We spend the entire day packing until the moving company arrives. I feel so excited and happy and at the same time so exhausted and tired. This day has really taken it out of me. I have already planned out where I'm going to put everything in the new house.

I almost didn't sleep anything last night because I was thinking about our new home. I am so glad that I am going to share it with the man sitting next to me packing things into a box. Then I watch the moving company empty my apartment.

We take one last look at the empty apartment and Nick turns to me while holding me around my waist.

"Are you ready to begin our life together in our new home?"

I smile when I look at him and I say with complete confidence.

"I am so ready"

Then we turn around and make our way to our new home. As we stop at our house, the movers are already busy putting our stuff into the house. All the neighbors are all of a sudden busy in the gardens or riding around on bikes or having a barbecue in the front yard. Everyone wants to see who is moving in.

I only laugh and shake my head as I know this is going to be an interesting time in our life. It doesn't take the movers very long to put all our things in the house and soon we close the door behind us. I sigh loudly as we had a tiring day.

I can feel that I am extremely hungry and I have completely forgotten about getting food for us.


Today marks the beginning of our new life together as we put all our stuff into our new house. I feel like a completely different person from the day that Kim met me. I am a husband now and I have a wonderful wife.

I can see that Kim is completely exhausted after the day we had. Suddenly there is someone that is ringing our doorbell. We look at each other as if this is a significant moment. For the first time, we have a doorbell and someone is using it.

I smile and then open the door. It is the pizza guy. I pay him and take the pizzas into the kitchen. Then Kim jumps me from behind. She kisses me on my neck and my hair and my back and I can not stop laughing.

"What is going on with you?!"

"I have completely forgotten about food and I am so glad I am married to you"

I smile as I give her another kiss and then we open the pizza box. I hand her a piece of pizza and then I say.

"To our first dinner in our own home"

We cheer each other with our pizza pieces and we smile as we devour the pizza. Then after opening a bottle of wine we just sit on the floor talking. We do not know where we going to go from here but we know that we have come this far and that, on its own, is a miracle.

I look at my watch and I see it is almost midnight. Luckily, our bed is ready to sleep in and both of us just fall like two dead people on the bed. There will be no hanky panky tonight because we cannot even lift up our arms.

I haven't even said goodnight yet and Kim is already sleeping soundly. I smile as I give her a kiss on her cheek and then I make myself cozy with her by my side and join her in dreamland.


I jump awake out of a deep sleep feeling nauseous. I do not want to wake Nick up and I quickly make my way to the bathroom. I make it just in time as I throw up in the toilet. I wonder if it had something to do with the pizza but when I think about it I throw up again.

I look at my watch as I sit on the cold bathroom floor and see that it's already six in the morning. I feel so tired and I realized that I have been tired for a few days now. I never get enough sleep.

Unexpectedly, a thought interrupts my thought process.

"No way...It can not be"

I quickly make my way back to the bed and pick up my phone looking at the calendar. I then discover that I was so busy on the ranch that I did not even realize that I didn't have my period for at least two months. I stare at the calendar and make sure to think back.

But nothing comes up about any kind of period that I had. Then a smile starts to grow on my face. Can that even be possible? I quickly get up and put on some jeans and a T-shirt. I write a note and let Nick know that I'm just out getting groceries.

Then I get into the truck and make my way to the nearest pharmacy. I buy a pregnancy test and decide to go into the closest restroom that I can find. I cannot wait to first get home and then find out. I quickly get in the toilet and do the test.

I feel my heart beating loudly as I keep on staring at whether another line will appear. The box says that there must be two lines and then you are pregnant. It doesn't even take so long when another line appears. It is not a faint line but a big thick dark line.

It doesn't even take me a moment to look at it when I jump up and down shouting at the top of my lungs.

"I am pregnant!!!"

There is nothing and no one in this world that can take this grin off my face. I am going to have our child. Then a burning fire starts in my soul as I want to get to Nick and tell him everything. I know exactly what I'm going to do and I quickly get us some breakfast.


I wake up putting my arm next to me but all I feel is the bed. I start to wonder where she can be. I open my eyes and sit upright. Then I see a note next to me. I quickly read the note and then I smile knowing that she will be back.

It is so good to be married because you know she will always come back. I get out of bed and take a shower. It feels so good to do it in my new home. Then, just as I get out of the shower I hear Kim coming back. As I dry off my hair and have a towel around my waist, I make my way to her.


"Hey, come over here"

I do not know what it is but something is going on with Kim. She is smiling even more than what she did yesterday.

"What is going on?"

"Just do what I say and sit on the couch. I bought you a present"

"Really? What have I done to deserve this?"

I see her smiling and fluttering her eyelashes at me. Then she says.

"Oh, you will soon find out what you have done"

I sit back down on the couch and then she hands me a box.

"Open it!!"

"Okay, okay..."

I can see she looks like someone that just won the lottery and so I open the box. I see something that looks like some sort of clothing and I take it out.

"What is this?"

"Read what it says?"

Then as I straighten the clothes I see it is a baby grow. It reads.

"You are going to be a Daddy"

I just stare at the baby grow in front of me. I have to read it again to realize what is happening. Then I open my mouth staring at Kim that is now almost laughing. I throw it down on the couch and then pick Kim up, while I turn her around. But then I quickly put her down and say.

"Oh god, I should probably not do that with you. The baby..."

She smiles as she keeps me tight against her and then she says.

"The baby is fine"

Then I realized again what is happening and I say.

"Fuck, we are going to have a baby. You and me?! We are going to be parents?! We are having a baby?!"

I have to repeat it over and over again for me to hear what I am saying. I have to say it out loud to know what I am saying. Then I smile and then I laugh as I hug her again. Then I take a moment to stare into her eyes and say.

"Kim...doc, we are having a baby!!"

"Yes Nick, we are having a baby!!"

"Oh my god, I am so happy, doc!!"

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