I watch as Nita puts our bags in the boot of the limo. I walk to her and she has the biggest grin on her face.

"What is all this?"

"Sweetie, you deserve the best. Go and have fun with your husband"

I pull her in for a hug and I say to her.

"Thank you for every little thing that you did. You mean the world to me"

Then she hands me a bag and says.

"You have five minutes to get dressed"

I am almost shocked at what she is saying but I run like a little girl that just got a toy. I close the door behind me and quickly take off my wedding dress. I feel the happiness in my heart and I can not believe I have such a great day.

Then we make our way into the limo while everyone claps and cheers. We make sure to say to everyone thank you for what they did. As we drive away and we can not see the crowd anymore, we turn to each other.

I can not stop myself from giving Nick another kiss and then I say to him.

"You know, you are my husband now and you can never get out of this again?"

He smiles as he says.

"But my wife, I have no desire to get out of this"

He says the perfect words and then he kisses me on my lips. But then there is a burning question in my mind.

"Where are we going?"

"To our honeymoon"

"Yes, I know that but where?"

"You just going to have to wait and see"

"No, no, no. You are not going to do that to me. You are going to fess up about where we are going"

He only smiles and then looks deep into my eyes when he says.

"...and what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about the fact that I am not going to tell you?"

"I am going to make you pay"

I hear him laugh as if I have said something very funny.

"...and what are you going to do to me to make me pay?"

"I am going to tickle you"

He bursts out laughing while holding his stomach.

"Do you really think that you going to keep me down with those flimsy little arms of yours?"

I lift my eyebrow with full confidence and then I say.

"You underestimate me?"

"I think I have a lot of evidence to back me up"

"I see that you are very proud of what you have to say but you have forgotten about one little thing"

"...and what is that?"

"You still have broken ribs and I am a doctor..."


I am enjoying this little game we are playing but then she reminded me about my ribs and I realize I am at a disadvantage. She probably knows exactly where to poke me to get the most out of me.

I hold up my hands in surrender and then I say.

"Okay, you got me on that one. Please have mercy on me"

I see her enjoying the power that I have given her. Then she says.

"I will show you mercy if you tell me where we are going"

I can but only smile at her attempt to blackmail me. Then I say to her.

"I am sorry but you will not get that from me"

"Oh, come on!"

I put my lips against hers and then we arrive at the airport.

"Come on, we are going to be late"

" did this on purpose?!"


I see him smiling at me while he opens the door. I can not believe that I played right into his plan. I can but only smile back at him because for a moment I forgot that I was dealing with a Navy Seal. As we get out of the car, we take our bags to a specific ticket counter.

I am busy trying to figure out with a hundred miles an hour, where we are going. I realize that we must be going to another country as we are not at the domestic part of the airport. I can feel his hand in mine and he is holding me tight.

When I look at him I see the happiness radiating from him. I am so glad that I can make my husband this happy. Then as we get in front of the queue. I hear the lady behind the counter said.

"Please enjoy your flight with us to the Maldives"

I turn to look at him and say.

"What?! We are going to the Maldives?!"

I jump on him and he almost falls to the ground as he grabs me. He starts to laugh and I kiss his face all over.

"How did you know I wanted to go there?!"

I do not give him a chance to talk and I say.

"It must be my mother?! Nick, I am so happy!"


I knew that she would be happy to go to the Maldives but never did I think she will be this happy. I can see the inner child in her and that is the kind of happiness I want to give her all her life. I want that pure happiness.

"Do you like it?!"

"Do I like it?! I love it!! You are the best!!"

I smile as she finally gets off me and we start to walk towards the boarding gate. I am going to make sure to have a lot of fun on this honeymoon and when I am talking about fun, I do not just mean riding the waves or laying on the beach, I mean exploring her body.

Finally, we get on the plane and we start our trip to our honeymoon. Sometimes she would fall asleep and sometimes I would but most of the time we can not stop staring at each other. I think we are both in unbelief about how we just got married today.

We make our landing and soon we are met with a van that takes us to our hotel. Then when we reach the hotel the staff meets us with a beautiful flower necklace.


It feels as if I am in paradise as they put the flower necklace around our necks. I am still in awe about how Nick has organized all of this and I never thought he was such a romantic. As we enter the hotel I realized that we're not getting a room in the hotel but rather walking through the hotel.

Then, to my surprise, I see the beautiful ocean and the white sands appearing before our eyes. But that is not the thing that captures my attention as we start to walk onto a long deck leading us to our bungalow on the sea. I am in complete shock and then I turn to look at Nick who is clearly staring at me.

"What the hell, Nick? You did all this?"

"Yes, I wanted you to have the time of your life"

We stop right in the middle of the deck and then I say to him.

"But Nick, I would have had the time of my life with you in my apartment back home. You really didn't have to do all this"

Then I feel his hands on my arms and I see that serious look on his face.

"Doc, do you not understand the feelings that I have for you? I want to give the world to you"

Then he pulls me in for a kiss that is almost as good as the one in front of the altar. He pulls me in close to his side and then we follow the lady that shows us to our bungalow. As she opens the doors for us I see how many good times we're going to have here.

She walks straight through the living room to the balcony that is situated on the ocean. We see the beautiful blue-green ocean stretched out before us and I can hear how the waves crash in the far distance.

Then she leaves us as Nick gives her a tip. I just stand on the balcony still in awe about what is happening. Then I feel his hand around my waist and I quickly put my hand on his.

"Are you happy?"

"I am beyond the word happy. How can I ever thank you for this?"

"I think you being my wife is enough"

He gives me another kiss and then I feel complete with him in my arms just staring over the ocean.


I hold my beautiful wife in my arms and then I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I take it out and I see I have a text message from Marks. I excuse myself and go into the bathroom. I open my message and it reads.

"Sorry, to bother you on your honeymoon but I thought you might want to know.. It was a homemade petrol bomb that set off the fire. I will keep you up-to-date"

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