I unwillingly throw Anton in the back of the van. I slam the door behind me but I really did not want things to end this way. I wanted to get him in some way. I wanted to beat him up and make him regret what he did. But I also know that he will get what is coming to him through the justice system.

If I am not able to control my emotions how am I better than what he is? I take a deep breath and just walk away from the van. I have done good enough to just get him and see to it that it does not hurt any more innocent people.

I take one of the cars back to the base and on my way there I look at my watch and see that it is almost one in the morning. Everything within me wants to go and get Kim but I also want her to get a good night's rest and I am sure she is already sleeping.

I get to my room and lay down on my bed. I see that I have a message from Kim and I know my heart longs to be with her. I know that it is the middle of the night but I send her a message anyway.

"We got him, Kim. He can not hurt us anymore. I am coming to get you tomorrow. I love you with my entire heart"

I take a breath of relief and then fall into a deep sleep.


I slowly approached the kitchen and then I stare at him for a little while behind a wall. I can not believe that I decided to come to my ex's house but then again where would I have gone. Anton knows who is my friends, my family, and everything about me.

He definitely also knows about Ben but he would never think that I would come here. I tell myself that I should just be very careful and not do something that I would not want Nick to do.

So, I take a deep breath and stand upright walking into the kitchen with total confidence.

"Well, that is smelling delicious. What are you making?"

He turns around from where he is cooking and then looks into my eyes saying.

"Your favorite of course"

I can not believe after so many years, he still knows what my favorite food is and even though we did not work out he still cares about me. I just hope that he does not want more than just being friends.

"You really didn't have to you know"

"Yes, I had to. You looked so sad"

I can not help but smile at his answer as it is the truth. He always had this way of seeing when I was sad and when I was happy. I always appreciate that of him and I guess that would be the reason why we stayed friends.

He leads me to a table that he has prepared for us and then we start to eat. We chat and laugh about the good old times and I really enjoy his company. After I drank the last glass of wine I make sure to excuse myself and go to bed.

Ben has been nothing but a gentleman to me and I am very glad that I came here tonight. After I got dressed I get into my bed and then my thoughts immediately go to Nick. I am be lying down in this cozy bed and he might be out fighting for us to have peace in our life.

Somehow, it just feels wrong that I am not with him but I know that I probably would not be helping him and rather be in his way. I think about how lucky I am to have him in my life and how much I want him to be next to me right now.

I guess I will always have this fear of not knowing whether he will come back to me. Not because he is unfaithful but because he puts his life in danger daily. I can not help but wonder if I would be able to handle this kind of life.

To go to bed and not know whether I will wake up and see him again or if some officers will come knocking on my door and let me know that he did not make it. But just as I am thinking about it I realized that my love for him is overwhelming and that not even death can take that love away.

I close my eyes with a peaceful thought that I would never leave Nick's side. No matter how many dangerous situations he put himself in daily. I will not be the one leaving him. I feel myself falling into a deep peaceful sleep.

I wake up the next morning and I see the sun just peeking its head over the horizon. I had a good night's rest and I think I really needed it. I quickly grab my phone to see if I will be seeing Nick today.

I can not help but smile when I see a message from him and when I read it my heart is filled with joy. I jump up and take a shower. I want to be ready when he comes to pick me up.

I just put my clothes in my bag when I hear someone knocking at the door. I know that it is Ben's house but I can not help but run to the door to see who it is. Ben is still standing in the hallway to open the door when I speed past him to get the door.

I have not even opened the door completely when I feel Nick pulling me closer to him. He showers me with kisses and holds me tight. I pull away from him and say.

"You are here!"

He gives me his cocky smile and then says.

"Where else will I be?"

Then it is as if I realize where I am and I look over to Ben just watching as we embrace each other. I take Nick's hand and then walk into the house towards Ben.

"Nick, this is Ben. Ben, this is my fiance, Nick"

I watch as the two men shake hands and then I can not help but feel a bit scared of what Nick might do next. He knows that this is my ex and I do not know how he feels about it. Then to my surprise, Nick says.

"I would just like to thank you for keeping her safe for the night. You seem to be a good friend"

Then he just smiles at him and says.

"I would do anything for Kimmy. She is welcome in my house anytime"

I think it best to just leave right now as things could escalate to something uncomfortable. I say goodbye to Ben and thank him for a wonderful night and then we make our way back to the car.

Nick takes his place behind the driver seat and I can not help but wonder how his leg is doing.

"So, you got him? Are we free now to go on with our lives?"


I can see the worry behind her eyes and that she has been anticipating this moment for a while. She must be very tired of all the bad things that have happened to us ever since we met. I want to give her some joy and some sort of life that resembles normality.

I take her hands in mine and then I make sure that she sees the love in my eyes.

"We got him, doc. We have nothing left to fear. The Admiral gave us an extra two days of vacation. We are free to do what we want to"


I see his mouth moving and I hear what he is saying but I can not believe it. We have a longer vacation? We have nothing to fear? We can do what normal couples do?

I can not help but be filled with excitement and joy. I am going to have an engagement party and share it with my friends and maybe just sightsee just for the fun of it. All of this, with my fiance right next to me?

I pull him in closer to me and this time I am the one that showers him with kisses.

"This is real right? No jokes? No loopholes?"

"This is very real"

I pull him in one more time and keeps on kissing him but this time my mouth finds his lips and I make sure to get a low groan out of him at the way that I kiss him.


She has this thing that she does with her lips that drives me completely insane. I can feel how my arousal for her starts to stand up in attention. My hands that were holding her back are now making their way to her beautifully shaped buttocks.

I make sure to squeeze it hard so that I can hear how she screams in excitement.

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