My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 113 - Ready, Steady...Go?


I stand in shock looking at everything in front of me because I can not believe this is actually happening to me. I knew that I was close to Nita but I never thought in a million years that she would do something like this. But then again I think it is maybe a bit more the doing of John.

I know that he and Nick are very close and every man on this base has great respect for Nick. Then suddenly I feel Nita taking my hand and then she says.

"Come on, girl! We have lots to do"

I watch as John puts his arm around Nick's shoulder and then he leads him in a different direction. I have no idea what is going on but I keep on staring at Nick not sure what is going on. I can, of course, not hide the grin on my face as they take me into the office of the Admiral.

Nita opens the door with a big grin on her face and then I see my mother. I can not help it as I say.

"How did this happen?"

I give her a hug and I can see that she is even smiling bigger than I do. Then she pulls away from me and says.

"Honey, you have some great friends. Come let's get you ready"

Then she turns around and walks towards a bag hanging on one of the closets. I soon realized that this is a wedding dress as she zips it down it reveals the exact address that I wanted to get married in. I can not stop the tears from falling down my cheeks and then I say.

"But how? How?!"

I walk closer her and to touch the dress just to make sure that it is not in my imagination. Then my mother says.

"Honey, they had another one at the bridal shop and I know how much you liked it"

"Mom, this is perfect! This was the only thing that I was sad about and now I can have my perfect dream wedding. How can I ever thank you, guys?"

Nita puts her hand on my shoulder and then she says.

"You can thank us by getting married today"

We all laugh and then I say.

"I do not think that would be a problem. Let's get ready"


I am speechless at what is happening around me. Then I feel John's arm around my shoulder and I see Kim walking away with Nita. I see her staring at me and I can only smile while waving goodbye to her.

I look at John and say.

"Where are we going?"

"Well, you going to get married now so you should probably have a tux"

"Yeah, but mine got destroyed in the venue"

I hear John laugh and then he says.

"If a small thing like changing a venue cannot get in my way then a tux should not be a problem"

I am still in disbelief of what is happening and then I look at him with much appreciation in my eyes.

"How did you do this? And most importantly, why?"

We stop dead in our tracks and then he takes me by both my arms.

"Master Chief, sir. You have not just been a mentor to me throughout my entire career but you have become a very close friend to me. I have seen you go through many things in your life and you have handled everything with honor. You have offered yourself up to so many people and you have helped me out of my deepest darkest moments. I guess this is my way of thanking you for everything you have done throughout my life"

I am a manly man and I know that I should not show the emotion that I feel in my heart through my eyes but I am sure I can show it through a hug. I pull him in tight for a hug making sure that he knows how much this means to me.

"Thank you, John, I know that this means the world to Kim and definitely to me"

"It is no problem, sir"

We start to walk towards what looks like another room and then I say to him.

"...and John"


"Please call me, Nick. I am not Master Chief anymore"

"I know, sir but I will always respect you"

I can not believe what a best friend I have chosen. I will always be there for John no matter what he finds himself in. Finally, we get to the door and as he opens the door I see my mother waiting for me.

"Mom? You made it?"

She pulls me in for a hug but she looks at John and then she says.

"He's very persuasive, this one"

I pull away from her hug and then I say while looking at him.

"I guess he always gets what he wants"

We laugh and then I see something hanging on the back of the door. I gestured towards it and then I say.

"What is this?"

Suddenly I see my mother wiping away a tear from her eye well she walks to the black bag. She unzips it and then it reveals a uniform. She hands it to me and then she says.

"Honey, I never saw you leaving for the Navy and I was not even aware that you were in it. This uniform belongs to your grandpa. You never knew it but he was a Navy Seal just like you"

I do not believe what my ears are hearing. My grandpa was a Navy Seal. I never knew my grandparents because my dad didn't want us to visit them at all. I realize now why he never wanted it because my grandpa would probably have noticed if something was wrong.

I remember my mom would leave sometimes and I guess she probably went to visit them. I think I saw him once when I was very little. I take the uniform in my hands and feel the material.

"I know you never knew your grandpa but I know that he would be so proud of you becoming a Navy Seal and this would be a great honor if you wore it on your wedding day"

I take a closer look at his uniform and I realized that he has a lot of badges. He has the greatest honors that you can receive in the Navy and it is clear that he was a leader just like me.

"Mom, I do not know if I can wear this? I do not know if I would do it justice?"

My mom does not even give me a chance to finish my sentence when she says.

"Oh, honey you deserve this over and over again. You can see by your men that are surrounding you that you are a great leader. They respect you and they would do anything you ask of them. I want you to wear this on your wedding day"

I look over to John and I can see him nod as if he agrees with my mom.

"Sir, if anyone should wear this, it should be you. No one is more deserving than you"

I do not know how to control this feeling that I feel inside my heart. I have my mom talking to me about the great leader that I am like my grandpa and I have my best friend telling me how I deserve it. It is just too much for me to bear as a tear escapes my eyes. I quickly wipe it away and then I smile saying.

"It would be such a great honor to wear this today. Thank you so much for this"

My mom pulls me in for another hug and then she quickly turns around because she doesn't want to show me the tears in her eyes. I know now where I get that notion to hide my emotions. She quickly leaves the room and then I take the uniform.

I can not believe that I can put this on today for my wedding. Then John interrupts my thoughts and says.

"Let's get you ready. I'm sure your bride can not wait to see you"


Some of the nurses that were working with me on deployment including Tracy are also now in my room. One is doing my hair and the other does my makeup. They even have a bottle of champagne there and it feels like a real preparation for a wedding.

I can not seem to stop smiling because I'm going to get married at the place where we met with the people that we love. Finally, my dress is on my hair is ready, and my makeup. I look at Nita and I see how beautiful she looks in the dress we picked out for her.

Then my mom walks in and says.

"It is time, honey. Are you ready?"

"I have never been more ready"

"Good, let's go"

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