I knew that it is going to be unusual to see Angie again but never in my wildest dreams I never thought that she would look this happy. I never thought that she would even give me a hug when she sees me or mention that they missed me. I do not even know what to make of this but then she went ahead and apologized.

I am completely confused about what is happening and she standing there waiting for me to give her an answer. I do not even know where to begin. My mom and dad look so happy that she is apologizing and I just do not know if I can trust that.


Then my mother comes and stands next to me while she says.

"Come on, honey, let bygones be bygones. Let's be a family again"

I look at my mother and I can almost see tears in her eyes of happiness. I remember our previous conversation where she said that she just wanted us to be a family again. How she wanted us to be sisters. I take a deep breath and then I look into the face of Angie.

I am not sure whether I can trust her but I know that my mother and father really want this. Then I give her a slight smile and say.

"Of course, I will forgive you. You are my sister after all"

She smiles and gives me a hug. Then I feel her starting to cry in my arms. I have never seen her this way and it seems like she is sincere.

"I am so happy that you have forgiven me. I do not know what I would have done if you did not"

Then my mother comes and hugs us as well and my dad too. We feel like a family again and I am happy to feel that feeling again. Then after a while of just hugging each other Angie pulls away and says.

"So, where is Nick?"

"Oh, he wasn't feeling so well so he's taking a nap...and...John?"

It takes everything in me not to sound rude or sarcastic when I ask her about John but I guess in the new turn of events, that would be the right way to react. She turns around and looks at the fire and then she says.

"He could not make it tonight, he had some business he had to attend to"

Business? That he had to attend to? That does not sound like John at all unless he has changed because the John I knew loved to drink at night, every night. Business was the last thing on his mind.


Then my mother jumps into the conversation and asks Angie about what she has been doing these couple of days. She quickly replied by saying that she was visiting some friends and hanging out with John.

It all sounds very civilized but everyone knows that she was mad at mom and dad and that is why she disappeared. But she does seem different somehow as if she is more happy than usual. Then after a while, she sits next to me while mom and dad are busy getting the food ready.

She leans in with her wine glass in her hand and then she says.

"So, some of the girls and I are going out tomorrow night and I was wondering to maybe throw you...a bachelorette..."

I want to open my mouth and start explaining why she is not my maid of honor but she stops me with a hand in the air.

"...I know that I am not your maid of honor and I do not expect to be because of what I did to you but I thought this might be a nice way to make up for the things I did"

I can not believe what she is saying. Why in the world would she want to throw me a bachelorette? Is it possible that she has changed so much and that she really wants to make it up to me? I make sure to study her face while she is telling me how we are going to go out tomorrow night and I can see she looks different than usual.

This must be a good different because she looks so happy and cheery. Those are probably the two least words I would use to describe her personality. I do not know if it is because we clear the air and now everything is okay or have her life really changed.

"Oh, Angie, I do not know..."

"Come on, I promise you it will be fun and this is my way of trying to make things right between us?"

She looks so serious when she says that and I guess it can't do any harm. She knows that she will not be the maid of honor and she's happy with that and I would like to celebrate my wedding with all the traditional things that come with it.

"I guess it will be okay..."

She almost attacks me with another hug and then she says.

"That is great news. I am going to make it a night that you'll never forget"

Then my mom and dad call us to eat and we sit around the table just talking like old times and laughing about memories. The night that I have dreaded has turned out to be a lot of fun. Angie seems to be a completely different person and she was even nice to mom and dad.

I do not know what happened but I hope that I had some hand in it. I hope that she would take me now as her sister and not envy me and have some sort of an agenda. Soon, the night is over and I take a plate for Nick. Angie stops me by taking holding on to my arm and then she says.

"I guess you going to take a plate to Nick. Please tell him I say he must get better soon. I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, I look forward to it. Goodnight"

My heart starts to be filled with happiness because I know I'm going to see him. I know I told him that he should be sleeping when I come back but secretly, I'm hoping that he's waiting for me. I softly knock on the door and then I walk in.


As Kim leaves the room I know that I need to sleep but suddenly this room feels so empty without her. I think about how she must face Angie alone and I can not help her and I feel guilty somehow. If I could just get rid of this pain in my ribs I might be able to look after my wife to be the way that I should.

I take a deep breath while staring at the ceiling. I guess I just need to sleep and then I might just feel better when I wake up. I can not turn to lie on my side so I just close my eyes and I hope that I will fall asleep. Then, after I do not know how long, I wake up.

I look at the watch and I see that I have only slept three hours. I wonder why I wake up because I do not feel any severe pain and then suddenly I realized that I haven't eaten anything and that might be the reason. I want to stand up to maybe just get me something in the kitchen but unfortunately, the pain is too much for me.

I guess I'm just going to wait for Kim to come back even though she asked me not to be awake when she comes. Then I hear a soft knock on the door and I know it is her. I can not help the smile that attacks my face because she just makes me happy.

"I thought I said you should be sleeping?"

"How can I sleep if I know that the most beautiful woman in the world is coming to my bed tonight"

I see her smiling the way that I like it and then she changes the subject.

"I realized that you must be hungry, so you are forgiven for being awake"

She puts the plate next to me on the bedside table and then she helps me to sit upright. The pain is a bit more bearable after I have slept and it is easier to sit. But there is something more important on my mind right now.

"So how did it go with the barbecue? How was Angie?"

"You would not believe me if I tell you"

Now I'm even more interested in what happened. She put the plate on my lap and then I start to eat while she tells me everything. While she is telling me what happened I can see the joy in her eyes. She looks so happy. I wish I can be happy with her but there is something not right about the situation.

I do not trust Angie and the sudden change of attitude is not going to make me trust her. But I'm not going to be the one to kill the mood.. I will just keep a close eye on Angie.

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