I am still very much hypnotized by the man lying in the bed while I'm looking for the bandages. When he looks at me with those beautiful eyes I just lose any self-control that I might have but the worst of all is when he says the words that he says. Sometimes he can just make me do anything that he wants me to.

I do not think that he is aware of it and I like to keep it that way because I'm sure if he knows that, he will make use of it. Finally, after looking for the bandages that were right before my eyes I found them. I make my way back to his bedside and I can see that he has struggled to sit upright.

I help him remove his shirt and I really can not miss those sculpted abs. It is as if it is calling me to touch it but I need to focus on replacing the bandages. I start to take off the bandages one-by-one until his bare skin is visible. I have completely forgotten how it looks like.

It is now a dark blue-black color and it is over his entire chest. I have been a doctor for many years and I know that when your skin looks like that the pain is almost unbearable. Then my mind jumps back to the fact that he was hurt in an accident and lost.

I can not help as sadness overtakes me and I think about the days that he was alone. I think about how I was not there for him and how I could have helped him somehow. I feel a tear rolling down my cheek and then I feel his finger lifting up my chin.

"What is wrong? Don't cry"


As she starts to take off the bandages I can feel relief from the tightness of the bandages. She is doing a very good job and I can hardly feel her touching my ribs. But then when everything is off I see her demeanor starting to change. I can see her smile disappearing and sadness taking its place.

Her eyes are focused on my ribs and I realize that she is thinking about my pain. Then a tear rolls down her cheek and my heart starts to break. I do not want her to feel sad for me. I only want her to be happy. I lift her chin up with my finger and make sure that she looks into my eyes.

I want her to know that she doesn't need to cry for me.

"I am sorry but I was just thinking about how you were all you were in that horrible you were lo-"

I do not let her go down that memory lane trip because I know what you would do to yourself if you do.

"Sshhh... I am here now. You are here now. I am getting better. I am not going anywhere and the best part is you can look after me. Please do not think about what happened because that will just hurt you all over again and I do not want you to get hurt"


Then he goes and does that again. He says the right words at the right time. I let the tears roll down my cheeks and I start to bandage him again. He wipes away every tear that rolls down my cheek and he keeps on telling me it is okay. It is funny how the patient tells the doctor that everything is okay and not the other way around.

Finally, I have finished and then we put his shirt back on again. He looks deep into my eyes and says.

"Are you okay, doc?"

"Yeah, I am sorry I just had a small mental breakdown there and I know that this must be much worse for you"

"It is not so bad. I have had worse"

I can not help but be shocked by his words that were meant to be a joke. I wonder what happened to him before I was in his life. What kind of injuries he had? Who was with him when he was hurt like that?

I just shake my head trying to get all those thoughts out of my mind. Then I take a deep breath and I realize. I can not ask him to come with me to the barbecue. I brought him here so that he can relax and recover. Now, I am the one dragging him out of bed.

"Nick, I just realized that you can not come to the barbecue"

I can see him frown at my announcement that I just made.

"What are you even talking about? Of course, I'm coming with you. I'm not leaving you alone with Angie"

I break eye contact with him and then I give him a slight smile.

"I need you to rest. I need you to recover. My parents will be there and it will be boring anyway. I'm sure you do not want to get in the middle of another family drama"

Then he takes my hand and smiles.

"Doc, do you remember how you were in the middle of my family drama? The least I can do is be in yours and then we can call it quits"

I can not help but laugh at his words but I am very serious when I said that I want him to rest.

"I appreciate that you want to come with me but I need you to recover and by the looks of things if you do not take it easy it will get worse"


I am very confused that she suddenly doesn't want me to go with her to the barbecue. I understand that it must be very bad for her to look at me and how hurt I am but I can not believe that she would not let me get up. I am a big boy and can look after myself.

"I am really okay. I do not want you to be alone"

Then I decide to show her how okay I am and I start to get out of bed. But with every movement, the pain shoots through my entire being. I think it is even more severe than what it was before.

Then I realize that maybe she has a point. I struggle to move without wincing and I know that I can not hide the pain from Kim. I haven't even stand up from my bed yet and the pain is excruciating.

Then I see her standing there with her arms folded under eyebrow lifted. As if she's trying to say, do you know now what I mean?

"Okay, so maybe you are right..."

I try to lay back down again and then I moan.

"Goddammit, it does hurt"

Then I feel her soft touch on my chest and she looks at me with her beautiful eyes filled with compassion for me.

"I would give anything for you to be by my side tonight but I would rather want you in this bed, sleeping and recovering. I will cut the night short and come back soon, I promise"

I do not want her to cut her time short with her family because of me. I want her to enjoy her time.

"I think you should just go and enjoy the night. I will do as my doctor has ordered and probably just be out of it. But I want you to promise me one thing"

"And what is that?"

"Do not let Angie get under your skin"

I see her smile at me as if she wants to say, let her come and try something, I am ready for her. That makes me happy to know.

"I will be fine, I promise you. Now it is your turn to promise me something"

"Oh, we take turns?"

"Yes. You should promise me that you going to sleep and not lay awake until I come?"

I love how she cares for me and then I smile at her saying.

"As I said, I will do as the doctor has ordered"

I take her hand and pull her in for a kiss. I want her to remember me and I want to remember her. I really hate my ribs at the moment because it is preventing me from having sex with Kim and now it's preventing me to protect her from her sister.

So, I will be sleeping because I want these ribs to get out of my way so that I can live my life. I make sure that my kiss is a kiss that she will never forget. Then as I pull away from her and I say.

"Now, remember, you are damn beautiful and I can not wait to have you back in my arms"

Hi Readers

Please note that when I finish this book and "My Navy Captain" I will only be on the dreame app. I will be leaving Webnovel.

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