The picture that is appearing before my eyes are something that I really do not want to see. I do not want to see him so weak. There are tubes coming out of his arms and out of his chest. I know the meaning of each and every tube but I do not want to know it now.

I hold on tight to Nick's hand and I know that he is here for me. I feel my knees growing weak. My body is reacting to what I am seeing. The deep sorrow is filling my heart. Sadness is indescribable as I step closer to him.

I can see that he is struggling to breathe. I leave Nick's hand as I take a seat next to my dad. Then I put my hand in my dad's hand just staring at his face.

"Dad, can you hear me?"


"You do not have to speak. Just rest and know that I am hereby your side"

I quickly look at Nick because panic is overtaking me. I need to look at my other pillar of strength because I know that the one I've trusted for almost my entire life, is now sinking away.

I watch Nick as he walks closer to me and then puts a hand on my shoulder. I know that there is nothing that he can say that will make me feel better but he knows that his touch is enough for me. He knows that he just needs to be here to make me know that he is here.

"I'm going to get you a coffee. You stay here"

"Thank you, Nick"

I watch as he leaves the room and then my eyes go back to my dad lying in this bed looking defeated. I can not stop the tears from falling from my eyes as I know this will be something that happens regularly during this time.

I put his hand against my cheek as I lay my head down on the bed. I just want to be here. I just want to see him. I just want to know that he is here. Then a thought shoots through my head.

I quickly stand up and look at his chart. I'm not very familiar with cardio conditions but I remember someone that I have become sort of a friend with that is very good with cardio patients. Actually, she wrote a book on how to never give up on a bad heart. I realized that I have to ask for another opinion and do everything in my might to see if I can get my dad to live.

I take out my phone and quickly send a text.

"I know you haven't heard from me in a very long time but I could really use your help. Please let me know if I can give you a call. I will really appreciate it"

Then I take my place next to my dad again as I do not want to be anywhere else.


I will get out of the room where my wife's dad is lying on what looks like his deathbed. I am not a doctor and I do not know in what condition he is but when I look at him, I realize he's not looking very good. I feel so hopeless.

I am used to having a solution to every problem because I couldn't afford not to have a solution. If I didn't have a solution I would die but now it is a different story. This time I have to put my trust in the doctors and hope that they would get a solution.

I try to find the closest coffee machine that I can get. We have had a long flight and we are both very exhausted. I quickly get each of us a coffee including her mother because I know that she probably hasn't eaten or drank anything either.

Then, just when I am about to take the coffee, I hear a text coming through. I quickly open my phone and read.

"Just wanted to give you an update. There is only one place that this glass is sold and we are now getting a warrant to get the CCTV footage from across the street. We should be able to figure out who the suspects are and then we will interrogate"

I feel so grateful that Detective Marks is working so hard on a case that he doesn't even get paid for. I quickly send him a text back.

"I do not know how to thank you but I do know that I will be owing you a lot. Just thank you again"

I close my phone and put it in my pocket. I really want to know who the person is that set the venue on fire. I have this burning thought in my mind that I do not want to acknowledge. I have some suspects that I think would do it but I can not believe that they would.

I do not even want to say their names as I am afraid it is the truth but if it is the truth, I will make them pay. I have to once again get myself under control because just thinking that someone would do something like that makes me very angry.

As I start to make my way back to the room, I see someone that I thought I'll never see again. They say that speak of the devil and he shall appear, I guess in my case it is the truth. She is hugging Kim's mother and I can only hope that this is going to be peaceful. Then I say.


"Oh...hi...I just want to say-"

"Please don't do this now. Let's just focus on your dad"

"Yeah, okay"

I give Kim's mom a coffee and then she takes me by my arm to speak to me in private. She almost whispers as she says.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that Angie would come. I sent her a text just like Kim but I never thought she would-"

I do not give her a chance to finish her sentence and then I say to her.

"It is okay, this is not about us now. I will keep the peace"

She gives me a hug and smiles while a tear falls down her cheek. I know that this is a very difficult time for her and I do not want to put extra pressure on her. I look at Angie and then I disappear into the room where Kim is.

I realize that if she knows that Angie's here, she might be very mad. I think I should be the one that tells her that she is here. I think that she needs to keep the peace for now. She looks at me as I come into the room and then I hand her the coffee.

"You are a god sent"

"That's what I'm here for"

She kisses me on my cheek as I take a seat next to her and then I take a deep breath when I say.

"Kim, Angie is outside"

I am ready to stop her from storming out and doing something to Angie but then, to my surprise, she says.

"Oh, okay"


I know that I am supposed to be mad at Angie but right now, this very second, it is more important for me to be here with my dad. I do not have time to think about Angie or how angry I am with her. I do not want to waste the little energy that I have left on her.

I can see that Nick is completely flabbergasted by my response but then he smiles and say to me.

"You are perfect, do you know that?"

I can but only smile at his words because I do not have any energy left to do anything else but sit here. Then he put his hand on my back rubbing it. I enjoy his touch as we just sit and drink our coffee. Then I get a text. I open and read it.

"Long time no hear. What is it that you need my help with? You can call me if you like"

I stand up and say to Nick.

"I have to go and make a call. Are you coming with me?"

"Sure, only if you want me to?"

"I want you to"

He takes my hand and smiles at me while we make our way out of the room. Then my eyes see Angie but I look quickly back to my mother and say.

"I'm just going to make a call, I will be right back"

"Okay, honey"

Then I watch as my mother and Angie make their way into the room. I am sort of happy that she's here because I know my dad would like to see her. She is their flesh and blood after all. I can see in her eyes that she looks humble but she has looked like that before.

Then Nick takes a seat and I make my call.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Dr. McPherson. How have you been?"

"I would lie if I would say that I am well, I am really in need of your help, Mikayla"

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