My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 110 - The Day Before The Wedding


As we make our way to the barn, John and some of the guests are walking a little bit in front of us. We are walking a little bit slower because Nick can not walk as fast yet. But as I hold his hand in mine, I realize that I will be happy forever.

I catch him staring at me out of the corner of my eye and then I shyly smile at him, saying.

"What is going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you staring at me like that?"


I can not keep my eyes off this beautiful woman next to me. I realized that I am getting married tomorrow and when I think about the weeks that have passed and how she treated me and cared for me, I know that my life will never be the same again.

She has changed so many things in my world and it was just for the best. I have never felt so healthy mentally as I have with her. She brought my family back together and she also gave me a new family.

I know that when we walk through those doors tonight, we will see all the people that love us. They are rooting for us to have a good long and happy life together. But I think that I am the biggest cheerleader to our relationship.

"I guess, I must just make sure that this is not a dream because I'm going to married to you tomorrow"

"Well, I can assure you it is not a dream because we are getting married tomorrow"

We laugh and then we finally get to the barn. As you walk through the doors everyone cheers for us and we see two seats being made up for us. One is like a Queen's chair and the other like a King's.

It is clear that our mothers had something to do with this. We take our seats and then the festivities start. We laugh and drink and dance. Everyone is enjoying themselves. I'm so glad to see the rest of the team from bravo1.

I decide to talk to each and every one individually telling them that I'm leaving and they all wish me luck with my future. I will miss the team but I'm definitely going to enjoy my life with Kim.

The night grows old and everyone starts to leave. The last song is being played and then I make my way to Kim.

"Would you like to dance"


I realize that Nick is not healthy enough to do any strenuous exercise yet but I can see that he really wants to dance and I take his hand as we make our way to the dance floor.

I realize that this is the first time that I am dancing with him and it is perfect. He leads me and I follow. It seems like this is the way we were from the very beginning. I remember the time that we were in the tycoon and how we just knew where the other one would go.

There are many things that define our relationship but one of them is the way that we just perfectly fit together. We know what the other one is thinking without even putting in a lot of effort to find out.

Then as the last song is played we make our way back to the house. Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I am going to get the dream wedding that I always wanted.

We get to the room and start to wash up. It is clear that I do not have to help him getting dressed and washed anymore. He's getting better and better with each day. This is the man that I'm going to marry.

The one that a strong and brave. The one that doesn't take any nonsense and can handle any situation that comes his way. Those are some of the things that I fell in love with when I saw him the first time.

He is brave and capable of anything. He is a force to be reckoned with. Then we get into bed like we are already married. He opens his arms for me and I make sure to cozy up next to him.

Then I lift my head as I'm resting it on his chest and say.

"You know we are not supposed to see each other until tomorrow"

He kisses me on my forehead and then he says.

"Yes, I know but there is no way I'm leaving you alone tonight. I need to know that you are safe"

"I know you do..."

And with that, we fall asleep happy and content in each other's arms.

"Kim! Honey! Wake up!"

I feel someone shaking me and then I jump out of bed. I almost lose my balance as I'm trying to focus where I am. My eyes are not even opened yet when I say.

"What?! What is wrong?!"

Then when I can finally focus I see my mother standing in front of me with wide eyes.

"Honey, there was a fire!"

"A fire?! Where? In the barn?"


I jump up ready for a battle when I hear voices in the room. As I am ready to stand to fight, I realize it is Kim and her mother. I take a deep breath because I am afraid of what I might do. Then I calm myself and I hear what they say and jump into the conversation.

"Did the barn burn down?"

I quickly take my place next to Kim and put my arm around her waist.

"No, there was a fire at the venue. Everything is burnt down! Everything!"

I do not say a word but my eyes immediately fall on Kim. I feel her stumbling back in my arm but I keep her upright.

"Honey, did you hear me?! Everything for tomorrow is gone!"

Kim doesn't say one word but I see her face turning pale white. I turn to her mother and say.

"Thank you for letting us know. Can you maybe just give us a second?"

"Yes, yes of course. I will be in the kitchen"

"Thank you"

I can feel that Kim can not stand any longer. I lead her to sit down on the bed. She just stares straight in front of her. Then I see a tear falling from her eyes.

"Doc, are you okay?"


I knew that something had to go wrong. I knew that everything was too perfect. I knew that there was so much drama in our relationship that there is no way that this wedding can happen without having any drama.

I can feel Nick sitting next to me and he's talking to me but it is like I am stuck in time. I knew that something would happen but I never thought that everything will be destroyed. The cake is there. My wedding dress is there. Everything is there.

We would have gone there tomorrow and get dressed and have all the rituals that you have before you get married. Now, nothing is going to happen. Everything is destroyed.

"Kim, can you hear me?"

I turn to look at Nick but it is as if all the emotion was sucked out of me. Nothing makes sense anymore. How can I be this happy just a moment ago and now I am beyond misery. Then I feel the tears falling down my cheeks involuntarily.

I do not feel like crying but I guess it is how my body mourns. I know that I should talk to Nick and I know he's probably feeling sad. But it just seems like I can not do anything.

It reminds me of the time when I heard I was adopted and how I just wanted to lay there. Now, I just want to sit here and stare in front of me.

"Doc, say something. I beg of you. Anything please"


I'm starting to get some deja vu of when I would talk to my mother. She would just stare out in front of her and not say a word. I know that Kim just got a big shock and I feel extremely sad for her.

But I'm starting to get nervous because I do not want her to turn out like my mother. I know that my mother had trauma and that is why she turned out to be the way that she did.

I feel so helpless. I feel like I want to do anything that would make her feel better again. I want to go out and build a venue for her. I want to spend all my money and get everything back. I want to make tomorrow perfect for her.

But I can not tell her anything unless I know that she understands me.

"Kim, please say that you hear me. I am so sorry. I am so fucking sorry"

I look at her for some sort of reaction but she just keeps on staring out in front of her. My heart starts to race as I start to worry about her.

Dear Readers

I have started my next book on Dreame called "The Uncrowned King"

The synopsis:

In the 17th century, life was filled with traditions, ceremonies, and expectations for the rich. But for the poor, you had to fight to get food on the table.

Every boy wanted to become a dragon slayer or a knight. Every girl wanted to be a lady or the wife of the Prince.

Dragon kings ruled the kingdoms and only the kings that could defeat them survived. Peace was hard to come by.

Xavier grew up without his parents and was raised by a loving and caring woman. She taught him how to be brave, strong, and to have honor. She also had a beautiful daughter called Clara. She was admired by many for her beauty. Xavier and Clara never got along and always teased each other as they grew up.

Xavier's life turned out to be something he never thought it would be. Would he be able to take what is rightfully his? How would Clara play an important role in his life?

Would they be able to overcome many obstacles to become who they were born to be and find true love in each other?

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