I look at the young man standing in front of me ready to do his training. I remember when I was this young and this eager. I remember how nothing would stand in my way and all I know is that I wanted to get out of my hometown and make a difference. I remember how I wanted to be one of those men that comes back from the war with all the medals.

I remember how some of the Navy would come throughout the town and when I saw them in their uniforms I just knew this was meant for me. Everyone would look up at them and even let them walk in front of them. It was like they were kings and queens.

I never thought that being a Navy Seal would be such a big responsibility but now I know why they got the respect that they did. It is no joke to work for your country and you have to think on your feet 24/7. You are constantly in danger and you never know if you going to make it home.

Now, I'm looking at this man in front of me and I realized that he has the same respect that I had for those Navy men that I saw in our town. I realize that I am now that man. I almost cannot believe it because you never see yourself from somebody else's eyes.

It feels like it is a privilege to train this young man to become like me one day. I remember how I wished that someone would have taken me under their wing and just told me what I need to know.

"Do you remember where we milk the cows yesterday?"

"Yes, sir"

I hand him a backpack filled with stones.

"Now, put this on your back run there and back in exactly fifteen minutes. Starting now!"

I start my stopwatch and I can see he is completely in shock. But he grabs the bag and puts it on his back running as fast as he can. I cannot stop myself from smiling because I am enjoying every second of this torture.

I remember when I made it through to the training camp. Those soldiers had no mercy on you. You just had to do exactly what they said and if you complained just a little bit by sighing too loud, they would make you run until you throw up.

The day carries on and I give him various tasks to do. I have to test his ability to see things through and the strength that he possesses. Then when I see he is extremely exhausted. I walk up to him and say.

"Do you know this town at all, soldier?"

"No, sir"

"Good. Get in the truck"

I start the truck and drive to a field not so far away.

"Get out"

He gets out of the car and then looks at me confused. I throw a bottled water to him and then I say.

"You have exactly three hours to find your way back to the ranch. Good luck"

Then I close the door and drive away. I watch him standing in my rearview mirror in complete shock. I cannot help but smile because I know exactly what he is thinking and feeling. This will be one of the big tests to see if he would make it or not.


I have had one of the best nights sleep in the arms of the man that I love. I just wish that I can get rid of this extreme exhaustion. I guess all the excitement and responsibility of staying on this ranch is getting to me.

I am busy packing our picnic as we always do because I know that tomorrow will be our last day here. I feel kind of sad but happy at the same time. Then and Angie walks into the room.



" guys are leaving us tomorrow?"

I turn around to look at her face because I need to see if she is sincere or sarcastic. But then I see something that I never thought I'll see on her face when she looks at me. She looks sad.


She walks a bit closer with their finger playing on the table and then she says.

"Well, I wanted to thank you guys for looking after the ranch. It was really something great of you guys to do and I know that you didn't have to"

She's not looking at me but at the table where she's playing with her finger. It is clear to me that she struggles to tell me this. It feels kind of heart-warming that she actually cares enough to say this to me. She put in some effort to find me.

"Wow, I must be honest I didn't expect you to say something like this to me"

Then she turns her back on me as she says.

"Yeah, I know I wasn't the best sister in the world but I see how good you and Nick are together and you bring the best out of each other..."

Then she mumbles something almost inaudible.

"...and you are not so bad after all"

I quickly put my hand on her shoulder and then I say to her.

"Did it hurt?"

She frowns while looking at me and then she says.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean did it hurt to tell me that I am not so bad?"

She slaps me on my shoulder and then we laugh together. It feels good to have my sister back in some way. I would like to grow even closer to her and it looks like she is over her childish acts.

I am just about to get into the truck to drive out to Nick when I hear his truck pulling up. I run out of the house to greet him and while he picks me up and gives me a hug, I say to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, your dad did almost all of my work. He probably wants to prove himself. So, I am done for the day and I thought I should take you out for lunch"

My heart is filled with joy, not because Nick is taking me out for lunch but because he puts me first in his life. Then suddenly, I realized that there is no one with him.

"Where is your apprentice?"

"Oh...I do not think that we will see him for a little while. I guess he will be back by nightfall"

I can see the mischief in his eyes and I am afraid to ask.

"What did you do with the poor guy?"

"Nothing...nothing at all"

I know that he is lying but I also know that he's not going to tell me. He takes my hand and then I get into the truck with him. He has become somewhat familiar with the town as he had to go into town for supplies many times.

The people around town now also know him and as we drive through town many people will greet him. He has this way of getting into people's hearts without even trying. We make a stop at the diner and he opens the door for me.

"Thank you. You are such a gentleman"

"Yes, ma'am"

I wish in my heart that we were rather in the bedroom now because I would just eat him up. Then we get a table in the diner and we start to talk about our day. People, now, do not look at us because we are strangers but now they look at us because we make such a great couple.

I did my hair just two days ago and the salon was booming with gossip about us. We seem to be the new golden couple in town and once again I feel sad for leaving this town behind. But I am happy that we can go to the city and start our life.

After we finish lunch, we make our way back home but on our way I see Andrew walking along the road.

"Aren't you going to stop for him?"

"Well, I'll be damned!"

Nick just stares out of the window and keeps on driving.

"You know it is Andrew, right?"

"Yes, and I am very impressed. I really did not think that he will make it back to the ranch so quickly"

"What did you do to him?"

"Let's just say his skills in surviving is increasing"

I will never understand how a brain of a Navy Seal works but it is amazing that he cares so much for me but he would do that to Andrew. I put my hand on his leg and just smile. I am so happy and I wonder how it would be back in the city.

Now, our lives are simple and our routine is set but as soon as we get in the city everything will change again. I will go back to work and I do not have an idea what he is going to do.. I do not want to ask him because if there is one thing I know about Nick, he always has a plan for everything.

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