My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 111 - Never Been So Sure


I cannot believe what just happened to my beautiful wedding that I planned for every day for the past couple of weeks. How does a fire just happen by itself? How is it possible that the one day I wanted everything to go perfect, it just didn't?

Then it is as if I realize that Nick is next to me. I snap out of whatever shock I was in because suddenly I care more about Nick. This is his wedding too and he must be sad too. I put my hand on his leg and then I say.

"Nick, are you okay?"

Without warning, he pulls me into him, holding me tight. I can hear him take a deep breath as if he was holding his breath this entire time. Then he says.

"Thank God! I am so glad that you are talking again! How are you feeling?"

I do not know why he sounds so relieved as if I did something that I normally do not do. I pull away from him and say.

"What do you mean?"


It is clear to me that Kim has no idea that she just went into shock. I was so afraid that I might have my mother all over again but by some miracle, she snapped out of it. I cannot help but smile as I look at her and say.

"Doc, you scared me half to death. You just stared out in front of yourself. You didn't say a word but I'm so glad to have you back"


I have no idea what he is talking about. All I remember is that my mother told us there was a fire and then the next second I'm sitting on the bed with Nick next to me. Now he's saying that I didn't even look at him.

"I am so sorry. I did not mean to scare you but how do you feel about this entire situation? You must be sad?"

"I must admit that I'm a bit sad but I am more glad that you are talking again than what happened to the venue"

I suddenly realized that his mother also had the same behavior and it must have been traumatizing for him to watch me do the same thing. I do not have any desire to make him afraid that I might turn into his mother.

I just smile and look at him while holding his hand. It is not the same smile that I had just a few hours ago but now it is more like I'm just happy that I have Nick.

"So...what are we going to do?"

I can feel the tears starting to flow from my eyes. I really wanted to have a great day tomorrow and now it's going to be more like picking up all the pieces.

"I have an idea but I do not know if you would like it"

I can see there's a bit of a sparkle in his eyes as he says this. What can possibly be better than what I could have had tomorrow?

"I am open for anything at this moment. I'm just so tired of bad things happening to us"


I completely get where she is coming from because ever since we met to we've been through so many obstacles and so many dramas. We went through almost dying to Almost leaving each other.

But I think because of all this, we need something simple so that we can just be together forever.

"You know...the Admiral, he is an official Justice of the peace. He has administered a lot of weddings on base. What if we-"

She does not even give me a chance to finish my sentence when she pulled me into a tight hug. She covers my face with butterfly kisses and I can see the joy on her face. Then she says.

"Yes, yes, yes! Yes, I want to do it! I want to get married to you. No matter how we do it, I want to be Mrs. Nick Roberts"

I almost cannot believe that she is saying yes as I did not even explain everything yet.

"Are you sure? Won't you feel bad that you didn't have your big wedding?"


I realize that I wanted a big wedding but I had my planning and my maid of honor dress and my snow white dress and my bachelorette and my invitations. But at the end of the day, this is not what counts, at the end of the day all that counts, is Nick.

I do not care how I become his wife. I just want to by his side forever.

"I just want you and you alone. Let's pack and let's go! I want to go on our honeymoon. Just the way we planned it. What do you say?"

I can see that smile of his turning into a bright big smile. I know that he is just as happy as I am. He pulls me in close for a kiss that I will never forget and then he says.

"Let's do it!"

Then without hesitating any longer we start to pack. We have already packed for our honeymoon and now we just get some clothes for these two days that we will be spending there. I have no idea where we are going on our honeymoon but I am so ready to spend it with my husband.

As I get into the bathroom I see the dress that I would have worn after my wedding dress. I look at this dress and I realized this is just as beautiful as my wedding dress. A silky white dress with high slits and a low back. I decided that I will get married in this dress.

I quickly put it into my bag and dress warm enough so that we can start the car and take off to the base.


I watch how happy Kim is and I realized I never want anyone else in my life again. She has this way of jumping from sadness to happiness and making everyone fall in love with her. As I get dressed and pack my things I quickly text the Admiral.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late, sir and I know that I am not a Navy Seal anymore but I was wondering if we could come by tomorrow and you can maybe officiate our marriage?"

I know deep in my heart if he hears what happened to us he will definitely help us get married. Then I put my jacket on and at that moment Kim comes out of the bathroom. It is clear to me that she is extremely happy and that makes me happy.

I walk closer to her while I put my hands around her waist looking deep into her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

She kisses me on my lips and I feel those soft velvet lips of her playing music on my lips.

"I think that it is the best idea that we have had ever since we started planning this wedding. I want to go on our honeymoon and I want to be your wife, no matter how we got there"

"I just need to let you know that I love you with my entire heart"

She smiles and kisses me again and then she says.

"That is good to hear because I love you with everything I am"

We smile and kiss each other again and then we take our hands walking out of the bedroom. We cannot seem to stop smiling as we make our way to the kitchen.


I think somehow I feel much happier now than what I would have felt tomorrow. It is as if all the bad things are being left in the past and I only see a bright and beautiful future for us. As we get closer to the kitchen I can hear my mother, making coffee.

Then as we walk around the corner, I see my mother's eyes are filled with sadness but when she looks at me she looks completely confused.

"What is going on with you two?"

"Well, we have decided to get married anyway"

"Really?! How?"

"We are going get married on the base. You are all welcome to come but there will be no big thing. I would love to have you and dad there and Nick's mom but if you cannot make it we will understand"

I see my mother walking closer to me and then she puts her hands on my arms.

"Are you sure you want to do this, honey?"

I smile and look deep into her eyes and say.

"I think I have never been sure like I am right now. Please, will you let the rest of the guests know and it would be great if you guys could be there"

My mother smile and then she says.

"If this is what you want, then I will see to it that Dad and I and Nick's mom will be there. You do not even have to think twice about that"

I hug my mom tightly and then we kiss her goodbye. Nick takes my hand again and then we make our way to the car. Nick opens the car door for me and then he says.

"Are you ready to become Mrs. Nick Roberts?"

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