I hear Nick telling me how beautiful I am and suddenly I am not so sure that I want Nick to stay in bed. I would rather have him by my side because he is truly my pillar of strength. He makes me feel good about myself inside and out. Angie on the other hand does exactly the opposite. I wish you could come with me but I saw that black ribs and I know they need rest.

"I love you, Nick"

Then I stand up and make my way to the door. Then he says to me.

"I love you, Kim"

I turn to look at him and I blow him a kiss. He gives me that cocky smile of his and then I leave the room. It feels like my heart is staying behind and suddenly I start to feel nervous. It is strange how I'm not nervous on a stranded island or base camp somewhere in a foreign country.

But bring me back home and put Angie before me and I crumble. I start to wonder what is a stupid suggestion I made to Nick and how much I want him to be next to me.

But I take a deep breath and straighten my clothes as if I'm straightening out my emotions. I give myself a pep talk. You are going to be fine. You are just barbecuing with your parents. Your dad wanted you to come and enjoy the time that you have with them. You can handle Angie just like you did all your life. Why would it be any different now?

The last question is almost immediately answered. It is different because now you know you are not really part of this family. I shake my head because of the stupid thoughts that I have and try to get rid of them.

I am a successful grown-up woman and if I can handle an enemy then I can definitely handle Angie. I make my way out to where we're having the barbecue and I see my mom and dad already sitting there with a glass of wine.

I remember how many times we would have a barbecue and I always enjoyed it because it just gave me beautiful memories. I look around to see if I can find Angie but she is nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I feel much more comfortable walking to where they are sitting.


My dad comes walking up to me and gives me a big hug. I have missed his protective arms around me and I always knew that I was safe with him.

"Daddy, it is so good to see you. Did you have a good day in the fields?"

"Yes, harvest season is upon us. Come, let's pour you a glass of wine"

We walk together to where my mother is sitting and then I take a chair next to them. My mother looks so around me and frowns.

"Where is Nick?"

"Oh, he wasn't feeling too well so I let him rather sleep some more"

"So when are you going to tell us what happened to him?"

"I do not know if you want to know?"

"Of course, we want to know he is going to be our son-in-law"

"Well, he got into a little accident and broke some of his ribs"

I can see that my mother's face turns a pale white color and then she looks almost mad.

"Why didn't you tell me? I gave him such a tight hug?"

I laugh as I think back and I know how he said he can handle anything.

"Do not worry, mom. He is as tough as nails. Where is Angie?"

She looks down at her glass of wine and then she says.

"She said she was coming but nowadays you never know if she is really coming"


Your mother just looks down and then your father answer.

"Well, we had a bit of a fallout and she kind of disappeared on us for a while. So she comes and goes as she wants to but we did ask her to come and have this barbecue with us"

I think to myself it is so typical Angie. When we were teenagers and she would not get her away then she would just disappear for a few days. I remember how worried my mom and dad were because she never let them know where she was. Then after a day or two either someone will let them know where she is or she would come back not really apologetic but more like they can be happy to have her back.

I guess she never grew out of being a teenager and now she's just throwing the same will tantrums.

"Did you invite John as well?"

My mother looks at me shocked and then says to me.

"Why would we invite your ex?"

I look down at my glass of wine in my hands and then I say.

"Probably because he is now and Angie's boyfriend"

"Honey, we love Angie but we will not hurt you like that by inviting your ex to a barbecue that was supposed to welcome you back home"

I take a breath of relief as I am not sure where I stand with this entire situation. I feel kind of glad that Angie is not pitching up because now I can just spend some time with my mom and dad. It feels good to just talk to them about my wedding and what we have gone through during our last deployment.

Secretly, I'm hoping that Angie will not pitch up tonight and that I can just have some quality time.


"So! You have been invited to a barbecue and I was not?"

John is clearly upset at Angie that her mom did not invite him to the barbecue. She does not want to tell him that the barbecue is a celebration that Kim and Nick have come back home. Angie takes John's hand and then she says.

"Baby, you know that if I could I would take you with me"

Angie does not feel like taking John with her. She does not care whether her mother said that John can come or not, she has never cared what her mother said but she has a different plan for tonight.

If she brings John to the barbecue then they are supposed to present as a couple and then she can not pursue Nick. She has had her eyes on Nick ever since the engagement party. When she saw Nick standing next to John she knew that she had to have Nick.

But she doesn't want John to know about her plans because he would just mess her plans up. He would probably hang on to every word that Kim has to say and she does not have time for that because when it does not work out between her and Nick, she wants to fall back to John.

"I do not think that you want me there"

"Baby, you know that I want you there always but I want to just make things right between my mom and me. If I take you along then they would just see it as another way of not listening to them. I would never want to go anywhere without you, you know that right?"

John does not seem to agree with her words as he plunges down in his lounge chairs.

"Look, the game is on tonight and I bought you a six-pack beer. Why don't you just relax and when I am finished I'll come back?"

She quickly makes her way to the fridge and gets out the beers while putting on the TV. Then she sees a slight smile on his face and he grabs her hand pulling her in for a passionate kiss. She smiles at him and then pulls away while he hit her on her butt.

"You better be a good girl and come back home, you hear me?"

She bites her finger while looking at him over her shoulder, smiling.

"Where else would I go, babe?"

Then she walks out the door and gets into her truck. She takes a deep breath as she makes her way back to her house. She knows that she must face Kim and Nick and she has the best plan to make Nick fall madly in love with her.

She's not planning to let go of this catch and soon he will be hers. Finally, she gets into the driveway of her house and then before she opens the door she takes a deep breath. Then she walks through the house to the barbecue. When she sees her mom and dad and Kim talking to each other, she smiles and says.

"Welcome home, big sis"

She walks straight up to Kim and gives her a tight hug.

"We missed you so much. I just wanted to come out and say it. I am so sorry for my behavior these past months and my entire life for that matter. I was just in a bad place and it was wrong of me to behave this way towards you. I guess I just always envied you and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me"


Breathe Jake...Just breathe...

I can hear the crowd chanting my name and I know that this is my queue. They love me and they have come from all over the world to see me. I will not disappoint them. I feel my manager's hand on my shoulder, standing right beside me.

"Do not worry Jake, this is just like any other night"

Any other night? It is clear to me that he has no idea that tonight is not like any other night. My life has been turned upside down and the worst is that I can not tell anyone. 

Then the music starts and I know that I need to be on stage now. But I feel immediately frozen in time. I do not know if I would be able to do this tonight. I can not go on the stage and pretend to be something that I am not.

I am not who these fans think I am. I am not worth their praise. I am pure evil and they will see right through me....

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