My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 133 - Home Sweet Home


I do not have a lot of things to do today because today is the day we go back to the city. All I have to finish is training Andrew and then we are out of here. I just sent Andrew for his biggest task yet to see if he can be a Navy Seal.

I guess he would be a bit surprised to do this because all my other tests were physical. This one has to do with his emotions and whether he can control them. It is important that his emotions do not play a part in doing his job.

There are going to be times when he has to shoot someone that he do not want to but he would not have a choice. I sent him to the local old age home. He has to spend at least twenty minutes with each elderly person and listen to everything they have to say. He has to keep his cool and not get mad or irritated or annoyed.

I will keep an eye on him from a distance because I know these young men do not have time to spend just talking to people who has so much more wisdom than what they have. The day carries on and soon he has finished with all of them.

Then we walk out together and I put my hand on your shoulder.

"You will be a good Navy Seal. I do not see why you will not qualify. Well done, soldier"

He salutes me and then he says.

"Thank you, sir, for everything you have taught me. I will forever be in your debt"

"Do not mention it. Just be the best man you can be"

"Yes, sir"

With that, he turns around and makes his way back to his home. I take out my phone and then give Detective Marks a call.

"What is the verdict?"

"I think Andrew will be an excellent Navy Seal. You have a good one on your hands"

"I cannot believe what you're telling me. Madison would be so happy. Thank you for everything you did"

"It was only my pleasure"

Then we say our goodbyes and something in me feels empty. I wish I can help every young man that wants to become a Navy Seal but I would not even know where to start. I make my way back to the house and I see our luggage is packed at the door.

I smile as I see it because I know this will be the beginning of our life. Then Kim comes to greet me with a kiss.


I have had the best day today. I spend it with my mom and Angie and we had cake and coffee just chatting about everything. I am glad that Angie and I can now be true sisters one day without any secrets between us. I am definitely going to miss them but I will come to visit.

I went out earlier to spend some time with my dad and my heart is happy to see him healthy again. I will be in Mikayla's debt forever for what she did for my dad. She is a good woman. Then I seen Nick walking through the doors and I know, we can go back to the city.

"Are you ready?"

"I was born ready"

We laugh together and I show him the suitcases that he must put in the car. My dad has insisted that Nick should take his truck for him because of all the work he has done around the ranch. This will help us a lot in getting to the city.

Soon we are packed up and we say our goodbyes. Everyone stands in the driveway and waves goodbye to us. I cannot stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks as I know I will miss them all. But then I feel Nick's hand on my leg. I put my hand on his hand and then look at him.

"It is okay. We will come and visit many times again"

"I know, it is just sad"

"I know, doc. I know..."


I know exactly how she's feeling because there's also a bit of sadness in my heart. Her mom and dad have really been nothing but good to us and I will miss this family closeness. But now it is time for us to look forward and build our life together.

So, I try to cheer up the mood and say.

"So...which house are we going to look at first?"

I see her wiping away her tears and start to smile as she takes out a paper that she printed out.

"I really like the house in the suburbs so if we can go first to that one"

She shows me the house and it looks like that typical white picket fence house where you want to start your family. The thought of having children with her gives me a feeling of completeness. I never thought that I would even have such a life and now I find myself wanting it.

"...and what is our other option?"

"Well, then we have the apartment in the city. This one is closer to the job offer that I got from Dr. Nielsen"

"Well, I like the one with the picket fence too. So, let's see if we can get an appointment for today still?"

"Really?! I thought that we're first going to my apartment"

I can see a quiet excitement on her face and she really wants to go and see that house.

"I think we should first go and have a look don't you think?"

Then she kisses me on my cheek and quickly makes a phone call. Luckily, the realtor can help us and so we make our way to the house. Finally, we arrive at the house, and then it is exactly like the picture that Kim showed me.

It has a white picket fence around the house and the neighborhood is friendly. Of course, the neighbors are also very nosey as we stopped to get off everyone was looking at us. But at least they waved.

The realtor also looks extremely happy as if she is on something. But I swallow my judgments and then we get into the house. I did not expect it to be this modern. The kitchen is made of beautiful textiles and the lights are just enough to make it feel homey.

The wooden floors are nearly done and the sun is shining through the open windows. The moment that I stepped into the house I know that this is what I want. The realtor finally gives us time to be by ourselves as we walk through the house. Kim is hooked into my arm and she looks like a kid with a candy cane.

"So...what are you thinking?"

I walk into one of the rooms that are smaller than the others and I turn to her and say.

"I think this would be perfect for us"


I can hardly contain my excitement as Nick just confirmed what I was feeling since I saw this house on the market. This house is perfect in every way and in the best suburb that I could find. I can see myself coming home every day and spending time with my husband here.

I do not care about the realtor that is clearly standing just a few steps away from us trying to hear what we have to say as I kiss him passionately.

"I love you, Nick Roberts"

He smiles at me and then gives me another kiss saying.

"I think, I love you more Dr. Kim McPherson Roberts"

I cannot stop my excitement as I whisper in his ear.

"So, I can tell her that we will take it?"


I kiss and hug him again and then I turn to a realtor and tell her that we will take the house. I think she might be even more excited than what I am but I am so happy that I can have this house. We finish the paperwork and then we make our way back to my apartment as we are extremely exhausted.

As we get to the apartment and I open my door I realize that this is not my home. This is not the place where I want to start my life and I remember how my life was in danger here just a few months ago.

This time I am a married woman and I'm going to live in a house with my husband. We both fall on the bed as if we have never slept before and we quickly welcome the sleep that overwhelms us.

Early the next morning, I get a call back that our sale has been approved and that the owner is allowing us to move in. I am so happy that I can hardly control my excitement as I call a moving company to help us move.

I wake Nick up and then I say to him.

"I hope you are ready to pack?"

"What? Why?"

"Our sale is approved so we can move in today!!"

He takes my hand and pulls me into him as he kisses me all over my body. I can see that joy in his eyes and then I realized that he wanted to stay there just as much as I did. We laugh together as we roll around on the bed.

Then we get dressed and start to pack. I do not have a lot of things but this will have to do for now.. I know that Nick's mom has told me that she will send his stuff too.

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