My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 115 - Respect And Love


They say that everything happens for a reason. I never really believed that until this very moment. I thought that planning my wedding and getting the perfect venue with the perfect cake was the way to have a wedding. But never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would have a wedding like this and it could be better.

I have met the love of my life and right now at this moment, all I see is him. I do not see my dress or the cake or the people. My eyes can only focus on his because I can see the love that he has for me through his eyes. He has been nothing but good to me ever since I met him.

I feel the excitement inside my heart because I can not believe that he is going to be mine forever. I can not believe that I have the privilege to make him happy to be his wife. I listen as the Admiral say those famous words, for better or worse till death do us part...

I realize that we have already stick together through better and worse and now all we are waiting for is the death part. There is nothing in me that wants to leave him. I have no desire for any other man. I have seen him at his weakest and at his strongest.

I know that there is no other man for me except him. I am so ready to start my life with him and maybe even have children that I can help to grow to be like their father. If there were more men like him in the world, the world would be a better place.

Then finally my part comes.

"Do you, Kim McPherson, take Nick Roberts, to be your lawful wedded husband?"

I smile through my tears as I say.

"I definitely do"

I can see the happiness on his face as if he was wondering what I am going to say. I will make it my life mission that he never has to wonder what my answer would be. I want him to know that it will always be him.


Life has dealt me a lot of tragedy and heartache. I have been through a horrible childhood and my father never really showed me how to be a man or a husband. Everything I learned, I learned from the Admiral. He is like a father to me.

I feel so privileged to stand here and let him ordain our marriage. I never had a thought of what I wanted for our wedding day but if there was something this is it. I wanted to be surrounded by the people that love us and I wanted the Admiral to be there.

The happiness that I feel in my heart I have never experienced before. I knew that when I looked at this woman in front of me the first time she is going to change my life. But I never thought it would change so radically. Everything that I knew to be true she came and turned it upside down.

Suddenly I can believe in the butterflies that fly in the springtime. Suddenly the sun looks so much brighter. Suddenly I see the light at the end of the tunnel and right now I am in the light. The tunnel that was once dark has now turned into a bright light.

There is nothing that can change my mind about marrying this woman. I have no desire for any other woman except her. I want to make her mine forever and I do not want to leave her side for a second. She has shown me what it means to be in love.

"...and Nick Roberts, do you take Kim McPherson, to be your lawful wedded wife?"

I take a moment and just look into her eyes so that she can see that what I am about to say is not just words but a promise. I want her to know that it's coming straight from my heart.

"I do forever"

Everyone applauds us and then the Admiral smile when he says.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

I have been waiting for this moment ever since she walked through those hangar doors. She does not just have my heart but she has my entire being. It is as if I am a slave to everything she is. I take her by the waist and pull her into me.

I gently put my lips against hers and then I make sure that she feels my passion as I almost devour her. I hear the crowd screaming at the kiss that I give her. I need every man in this room to know that she is mine forever.


As he kisses me I feel my knees literally going weak. He has given me a lot of kisses but this one is the best of all his kisses. He knows exactly how to touch my body to react to what he wants to do. I soon realized that our honeymoon will be more than just steamy.

As we pull away from the kiss and try to get out of whatever bubble we create around us, I see the people cheering and smiling. Our moms are naturally in tears and my dad is not far behind. Everyone looks truly happy for us.

Then we make our way down the aisle hand in hand as they throw us with rice. But when they open the hangar doors I see something that almost brings me to tears immediately.


I feel this beautiful woman's hand in mine and as we walk down the aisle, I see every teammate happy for me. But then suddenly I do not see John. I start to wonder where he could be. Then as the hangar doors open, I almost can not believe this.

I see the arch of swords. John is the first soldier in uniform that is holding up a sword for us to walk through. This is a great honor and my heart is overflowing with joy. I realize how much respect these men have for me and I will be their friends for life.

I swear, I see John with a tear running down his cheek but keeping his stature. I look at Kim and I see her eyes are filled with tears but she smiles at me. Then she kisses me on my cheek and says in my ear.

"This is for you Nick. You deserve every second of this. I love you"

I do not know how to put my one foot in front of the other because the honor is too great. As we start to walk through it, we hear the rest of the teammates shouting our battle cry that we always say before we enter a battle.


I struggle to fight the tears from falling and even struggle to just sit on the ground taking in everything. Finally, as we get to the end of the arch, I have no choice but leave my wife's hand and give every soldier a hug.

I am not a man of affection towards other men but this deserves my affection. I have to thank each and every one personally because they have given me such great respect. As I finally get to John, I have no words left. I put my hand on his shoulder and just stare at the ground.

"I do not know what to say to you. I have no words to express how much you mean to me"

He pulls me in for a hug and then he says.

"Sir, this is just a fraction of what you mean to us. You do not have to thank us because you have already done it many times before by just being with us"

"Fuck, John..."

He pats me on my back and my heart is completely filled.


I watch as Nick leaves my hand. I knew that he would not be able to take it any longer because I felt him shaking as we walked through the arch. I knew that this was something he never expected and that he definitely deserved.

I see him walking from man to man giving them hugs and I realize how important they are to him. I will definitely make sure that he sees them on a regular basis. It is clear to me that they have much respect for him and I know how they feel.

Then I feel my mother standing next to me. She has tears in her eyes and then she says.

"Honey, tell me, are you happy?"

I can not help as I pull her in for a hug and then I say, holding her very tight.

"Mom, this is the best wedding I could have ever asked for. Thank you"

"Oh honey, you deserve every last bit"

Nick starts to walk my way and he also gives my mother a hug. Then suddenly a limo appears. I am shocked and I look at Nick.

"What is this?"

He smiles and takes my hand.

"My wife, it is time for our honeymoon. Did you say your goodbyes?"

I can not believe that he has actually organized something like this. I never thought that I would ride in a limo and then I see the boot of the limo opening.. Nita then quickly put some bags in the back and I know she had something to do with this.

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