My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 131 - Not That A Big A Deal


As we make our way back to Kim's mom's house, I just enjoy how she puts her hand on my leg and we drive like an old married couple back to the house. It seems like we have been married forever even though we just started out. As soon as we get back to the house, I leave to check on Kim's dad and if he is still doing okay.

Kim is meeting her mom for a ladies gathering in the barn. I guess that her mom is kind of a big deal in this town. I have been talking to my mom almost every day and she is extremely happy with her new found friends. It sounds like they are having a ball.

It feels so good to just send my mom a message or just give her a call. I never had anyone like that before, I never knew what it means to have a family. Now, that I am with Kim it becomes even more real to me because it's an entirely different story to live with a family.

As I make my way to the cows I cannot help but think about tomorrow. Not just that we are going to the city but that I'm going to give Andrew his final test.

He has been impressing me with everything he went through and still not once did he complain. This is exactly what you need in a Navy Seal. Someone who doesn't complain and just gets through what needs to be done.

As I get to her dad I see that he's almost finished with his chores and when I ask him if I should give him a hand, he was very adamant in telling me that he has everything under control. I understand completely what he is going through. His manhood was questioned and now he has to prove to the world that he is still a man.

I decide not to underestimate him any longer and then make my way back to the main house. Tonight will be our last night here and I cannot wait. But just as I am about to go into the house Andrew comes walking down the driveway. I wait for him to be very angry at me but he stops right in front of me and salutes me.

"Sir, reporting for duty"

I can see that he is extremely exhausted but he will not let me know how he feels. This is exactly what I was looking for and I am sure that he had to go through a few emotional issues to come to this point.

"You are dismissed. I will see you tomorrow bright and early"

"Yes, sir"

Then he turns around and I swear I almost see him running away. I laugh within myself because I know exactly how he feels. Then I shake my head and I make my way back to our bedroom. It is only six at night and Kim is already passed out on the bed.

I guess hanging out with the ladies took almost everything out of her. I go into the bathroom and take a shower. Then when I am finished, I make my way to the bed and start to watch something on Netflix.


I have had a long day of talking to women and it is unbelievable how exhausting this can be. I decide to make my way back to the bedroom to get some kind of sanity. I just need to be alone for a little while.

I decided to take a shower and get myself ready for bed as I just want to watch a movie and relax. I do not want to talk to anyone or see anyone. The only person I am waiting for is Nick and I know he will be walking through these doors there any minute.

Tomorrow we are leaving and I cannot wait. I want to have my own space and do my own things. I want to lay on the couch if I want to lay on the couch. I want to run my household and not my mother's. I put on a movie and it is not long as I fall asleep.


A woman appears out of the crowd and walks straight to me.


"Oh, hi"

"Are you Dr. Kim McPherson?"

"Yes! How did you know?"

"Oh, it's my job to know who you are and welcome the new doctors. I'm Dr. Nita Naidoo, please to meet you"

"Same here. Thank god for you, I didn't know where to go..."

"It's not a problem at all. Is that your luggage?"

" it too much?"

"Nothing is too much for us doctors" You laugh together. You then reach for luggage but she grabs your arm.

"Oh no, no, no...not on your first day...Nick!!"


"Please come and help us with the luggage? You know us doctors have fragile hands..."

I turn and see a man like no other, his raven black hair falls perfectly in place and his dark brown eyes meet mine. Every muscle in his body sings in perfect harmony as he moves. He smiles at me with his perfect chiseled jaw and I feel some form of excitement burning inside me.

I open my lips slightly to relieve the fascination built up inside my every fiber. He comes closer and his scent ignites the blood rushing through my veins.

"Of course you do Nita. Hi, I'm Nick Roberts, please to meet you and you are?"

He stretches out his hand for a handshake. I shake his hand and he holds my hand for a moment too long, just staring into my eyes. I feel his tough and muscled, yet gentle hand holding mine, something stirs deep in me.

"Please to meet you too, Nick. I'm Kim McPherson"

"Please to meet you. Is it your first time with us?"

Nick lets go of my hand.

"Yes and I guess not yours?"

"Actually it's my fourth tour, this year"

"Wow, you must love what you're doing then?"

Nita turns to me and says.

"He's one of our most beloved ones around here. If you ever get stuck somewhere, he's the man to call."

She winks at him and he smiles shyly. I haven't ever seen a big, chiseled man like him, to have a shy bone in his body. That fact, for some reason, makes me want to get to know this magnificent creature next to you.

"Now, now Nita, don't you go and put ideas in this lady's head. I'm not all that good"

"Dr. McPherson, why don't you just go ahead and ignore these last few words spoken by this beast of a man. He might be good looking but definitely needs a bit more pride. Don't let him fool you, he's definitely the best"

Just then, while we are boarding on the ship, a man passing by, all of a sudden stops in his tracks and immediately salutes Nick. Nick just keeps on walking. I turn around and watch as the man only walks on after Nick is well away.

This almost happens with every man walking past him. He never looks them in the eye or acknowledges them. I see that he glimpses at me, every now and then.

"So, Nick, how does it feel?"

He looks at me and frowns, confusion written on his face.

"What should I feel?"

"How does it feel when everyone salutes you everywhere you go?"

He laughs and shakes his head while opening the ship's door for Nita.

"Oh, that, I hardly even notice"

I enter the ship and it's something I have never seen before. The corridors are very small and I must really walk carefully not to bump into each other or fall.

"So you must be a big deal around here?"

"I'm not such a big deal..."


Suddenly I wake up and it feels like I was back there again. I was back to the moment I met Nick for the first time. But when I look to see the man lying right next to me I realized that I am married to that man right now. I cannot stop myself from smiling because I remember every feeling and every word.

I also remember how I could not have him for myself and how badly I wanted to be with him. I get up on my elbow and just stare at him for a little while. I see every bulging muscle and I see how perfect he is. All I know is that I need to feel him right now.

I move closer to him and take my place on his chest. Without him waking up, he puts his arm around me and holds me tight. I remember there was a time that I could not do this because he was ready to kill me but it seems like this time on the ranch has done him some good.

I close my eyes again wishing to have more of that dream because that dream was the thing that brought me to him.. There is no one else that I want in my life except this man and he has changed me completely.

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