I wake up out of my deep sleep on the ship when I feel a presence next to my bed. I slowly open my eyes. I don't jump at what I see but rather, I smile at this handsome man sitting next to my bed just staring at me. He smiles back at me and then he sighs loudly. I lift my head and place it on my palm of my hand, resting my elbow on the pillow. Then I say sleepily.



"I'm happy you're back"

"Me too, me too"

He just keeps on staring and that safety returns that I felt that night on the deck of the ship. I still feel tired and lay my head back on the pillow, turning to look at his stunning face. He lifts his hand and slowly tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I turn my face so that his hand brush against my cheek. I close my eyes just taking in the roughness of his hand, while I breathe in his scent. Then he says.

"I'm sorry...I...just..."

"It's okay...I wanted you to..."

He stands up and turns to open the door. He looks one more time at me. I smile and nod my head. He nods back as if we are speaking in an inaudible language. We both understand that we can't do anything, even though we want to. He leaves the room and I turn around sleeping so much better now that I know he's here.

Suddenly I am back in the boat that departs for the island. Nick is standing next to me and in the back of the boat is an injured soldier.

I notice that he's driving slowly and not at the same speed as all the other boats as if he wants to stall. I look at him and he just stares out on the water. I feel his pain radiating from him and I feel his agony. I see how he struggles to keep his composure. I dare not to ask but I have to know.



"What happened on the island?"

He swifts around uncomfortably. He clenches his teeth and his eyes avoid mine. He concentrates on the path that he has to take. Then he swallows deeply.

"Nothing...nothing happened"

"Nick, I don't know you that well but I do know that you're not yourself. I knew it the moment you boarded the ship, I saw it on your face and I see it now. You're trying to be strong for everyone but I want you to know that you don't need to be strong for me right now. I need you to be you...for me right now..."

"I can't...I can't afford to break down now...I need to be strong, if I break, everyone breaks. I can't...I can't...I'm sorry...I can't"

I slowly walk up next to him and I put my hand in his. He looks down at my hand. I look up at him.

"I understand and I get it. I just want you to know this...I'm here and I'll be here when you're ready to break...I'll be here"

He clears his throat and squeezes my hand. His voice cracks.

"Fuck...Kim, it hurts so bad..."

I woke up in a cold sweat. I remember it as if it was yesterday, how incredibly hurt he was because of what happened to Mike. Mike was like a brother to him and he had a long recovery road. I remember how we went to visit his wife and kids. I remember how he struggled to deal with his emotions.

But then I look over and see my husband still sleeping soundly and I realize that he has come so far. He now has a much better way of communicating his feelings to me. I am so happy that I was able to be there for him to go through all the things he went through.

I close my eyes again and hope that this time I will be able to sleep until the morning. Then suddenly I am back, stranded on the Island.

I look deep into his eyes and I see a hint of sorrow and hurt residing behind them. I move closer and then I press my soft lips against his. I slowly put my hand on his chest as if I want to take the deep sorrow and hurt away from him. I kiss his bottom lip and then his top lip just closing my lips over his as to hug him with my lips. His arms close around me and I hear a soft moan escaping his mouth. He almost sighs into my mouth as if he gives himself completely to me.


I can feel the deep pain of his heart in his touch as I realize what Helena did to him. I want to make sure that he knows that I will never do that to him. I also feel the pain of losing a fellow soldier and I deepen the kiss. I put my hand in his hair and pull him even more into me.

"Fuck, Kim…I need you"

I hear the words that he speaks and it hits my heart with force. It is as if his words are slowly healing my heart and making me whole again. I kiss him even more urgently and every last fiber inside my being is standing on attention to this Navy Seal that is giving himself to me.


I wake up the next morning and I see Kim rolling around in the bed next to me. I see extreme sorrow on her face and it looks like she has been crying. I quickly put my hand on her cheek and then I say.

"Kim, wake up"

She jumps awake and her eyes are wide awake. She looks like she just heard bad news and I can not help but frown when I say to her.

"Doc, what is going on?"

She attacks me with a hug and she holds tight onto me. I hold her tight back and I kiss her on her head.

"You are scaring me. What is going on?"

"I am just so happy that I got to marry you and that we are going to the city today. But most of all I am glad we are not on the island any more"

Then I realize what is going on. She must have had a bad dream. I know that soldiers deal with different things at different times. I guess she only now dealt with the time that we spend on the island. It was a tough time and Kim has been strong throughout it all.

She never once showed me that she was under any kind of stress and always just thought that she was doing okay. I pull her a little bit away from me and hold her by her shoulders.

"Hey, are you sure you are okay? Do you want to talk about anything?"

She shakes her head while wiping away her tears and then she says to me.

"No, I want to keep the past in the past and right now I want to think about our future. We are going to finally get our house and I want to look forward to it"


It is so good to talk to my husband about our future. We have been through so many things in our life and I never thought that he would be mine but now he is right next to me holding me. I never want to let go of him. He has changed the person that I was.

Now, I am much better and it is all thanks to him. He is truly an American Hero and I got to marry him. I can not help but smile through my tears that I have had throughout the night. I am looking forward to going to the city.

I pull him in for a kiss so that I can remember his lips once more and then he smiles while looking at me.

"Let's just handle Andrew and then I don't see a reason why we can not go back to the city"

"That is the best news ever. I will start packing and tying up loose ends"

We stand up and start to get ready for the day and then he disappears to the outside. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful husband. I will make it my life's mission to keep him happy because he has done so many things for so many people.


I haven't even stepped out of the house when Andrew is waiting for me outside.

"Reporting for duty, sir!"

I love the way that I'm being treated every morning and so I say to him.

"This will be your last test, Andrew and if you can get through this test, I do not see why you won't become a Navy Seal"

I swear I just saw him smile but he quickly hides the smile.

"Yes, sir"

I smile at him and then I give him his final test.. He looks at me with a puzzle on his face but he turns around and starts doing what I am asking him.

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