My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 135 - Forever And Ever


I'm still holding Kim's waist in my hands and staring at her because she just told me that we are having a baby. I pull her in for a kiss and we kiss until we do not have any breath left.

"I can not believe we going to be parents. This is the best news ever in my life!"

Then I realized I haven't asked her the most important question yet.

"Are you happy that we are having a baby?"


I will never forget the reaction that Nick had when I told him that we're having a baby. I will treasure that moment for the rest of my life and now he asks me a very dumb question. I smile as I put my hand on his cheek and then I say.

"Of course, I am happy. To have your child is an honor and I intend to make this child the most loved child in the world"

Then we kiss again as we do not know how to express our excitement anymore.

"Are you ready to have a baby? To be a father?"

"I never thought that I would make a good father but now with you in my life, I know that I will be the best father that I can be. I'm so ready to have a little Kim or a little Nick in our house. We made the right decision to buy this house without even knowing"

We just smile at each other and then we start to talk about all the things that it means to be parents. We soon discover that we have the same ideals but there are definitely some areas that we have to talk about more. I feel like a new person but at the same time, I feel extremely tired.

I know now why I was so tired and even emotional. But I cannot stop that glow that is radiating from me. Soon, the day is almost over again because we only talked and ate and laid around the house. There is still much to do but right now something else is on our minds.

Then Nick's phone rings and he answers it.


I look at my phone and I see it is Detective Marks.

"What is going on?"

"That is what I was about to ask you. What did you do with Andrew?"

I laugh and then I answer him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he's a completely different man. I need to know what you did? It is something special if you can do that with someone"

I laugh again because I really didn't do much.

"I really only showed him a few things. I wish I can show this to everyone who wants to apply to be in the Navy Seals"

"Well, why don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why don't you do it? Why don't you train young men like Andrew to become better men?"

This time I'm not just laughing a little bit but I'm bursting out with laughter.

"You are a funny man. These things cost money and I need a venue and I need people that work with me. It is not just something you can just do..."

There is a moment of silence and then he says.

"But what if you had the money?"

"You are very confusing. Where will I get money?"

"I have been looking for an opportunity to invest in something and what if I say to you that I want to invest in you"

This time it is my turn to be quiet. My mind is running a hundred miles an hour and then suddenly everything stops and I just say.


"Okay? Like you going to do it okay?"

"Yes. Yes I want to do it"

Then I realized what I just said. I just agreed to start a business to train young men to become Navy Seals. As the thought takes its place in my mind I suddenly feel like it belongs there. I realize that I really want to do this. It is as if I was made to do it.

I am in complete shock and then I hear Detective Marks on the other side.

"Then I guess I will wait for you to let me start writing the checks. I think you will have great success in what you do. I have complete faith in you"

"Thank you. All I can say is thank you"

"I think I am the one that should thank you because Andrew was a screw up and now he is a man"

We say our goodbyes and then I make my way back to Kim. I think my mouth is still hanging open as I walk into the room where she is still sitting on the floor. I can see the confusion on her face as she walks to me and then she says.

"What is going on?"

"I think I just got into business with Detective Marks..."

"Really?! What kind of business?"

"I am going to train young men to become Navy Seals"

Then suddenly she jumps on me as if she is going to tell me all over again that she's pregnant. She kisses me all over my face and then she says.

"Nick! That is great news. You loved training Andrew. You want to do this...oh god!! Why don't you ask John to join you?"

As she says the words "John" I feel a sudden burst of happiness. I would love to go into business with John. He has been my rock through all the years we've been together and I am sure we will work well together. If we can work as a team then we can work as business partners.

I kiss Kim again as if I kiss her for the first time. Then I say to her.

"You are brilliant! I love you!"

"I love you too!"

I feel excited and happy and finally, I have something to do with my life. Kim takes my hand and we take a seat on the ground again. We have so much that we need to talk about.

I take a good look at the woman sitting next to me smiling with her beautiful smile. Her long locks of hair are falling perfectly over her shoulders and her blue eyes are staring at me as she talks. I realized that I am indeed the luckiest man in the world.

But it is as if I do not hear what she says anymore as my thoughts are much louder. I think about how I met her the first time and how she hypnotized me in everything she did. I think about how we got married and the vows that she said to me that day. I think about how we went through our difficult times with Angie and how we worked everything out.

I remember, just yesterday how we were still in her apartment and now we are sitting in our new home. We are having a child together. I am training Navy Seals. My life is that of a happy man and there is nothing that no one can do that would change how I feel about Kim McPherson.


I am so happy for Nick. He is going to do what he loves and I'm going to have his child. When I first saw him standing there against the car working on his phone. He looked so cool and perfect. I was like a puppy just drooling after him.

I remember how I desired him with every fiber in my being. I remember how I wanted him all to myself and now he's sitting across from me as my husband as the father of my child. I look at him again as if I'm looking at him the first time. That raven black hair that drives me crazy and those bulging muscles just staring at me.

I realize that I have married the perfect man and that there will be no other man in my world again except for Nick Roberts. Of course, maybe there will be one extra man should my baby be a boy. How great will it be and what a blessing I will have to have two of Nick in my life?

I've been through hell in my life and he has always been my strength and my pillar. I softly put my hand on his face and then I say to him.

"I will love you forever. I want you to always remember that you are My Navy Seal"

He smiles and kisses my hand and then he says.

"Doc, you will always be my undeniable attraction"


Dear Readers,

It has been a privilege and an honor to write for you. You have seen me through some dark days and my good days. Every time I see your comment, it gives me hope to keep on writing. Sometimes I would not want to write anymore but then I get a gift or a comment and I know that my readers want to know what I am going to write next.

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my book to the very end. I will be moving to the Dreame Reading App and I wish to see you there but if I do not, I want to just say thank you for your support.

I am going to publish my first chapter of "My Superstar has a Secret" on this book, to just give you a taste of what you might miss out on ;-). I have also published my first chapter of "My Navy Pilot" on the Dreame app.

Thank you once again. Stay safe. Be happy and always remember to look after each other.



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