My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 112 - Dream Come True


I just asked Kim if she is ready to be my wife and I could not even finish the sentence when she jumps on me to give me a hug. Then she pulls away and her lips play on my lips. I can feel her hand in the back of my head pulling on my hair a little bit just to show me how much she cares for me.

"I can not wait to be your wife"

I smile and give her another kiss and then we get into the car. It feels so good to be behind the wheel again. I have been out of action for such a long time that normal things are now like an adventure. It is still very dark outside and we have a long road ahead of us.

But the moment we get into the car she puts her hand on my leg and I can see the happiness on her face. Before we take the long trip we stop at the gas station to get some gas and a cup of coffee. We need to stay awake somehow.

As I get out of the car and walk to the convenience store. I start to wonder what the hell happened with the venue. I do not want to alarm Kim and I want to show her that it does not bother me so much but the Navy Seal in me, tells me, there is something wrong.

I have really never heard of something so disastrous is happening to anyone and according to me, there should be a lot of protocols in place so that something like this does not happen at the venue where someone gets married.

I quickly take out my phone and send a text.

"Please give me a call as soon as you get this message. I'm really needing your help right now. Thank you"

I put my phone away, get the coffee and make my way back to the car. I close the door behind me and hand the coffee to Kim. I can see that she is still very much tired and then I say to her.

"Why don't you sleep for a little while. It is still a long way till we get to the base and as far as I know, the bride needs her beauty sleep"


I can only laugh at what Nick says to me but there is truth in what he says. I do need to sleep so that I can look my best when we get there. But there is something on my mind that I do not want to share with him. I am still very much upset about the venue.

I can not believe that this happened to us and I know that I really looked forward to getting married in that dress. I do not want to share it with him because I know I will just come across as childish because it is the one thing I really wanted.

Maybe he is right. I need to sleep I just try to forget about what happened to us. Then again I am very happy to get married at the place where we met the first time. It is more perfect than any venue that I could have organized for us.

"I think you have a good idea. I do feel a bit tired"

"Then, please sleep a little bit. I will wake you up when we are close"

I smile and I give him a kiss on his cheek. I truly do love this man. Then I make myself comfortable and I fall asleep almost immediately.


I watch as she falls asleep and it makes me happy because I know that this thing was much more heavier on her than what it was on me. I know how much she wanted this and I wish I could have taken the pain away.

As I drive along the road I see the sun finally coming up and I know we do not have too far to go anymore. Then my phone rings and I pick it up.

"Man, am I glad that you called me. How are you doing?"

"I am great but obviously it is not going so great with you. I am starting to make a list of all the times that you owe me"

I can not help but laugh because I know that what he says is true.

"I know, I am owing you more and more every day but this one is really close to my heart"

"Well, then how can I deny that? What seems to be your problem?"

I tell detective Mark everything that happened last night and I can hear in his voice that he agrees with me.

"Things like that just do not happen by accident ninety-nine percent of the time. Okay, I will check it out for you. I have a few friends in that town, I am sure that we will get to the bottom of this. I am just sorry that it messed up your wedding plans"

"Yes, that was very unexpected hence the reason why I am asking your help. Thank you so much"

We say our goodbyes and then I put the phone down. I see Kim moving next to me and I realized that she is waking up.

"Good morning, sunshine"

"Uhm...are we there yet?"

"We are almost there. Did you get any quality sleep in?"

Then she turns to me and smiles. Suddenly all the drama about the venue just flew out of my head. She is enough for me to wake up every morning with and go on with my life.

"I had enough sleep to keep me awake today but I feel bad that you didn't get enough sleep"

"I would not worry about me. Sometimes when we were on deployment I would not sleep for two days. I can survive one without so much sleep"


Sometimes he tells me things as if I am supposed to know them. Things that happened to him when he was deployed and I start to realize that I know almost nothing about his life. He has been through things that I have never seen in my life and I understand why he wakes up with nightmares.

I just wish sometimes that I can take his pain away but I can do only so much for him. I can only try to make his life from now on better and fill it with love. I can see on his face that he is a happy man and that is enough for me.

We finally arrived at the base and to my surprise, the Admiral is walking our way.

"What is going on?"

I look at Nick for an answer but I see he is just as confused as I am.


I know that the Admiral never comes to your car when you arrive. You have to see him in his office and he will never wait for you. I frown and then look back at Kim.

"I have no idea and this is highly unusual behavior for the Admiral"

I get out of the car and salute him right away. I know that I am not in the Navy Seals anymore but that does not mean that I have lost my respect for him.

"Admiral, sir!"

"Aahh, Master Chief! We are waiting for you"

I have absolutely no idea what he is talking about and then I feel Kim's hand in mine.


"Please follow me"

I look at her as if she knows what is going on but then she whispers in my ear.

"What is going on? Are we in trouble?"

I look back confused at her and then I say.

"I have no idea"

We follow him as we should and then he opens the hangar where one of the Navy's airplanes is stored. But when he opens the hanger, it does not look like a hanger anymore.

The entire place is made up of the colors that our wedding would have been. There are tables all over the place and the people are all dressed in formal wear. The music is playing in the background. I look around and see that these people are my teammates and other teams that I worked with before.

Then we see John and Nita coming up to us.

"You guys are late"


I am completely flustered. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this would happen. They have made up this entire place to look like our wedding venue and most of the guests are here too.

I stand with my mouth wide open and then I look at Nick who is smiling at me.

"Did you do this?!"

"No, I did not!"

Both of us look at the two people standing in front of us and then we realized it was their doing.

"But how?"

John smiles at us and then he says.

"There are lots of perks when you have access to the Navy's helicopters"

"Oh my god!"

I can not believe that my dream has actually come true.

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