My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 119 - My Husband Forever


My eyes can not believe what it is reading. I read it again making sure that I'm not reading it wrongly. I try to understand what is happening and I can not believe that it is happening. I'm so sure that my dad was healthy, how could I have missed that.

I feel myself freezing again. It is as if everything around me stops. Then I hear Nick's voice in the distance.

"Kim is everything okay?"

"I am..."


I watch Kim reading her text message that she got and then to my surprise her face starts to lose all color. She just stares at her phone without moving. I touch her hand and I ask her if she's okay. It is clear that he wants to tell me something but it doesn't seem like she can get the words out.

She doesn't look like the happy Kim, I just had a few seconds ago. I quickly take the phone out of her hand and read the message.

"Oh god...Kim"

I know that this must be horrible for her. I quickly pull her in for a hug and I do not feel her hugging me back but nevertheless, I say to her.

"I'm so sorry"

She does not say anything back and then I quickly call the hotel to book us the next flight out then I stand up and start to pack. I know that she's in severe shock and she's just sitting on the bed. I quickly bend down before her and say.

"Doc, we need to get you dressed. Can you get up for me?"

As she looks into my eyes, I realized that she has been crying. It was clearly a quiet cry because otherwise, I would have known. I pull her in for another hug and then I say.

"I am so so sorry, doc"


I am aware of everything that Nick is doing and I appreciate it. He knows that I want to go and see my dad and he gives me the love and care that I need. This time I hug him back as I kind of recover after shock.

No girl wants to hear that her dad might die. The one she was looking up to her entire life. The one that was the safety and sometimes even her friend. In my case, he is my friend and he is my pillar of strength. He is the perfect dad.

"Oh, Nick...Why did this happen?"

"I do not know but I think you will feel better if you are by his side?"

Suddenly, I'm realizing what is happening we are leaving the perfect honeymoon. I'm going back home. Nick has put in so much effort and now it's going to be destroyed.

"Nick, we can not just leave like this"

He takes away the hair from my face and then he put his hands on my face to look into his eyes.

"Doc, I promise you, we will have this again but right now your dad needs you more"

I just nod my head because the tears have been streaming down my cheeks. He helps me from the bed and I quickly get dressed. I do not care how I look like as the only thing I can think about now is my dad.


I can see that she is walking around like someone in her sleep. She is just doing everything I am asking her to do like someone without a mind. I run around the room making sure that we have everything and soon, room service let us know that our flight is booked.

I take our suitcases in the one hand and the other, I keep around her waist. There is no way that I am leaving her for a second, from this moment she is glued to my side. We walk down the deck and I greet the ocean with my eyes. I've had some wonderful moments here and I will never forget them.

Soon we are in a van on our way to the airport. Then it is as if she gets one moment of soberness and she turns to me with worried eyes.

"But Nick, our honeymoon?"

I put a lock of hair behind her ear and I say with the most gentle voice to her.

"Doc, we will come back. I promise you. We will do this again"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

Then she continues to just stare out in front of her. I realize that she has nothing to say because if she does the tears might never stop from falling. I do not completely understand what she goes through. Maybe if it was my mother but a father was never important to me.

We take the long flight back to her hometown and she would sleep but wake up in tears. That is how it's going the entire flight. As soon as we land we get a taxi to take us to the hospital. We haven't even stopped in front of the doors when Kim jumps out of the taxi.

She starts to run but then stops in the middle, looking back at me with a question in her eyes. I know what she wants to ask and then I say.

"Go! Go, I will be fine! I will see you there"

"Thank you. I love you"

I take out the suitcases and pay for the taxi. I take a deep breath watching the taxi leaving the hospital and then I turn around to find the room of Mr. McPherson.


I know this hospital very well. It is here where my love to be a doctor began. I used to come here in the summer to help where I could with the patients. All the nurses and the doctors know me and I enjoyed every moment of it. This hospital always had good memories for me.

But today is much different from those days. Today it brings me deep sorrow. I do not want to lose my dad. I'm not ready to say goodbye to him yet. I need him to see his grandchildren. I need him to still be my pillar of strength.

I know that I have found Nick but no one will ever take my dad's place. As I run through the hospital everyone greets me but I do not have time. I do not have the energy to greet them back. All I know is I need to find my dad's room.

I know where the cardiothoracic wing is and I make my way there as quick as I can. But just as I get to the doors of the wing I stop. I do not know what I would find when I open these doors and I start to wonder if I would be able to handle it.

I have had so many patients in my life but never have I been on the other side. I remember how nervous I felt when I was busy with Nick when he got injured. I remember how that almost killed me. I take a deep breath and then I open the doors.

As luck would have it, I see my mother sitting outside her room with her head in her hands. That is not what I wanted to see. I would not be able to handle my mother crying because she is the one that I look up to for strength. If she breaks, I will break.

But I force myself to walk towards her and then she sees me. She stands up and run-walk towards me. I do the same and we collide in a hug.

"I am so glad you are here, honey"

"How is dad doing?"

She looks to the ground and then she says.

"He is not doing so well"

That is not the words I wanted to hear. I didn't want to hear that he wasn't doing well. I wanted to hear that he's doing so much better than the last time we spoke. But now, I have to face this reality that I do not want to.

"Where is Nick?"

"He is coming. Can we see him?"

"Yes, of course, honey"

I realize that I do not really want to see him because I might break when I see him weak. I remember on the ranch how he would always appear like the strongest man in the world. He would pick up the wood and the bales like it were nothing.

I slowly walk towards the door and I try to have a pep talk with myself. You are a god, damn doctor. Pull yourself together, you can do this. I take another deep breath and then suddenly I feel someone's hand in my hand. I turn to look at the person and of course, it is my husband.

"I am here, I'm not going anywhere. We can do this together"

I feel a deep love for him in my heart and I am so ready for him to be my husband for the rest of my life.. Then I open the door.

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