barbecue was also very tiring.

I quickly get into bed next to him and I instantly feel his protective arms around me. I honestly feel like the luckiest woman alive to have this man to be my husband one of these days. I have been trying to find a flaw in him but it doesn't seem like he has any.

We say goodnight and then we quickly fall asleep.


"...Go, Nick, I'll cover you"

"I'm not leaving you, Mike. We can figure something out"

The enemy is closing in and I know what needs to be done but I can't seem to move.

"Fuck! Move sir!!"

Mike screams at the top of his lungs, getting the enemy's attention. Then he opens fire and I move like a speeding bullet opening fire on the enemy to cover Mike.

"Mike!! You hold on man!!"

"Yeah, man! Now go get 'em!"

I move in behind one of the enemy soldiers and easily get access to his neck to break it. Then my attention is then immediately diverted to the explosion that comes from behind me. I stand up and run back to Mike...who isn't standing there anymore but instead there's only dust, not the dust that I am used to but human dust.

"No!!! Mike!!!


Suddenly I hear Nick scream and he moves around as if he is fighting something. I quickly get out of bed because I know what happened last time. I just stand and then I wait for a while to see what is going on. Then I do not really know what to do and I would lie if I say that I'm not nervous.

So, I say softly as I can.

"Nick? It is me Kim"

Almost instantly wakes up and I can see that he is disorientated with where he is. So, I take a step back and I say.

"You are at my mother's house..."

Then he looks at me and I can see tears behind his eyes.


I wake up and I see Kim standing far away from our bed. Then I realize what happened. My dream was so vivid that it manifested in my physical being. An instant sadness takes my entire being captive. Not because of the dream I had about Mike but because she can not stand close to me.

"Fuck, I am so sorry Kim. You should not be so afraid of me, it is not right"


I hate it when he feels so guilty about something that he can not control. I would understand if he feels guilty because he has hurt me in some way but he did not. I slowly walk closer to him just to make sure that he is really awake and then I get back into bed holding him tight.

"Nick, I need you to look into my eyes. I need you to hear what I have to say. I knew when you asked me to marry you that you would have these dreams. I have seen many patients that are suffering from things that happened to them which they could not help. I do not blame you for a second and I do not want you to blame yourself"

I can see the hesitation in his eyes and he does not want to accept what I am telling him.

"How can you be with a man that might hurt you in the night"

"Oh, Nick, if it gets worse then we will get help but for now you have not hurt me once and you are such a good man that there is no way that I will leave your side even if you beg me. Please understand that this is my choice and I will not leave you"

"But Kim-"

"This is the last time we will have this discussion. I told you what I want and we are not going to talk about this again"


Suddenly, I am not thinking about Mike and the dream that I had but I am thinking about this woman lying next to me. I think that I should go and see someone. I should do what I can do to protect her because I will not forgive myself if I do something to her.

I know that in my career as a Navy Seal I have gone through a lot of things and I have seen things that no one should see. I know in my mind that I will have a lot of dreams and memories about what happened. I know that Kim is just being gracious, the kind-hearted woman that I fell in love with.

But I have to do what I can to get whatever it is that is bothering me under control so that I can be the best husband that she needs. I can but only smile and then I give her a kiss. She means the world to me and I will make sure she gets the best.

We quickly fall asleep again and this time I enjoy her even more in my arms. I realized how lucky I am to have her next to me.


After the exciting night that we had, I decided that we should go out for breakfast. I realized that it is still difficult for Nick to move but I also know that he would get bored to lay in bed the entire day. I quickly give Nick some pain medicine and help him get dressed. Then we leave the room and make ourselves to a familiar diner.

I remember the first time that we were here and how he struggled to walk with his ankle. As we walk into the diner, I also remember the table that we sat at and how I made him so horny that he could not even concentrate. I really want to repeat the events of the time we were here but it would not be fair to Nick. This time he can not do what he wants to do because of his broken ribs. I should give the guy a fair chance.

As we take a seat at the booth I also remember how John walked in here as if nothing was between him and Angie. He lied to my face without even blinking. I just hope that everything that Angie did is in the past and that she really has turned over a new leaf.

"What would you like to eat?"

I see that cocky smile appearing on Nick's face and then he says.

"I can only think of one thing that I want to eat right now"

An instant blush fills my face because I know exactly what he is talking about.

"You know we are in a public place right?"

"Yes but that did not stop you last time"

So, he does remember the last time we were here. I can but only smile and then I say.

"If you would like me to repeat the events of the last time, I will not have a problem with that"


I see her lifting one eyebrow when she suggestively tells me that she will torture me some more. I have always enjoyed her kind of torture. There is no other torture that I would love to endure. I can but only smile while shaking my head and then I tell her what I would like to order and soon the waitress walks our way.

We order and then we stare into each other's eyes. Even though I am in a bit of pain in his good to get out of the bedroom. I needed to see the town again and since we are getting married here, I would like to get familiar with it.


As Nick holds my hand I suddenly realized that everyone in the diner is staring at me. For a second I have no idea why everyone is looking at me and then it all comes back. This is a small town and people like to talk.

They probably have never seen an adoptive child before and they have seen that scene that Angie and I threw in that coffee shop. It must have been probably a memorable moment. They have probably been talking about it for months and now I return with a new man next to me.

"I am so sorry, Nick"

"What are you sorry about?"

"Well...I'm sorry for the audience"

Then he looks around him and he starts to laugh.. Then he pulls me in and gives me a passionate kiss, making sure everyone enjoys the show.

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