We spend a few days at the hospital in and out. Nick and I have decided to stay at the ranch for a little while longer until my dad is able to do his duties. Nick started to help out around the ranch and he has been doing a good job.

Angie and Nick have become somewhat of friends because Angie had to show him what to do around the ranch. I would stay inside the house and help my mother with her duties and making food. We would then go to my dad in the hospital and visit him every so often.

Finally, he has been discharged and is slowly recovering at home. It feels good to see Nick without his shirt working the fields every day. Sometimes it would feel like we are an old married couple as I would go out and bring him his food and kiss him goodbye to go to work. But the nights are different than the days.

The nights are always explosive. It is as if we enjoy each bodies as if we will never see it again. I have made sounds that I didn't know I could and he doesn't seem to be able to keep his hands off me.

We know that we should start our life soon but Nick and I have decided that we will not go until my father is able to do what he has always been doing. Rumors are spread through the city that I am available again and I have received a few offers from different hospitals.

We will be moving back to the city as soon as we have helped my family here. We have also decided that we will buy our own apartment and I will sell my old one. We want to start a life together in a new place without any memories.

Today is it typical day at the ranch. Nick has been out on the fields before the sun even shows its head. I, on the other hand, enjoy sleeping late and it just doesn't seem like I'm ever going to recover from being tired all the time. I will be helping my mother making jam today. She wants to join the annual market and have her own little shop to join them.


I have been working nonstop on the ranch. I never thought that I would become someone that milk the cows and shave the sheep but it has somehow brought me some peace. I do not have any nightmares about what I went through anymore. It is as if I get therapy without realizing it.

I am a happy man and I couldn't say that just a few months ago. Then, as I am busy putting the horses back in the stalls, I get a text message from Detective Marks.

"Hope you are doing well? Today I come knocking on your door. Madison's nephew wants to join the Navy Seals but I am not convinced that he would qualify. Is there any way that you can maybe just evaluate him and see if he got what it takes?"

I never thought the day would come that he would ask something of me. So, without thinking, I reply.

"It would be an honor to help you for once. I am stuck in this town for a while but if you could somehow send him my way. It would only be my pleasure to see if he has what it takes?"

I do not wait for too long and then he texts me back.

"Done. Can I have him there by tomorrow?"

I am almost shocked by how quickly he wants me to see if Madison's nephew got what it takes. I guess I can do it tomorrow.

"Okay. I will send you the address"

I put away my phone and I start to think about my career as a Navy Seal. I remember that I really enjoyed being one. I would lie if I say that I do not miss it. It is going to be fun to find out if this nephew has what it takes.

I know that the Navy Seals have a very high standard of who they allow in. I also remember how I had to jump through thousands of hoops before I even got to be acknowledged and that did not mean that I even got in.

They are very strict and very tough on their evaluations. I can truly say that not anyone will become a Navy Seal. Then I see Kim driving up with the truck. This is the best part of my day. She gets out of the truck and she has this beautiful long white dress on.

It is still hot in the afternoons but it becomes chilly at night. The winter is slowly working its way into this town. Then she takes out the basket and I know that we will have our daily picnic. As she walks towards me I remember how I explored her body last night and now I can only see her.

"Howdy, cowboy! Have you perhaps seen a Navy Seal around here somewhere and a hungry one at that?"

I love the way that she has completely blossomed in this little while that we have been helping around the ranch. Every day still feels like our honeymoon and I will never get tired of this. I quickly walk towards her and pick her up while spinning her around.

Then I kiss her passionately and say with a smile on my face while resting my forehead on hers.

"You know that mouth of yours will get you into trouble one day"

She lifts her eyebrow and says.

"And how will it get me into trouble?"

"Let's just say that we will spend the entire day in the bedroom and never leave it"

I hear her laugh as we hold hands and walk to a nice green spot of grass. We take out the blanket and sit on it while she hands me a sandwich. We eat and chat and talk about everything I did today and what she did. We laugh about how crazy her parents are and then I tell her about Marks.

"Well, that is going to be interesting don't you think? Are you looking forward to it?"

"If I am being honest, I would say I am very excited about it. It would be a nice change of scenery"

I gestured towards the cows and the horses and the sheep. Then we laugh together and soon we separate our ways. I kiss her again as if there is no tomorrow and then I whisper in her ear.

"That white dress really did it for me and tonight you will see how much it did for me..."

She laughs as she seductively looks back at me while walking to the truck.

"You are just going to have to first finish up the work here...cowboy"

My heart is full and I am beyond the word happy. I finish up with all my duties and then go for dinner at the main house. It is good to see everyone back at the house her dad and mom even Angie. We have come to an understanding that we will just work together and then maybe slowly become friends.

Early the next morning as I am just about to go and do my duties for the morning, a car pulls up. I stop in my tracks as I watch a young man steps out of the car. He walks right up to me and then salutes me.

"Master Chief, sir!"

"At ease, young man. I guess you are Madison's nephew?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Do you have a name?"

"Yes sir, I am Andrew Benedict, sir"

"Well, Andrew. Are you ready to do exactly what I say?"

"Yes, sir!"

It feels good to be respected in this way again. I look the young man up and down and he has all the formalities right but the question is can he do the heavy lifting.

"Good. Drop your bags and follow me"

"Yes, sir!"

I see a slight smile on his face but I am sure I will wipe that smile from his face in the next hour or two. I can see that he is enjoying my company and I am happy to help Detective Marks where I can.

I have designed a few tests for him for today and all of them include almost all my duties that I have to do on the ranch. I always wished that someone could have told me whether I have it or not to make it into the Navy Seals.

I had to struggle through a lot of things and never knew where I was standing. I watch him jump through every hoop that I tell him to do and he doesn't talk back even once. But as the day progressed I realized that he still has a long way to go before they would even consider him.

While he is cleaning the horse stalls, I decided to give Detective Marks a call....

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