My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 21 - Ridiculous Jokes


It was difficult to pick up the pieces of my life and by picking up the pieces of my life I mean literally picking up all the stuff around my apartment. I thought I would be more devastated but because Nick was by my side things just seemed easier.

Now he is standing right next to me with his strong arms around my waist asking me when we are going to the engagement party. Never in my life did I think that he would want to have an engagement party but I can see the excitement in his eyes.

"You are right. We have a party to attend. Let me just get some fresh clothes and then we can be on our way"

"Sounds like a plan"

I am about to turn around to get my clothes and then I realized something. Nick has not been to his family and I am not even sure if they know that we are engaged.



"Shouldn't we go and visit your family first? Does your family even know that we are engaged? You never talk about them"


I was wondering how long I would be able to avoid the subject but now it is here and I guess I need to tell her everything. I just do not want to tell her everything in detail because if I look back at my own life it is a sad story.

"I do not know if it is such a good idea. My family is not like yours. My parents do not care about things like, well, anything that happens in my life"

I can not believe that I just said what I said. I thought I would not tell her everything but that sentence kind of sums up everything. I immediately see the shock in her eyes and that she did not expect that at all.


I knew there was something about Nick's family that was different from mine but I never thought that they would not care about him. I do not know how to react to what he just told me but I know that we need to give his family just as much as we give my family.

"Nick, that can not be true? Your mother should at least care about you getting married? Were you planning to invite them?"

I feel like a broken typewriter just asking questions and bubbling but I can not help it because I know nothing about his family and he knows more than enough about my family.


She is probably going to keep on asking until I give her the answers that she wants. But it is very difficult for me to talk about things of the heart. I have no problem telling Kim exactly how I feel about her but when it comes to my family I can not help but be a closed book.

I decided to close my heart many years ago on my family and put it in a box. I never wanted to open that box again but I guess if I am going to share my life with this woman she should probably know everything about me.

I take her by the hand and we sit on the couch. I take a deep breath and for some reason, I start to tremble. It is crazy how I can run into a building and shoot everyone without even feeling a bit nervous. But let me talk about my family and things becomes impossible.


I put my hand on his hand and I feel how he is trembling. This is obviously a very sensitive subject for him but I need to know what is going on and if he is willing to share things with me. 

We just sit on the couch for a few minutes in silence. I do not want to rush him. Finally, I hear him sighing loudly.

"It is very difficult for me to tell you about my parents. I did not have the best childhood and I really do not feel comfortable telling you about it"

"I know that this is difficult for you to talk about. And I do not want to push you to tell me but I might have an idea that could make things easier for you if you like?"

"Okay, let me hear it?"

Now it is I that have to scrape my courage together.

"What if we just go and visit them and then I will see for myself?"


Oh god, she wants to visit my parents. I feel as a cold feeling runs through my entire being just at the thought of having her in my house. She does not even know that I am not living in the city. I am still living with my mom.

There are so many things that she does not know about me and I do not want to explain anything to her. So, when she suggested that we go and visit my parents maybe that is not such a bad idea.

Then I do not have to explain anything and she can see what my life is like. I know of course if she sees everything she will pity me and probably see me completely differently. But when I asked her to marry me I asked her to marry me and everything that I am.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"


I need to know where Nick comes from and now, more than ever, I want to know what happened to him. It seems like it can be a sad story but when I marry him I want to know everything about him.

"Yes, I am very sure. I want to know you completely"

"Okay, we can go but I guess after this visit, you would not want to marry me anymore"

I can not believe that he just said that I would change my mind about marrying him because of his family. If that is the way that he looks at things then he should not marry me because look what just happened to my family. I am adopted.

"Now, come on, soldier. How would me, meeting your family changes my mind about marrying you? I know that I probably will deal with your family from time to time but it is you that I am choosing to marry and I can promise you right now that nothing is going to change my mind"

I feel him suddenly pulling me into a hug. He is holding on to me even tighter than before. It is clear to me that his family life was not a good one. Then he stands up and says.

"Well, if you feel like that about me it is probably best if we go and get it done with"

"Don't you want to call them first and tell them that we are coming?"

He waves me off dismissively and then I realized that his family is not the same as mine.

"Nah, they are always there. She will probably not even know that we are there"

Well, this is going to be very interesting. How does your family not know if you are there or not? Especially when you are in the Navy Seals. I stand up and take his hand that he is holding out for me. Then we make our way to the car.

As we get into the car he put the address in the GPS and I noticed that we are going to another small town on the other side of the city. I never thought that he also comes from a small town but this makes sense that he was not freaked out by the events in such a small town.

Just before we leave the city we grab something to eat at the restaurant on the corner as takeaways. I realize that it is another four hours of traveling and so I try to make the best of it.

I start to talk about all kinds of useless nonsense because I know that I want to make his heart light. I know that his heart is very heavy and I try to make my best jokes as we go. Finally, I can see him relaxing and laughing. Sometimes he even joins in with one of his ridiculous jokes.

It makes me happy to see him happy and I realized that I do not want to spend my life with anyone else ever again.


I know what she is trying to do and I appreciate her for making me feel better. I knew that I would enjoy being around her but never did I think I would have so much fun. She is definitely the love of my life and the sunshine in it.

But then as we get closer to my town it is as if all the memories of my family come flashing back to me. I know exactly what to expect when I am going to walk into that house and that is exactly it. I will expect nothing.

If we get a "hello" out of my mother it will be a miracle. She will probably just sit in front of her TV and gamble all her money away or buy useless stuff on the shopping channel.

I start to wonder if I did the right thing to bring Kim here. She is such a bundle of joy and now I must bring her back to earth or shall I call it hell.. My heart is suddenly filled with insecurity.

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