My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 18 - Slags Him To The Ground


I have just finished showering and I am sitting on my bed with only my towel around my waist just thinking about what happened today. I can not wait any longer to face Anton and give him a piece of my mind.

I just started to get dressed and then there is a knock on my door.


"Sorry to bother you, sir but I have a message for you?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Detective Marks called and said that he has a meeting with Anton today at 20:00 hours, sir"

"Thank you"

This Detective Marks seems to impress me by the minute. I need to go back and get a team together while I liaison between Detective Marks and me. I need to handle this guy so that I can get back to Kim and get her away from her ex.

I quickly finish getting dressed and then go back to the room where all the soldiers are working. I make my way to the Admiral and tell him exactly what is going on. He approves that I can get a team for my meeting tonight and then I go back to a desk with a phone to talk to Detective Marks.

It is not long after I have dialed his number that he picks up and I start to explain the situation. He is more cooperative as what I thought you would be but then again he has this way of surprising me.

I make sure that he understands that he should not fire upon the target and leave all of that to us. He should keep him distracted while we get him from behind. He understands exactly what I want him to do and then I go to gather my team.

Bravo1 is not on base at the moment as they are all on vacation. But that does not stop me from picking a few of the other soldiers that are left behind. I have been working for many years in the Navy Seals and I know almost everyone on base.

I do not know them personally but I do know how they are ranked and how well they are doing in their prospective fields. After I picked my team, I start to debrief them and I make sure they know that I will shoot the death shot, if necessary.

The Admiral has made it clear to me that I should not shoot him before we get a confession. I am only allowed to shoot him when he put one of my team members in danger. I can not say that I am happy with his decision but I know that I should follow the rules.

The time has arrived for us to deploy to the location given by Detective Marks. As we ride in the back of the van I can not say that I feel a bit of irritation that this man has succeeded in taking away my time with Kim and any vacation that I might have.

But I shake my head to get my thoughts straight and focus on the mission at hand. As we get closer to the location I ask the driver to go in stealth mode.

He proceeds to put off his lights and then park the van a few feet away from the location. I do not want to spook this guy because as I recall he did have great skills as he wanted to become a Navy Seal. So, it will be best if I do not underestimate him.

We get out of the van and start making our way slowly to the meeting point and very cleverly Detective Marks has chosen a location with a lot of trees. This gives us not just cover of the night but extra cover to get closer to our target.

We are ten minutes early and take our positions in, close to the meeting point. I get on my radio and say.

"From here on out, we will have radio silence. We will only break radio silence if really necessary. Over"

Then the long dreadful wait is lying before us. Even though it is only ten minutes, the waiting part is always the worst. I never stop keeping watch and analyzing my surroundings to make sure that he will not think that this is a trap and then set one for us too.

It does not take long when I see someone walking up to the meeting. They showed me a picture of Detective Marks and that is how I know that this is him. I also have Anton's face squarely printed in my eyes. That is the man that I really want to kill tonight.

I see him casually stand against the railing of the park and I know that he is not even a little bit nervous. This tells me a lot about the character of this man and that he is confident in what he does.

Then another figure appears from the east side and I know who that is. Even the way that he walks irritated everything within me. I lift my hand and signal to my team that this is the guy. I tell them to be ready to take him down.

We wait until he is a few feet away from Detective Marks and then we engage. I start to run towards him and I see him noticing me, immediately. He turns around to run away but to my surprise Detective Marks jumps to grab his feet and slugs him down to the floor.

I run towards him and then put my foot on his back to keep him down while cuffing him. Then I bend down to give a hand to Detective Marks to help him stand up.

"That is impressive. Do you have any military training?"

He stands up and looks at me with a smile on his face and then he says while dusting himself off.

"No, but I did learn a thing or two from my family that served in the military. You must be Master Chief Roberts?"

I pick Anton up and give him to my team. Then I turn to Detective Marks and give him a handshake.

"Yes, I am the man that spoke to you on the phone. I must say that was some impressive moves. Thank you for cooperating in this case"

"It is only an honor to help the military, sir"

I must say that I am enjoying the character of this Detective Marks standing in front of me and I would lie if I say that I would not like to get to know him better.

"So, you chose to do some policing? I think that you handle the Licensed To Kill very well. Any other man would have just shot him"

"I do my best to keep our country safe and protect everyone's rights but I know I do not have to tell you that, sir"

"You are a good man, Detective Marks. We should have a drink sometime"

"I would very much like that"

I ask him to give his full report to my team and then I take Anton by his arm and walk to the van. I can feel rage starting to push up in my heart again as he, the guy that I want to kill, is walking right next to me.

"I just want to ask you one thing. What gives you the right to kill innocent people if you have some kind of vendetta against me?"

To my surprise, he does not say one word to me and just puts a big grin on his face. It takes everything in me not to slap that grin off his face and replace it with blood. He is a very clever man and he knows if he says anything he will be convicted.

If I had my way I would kill him right here and now so that he does not have a chance to go free. I can only hope that Detective Marks will help to get this guy behind bars.


After laying in the bath for I don't know how long I finally decide to get out of it. I feel refreshed and ready to face another day but I can not help but feel tired as well. I want to get home and enjoy my engagement party with my friends and family.

But then I remember what my step-sister did to me. Everything in me wants to confront her and give her a piece of my mind. I was still trying to work things out but then we had to come back here again.

As soon as this is over I am going to share my thoughts with her. I put on my clothes and then open the door. When I walk out of the bathroom I smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. Then it is as if I remember where I am and how he used to cook for me many times before.

I feel comforted and loved but I am afraid to feel this way in my ex's house.

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