I listen to everything that Nick is telling me about Angie. I want to believe what he is saying and that Angie is innocent in this entire thing. I would hate to know that my sister that I knew all my life is the one that destroyed my happiness. Of course, she did try one time but I hope she has learned her lesson after I dragged her down the hallway.

I decided that maybe I should have a talk with Angie myself and then find out if she is innocent or not. I decide to kiss Nick one more time and then I say to him.

"I appreciate everything that you did for me. I did not even know that you were looking after me. I love you with my entire heart"


I feel so relieved now that I know that Kim is not mad at me. For a moment I wondered whether she would have wanted me to tell her from the very beginning. But I guess a kiss speaks more than words. I know now that she loves me and that she trusts me.

"I love you too"

Then we stand up and get ready to go back to her dad. It feels good now that I do not have to keep the secret from her any longer. She put on her clothes and she looks perfect in everything she wears. It is as if I am on my honeymoon again.

I just can not take my hands off her. We get into the car and make our way to the hospital. As you walk through the doors at the cardiovascular wing, we see her mother is sitting at the door.

"Hi, honey"

"How is dad doing?"

"Oh, he is doing very well. He is still a bit drowsy but Dr. Stone said he will be just fine"

"That is great news mom. Can I see him?"

"Well, Angie is in there but you can go if you want"

I first need to speak to Angie before I can have a normal attitude around her. I just need to know whether she was part of the burning of the venue.

"I will just wait for her to finish"

We take a seat next to my mom and poor Nick is on the job again of getting us some coffee. I appreciate this man with every fiber in my being.


I walk to get everyone a coffee and then I see a text coming through on my phone. It is from Detective Marks.

"We got hold of Mr. Jacobson right after you send us the text. He admitted to everything and he is looking at some jail time. Thank you for ending this case so quickly for us"

I sent him a text back.

"I must be the one that is thanking you. You really went out on the limb for me. I know I have said this a few times but this time, I really mean it. Please let me know if you need anything"

I put my phone back in my pocket and then suddenly I realized something. What am I going to do now that I am not in the Navy Seals anymore? I try to think back in my younger days about what I wanted to become but it just always seems like the next logical step for me was to become a Navy Seal.

I guess in some ways I am more than my grandfather than what I thought. I wish I could have known him. I can feel a slight panic starting to take its place in my heart. I need some sort of income and we can not live from Kim's salary forever.

I have to bring my part into this relationship. I have a little bit of money that I earned through being a Navy Seal but that would not last us so long. I need to think of something and I need to think of it quickly.

Then I get another text from Marks.

"Then I would definitely have to make use of that offer. Have a nice one"

I smile to think how I have made friends with someone in the most unusual circumstances. Then I get back to the room and I see Kim and Angie sitting together in the little lounge. I decide to go to sit next to my mother-in-law. I see that she has a smile on her face. As I take my seat I say to her.

"Am I missing something?"

"Oh no, I was just thinking how great it would be if they could be sisters again. I am sorry but I am always optimistic. My husband always tells me that I should see the bad in life but I struggle to see it"

I can see how she looks at them and that she has deep feelings for them. It must be horrifying for a parent to see their children fighting. I just nod my head as I know that this is not the place for me to agree or disagree.


I watch Nick leave for the coffee and just then Angie gets out of the room. I want to talk with her but I do not know how to approach her. Then she does something I never thought she would. She takes a seat right next to me.

Conveniently, my mother stands up and walks back into my father's room. She probably wants us to talk to each other. So, I turn to her and say.

"Can we talk?"



Let's talk over here"

She nods her head and then she follows me. I walk nervously to the lounge because I do not want to fight anymore. I do not know how Angie is feeling or if she is just going to play me again. We take a seat next to each other and then I turn myself to her.

"So, I guess you know about the John burning down our venue thing?"

"Yes and I am very sorry about it"

I can see real remorse on her face but then again I was fooled once.

"Listen, I do not know if we will ever be seeing eye to eye again. The fact is that you had an affair with my ex-boyfriend while we were together. The fact is that you tried to break up Nick and I. The fact is that you never really liked me and I am okay with all of that. I just want one honest answer"

I could see her face changing to someone that is really sorry when I told her all the facts. She did not disagree with anything that I had to say because it does not help we try to say something different that is not the truth.

"Okay, I can do that"

"Just tell me one thing. Were you part of burning down our wedding venue?"

I have not even finished my sentence when she says.

"No. I had nothing to do with that. I know that there is nothing that I can say that will convince you but I was not aware of what he was going to do. If I was aware I would have tried to stop him or tell you. That is my honest answer"

I guess I can go on and on and try to analyze whether she is telling me the truth or not but, quite frankly, I am just tired of this fighting. I loved having a sister and I wish that I can have it again. I know that it is going to take some time before we can be familiar again or in this case normal for the first time without any lies.

I am just so exhausted. Not just mentally but physically too. It feels like I can sleep forever. So, I turn to her and say.

"Okay. Thank you for your honest answer"

I watch Nick coming back with the coffees and then I want to stand up but I am stopped by her hand on my arm.

"Listen, Kim, I know that you probably not going to believe me but this whole thing with dad really made me think. I am sorry that I treated you the way that I did. It was a childish thing for me to do and I just wanted you to know it"

I can not stop myself from smiling and then I say to her.

"I am happy that you said that. Now let's go back to them, I think Nick also got you a cup of coffee. He is not that cold hearted you know"

We smile as we walk back to my mother and then I see my mother's face lit up. This is what she was looking for all along. My heart feels happy because she is happy.

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