I think got everything out but I am not sure. You never really are sure about things like that. Usually, I would wait for some type of sign that I got everything out. Then, as I steady her against the bathroom wall, I know that I have done everything that I can do, medically. Now, it is up to her to show me that she is willing to come back to life as we know it.

"Ma'am? Can you hear me?"

I just stare into her eyes in the hope that I will find some sort of sign that she wants to live. I look deep into her eyes but she is still staring past me. But then, for some reason, I see Nick in her eyes. If there was ever any doubt that Nick was her child, I know he is. I feel as my heart starts to go into deep despair. 

I really want Nick to have a mother that would be able to talk to her own son. I wish I can do even more for him to make things better. I always just want to fix problems and I hate to just leave it up to fate. Then I put my hand on her hand and say.

"Ma'am, I know that you do not know me but I am going to marry your son and I know that he would love to have you at our wedding. I know that you must be going through something difficult inside your body but I am asking you to please…please fight…please just fight for your son"

Suddenly I feel her hand squeezing my hand like a reflex.


I feel hope rising in my heart. I quickly look into her eyes but she is still staring. I know now that there is some kind of hope. Then I hear the door open and the paramedics rush in. I tell them everything they need to know as they put her on the gurney. As they take her outside I see Nick just standing and staring.


I hear the sirens getting closer but I can not seem to move my feet. I just stare as the ambulance gets closer and before I know it, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you okay?"

I know I need to react but I feel completely useless and I have no control over my actions. I want to say that I am fine and they need to attend to my mother but to even speak seems like an impossibility. I turn to look at the paramedic and just nothing.

"Sir? Can you hear me?"

Then it is as I realize that I better say something because my mom and fiancé are in the bathroom and they need help.

"My mom…she needs…I mean, in the bathroom"

The paramedics then leave me and run into the house. I feel like a complete idiot that I am not able to move or be of any assistance. Why can I be on the ball when things get dangerous out on the field but bring me back home and I am completely useless??

It is not long when I see how they push my mother out on a gurney and not long after her I see Kim. She is truly the love of my life and an angel send to me. I would never want to be with any woman in my life again. It is funny how when I look at her, my heart is immediately filled with peace and comfort. 

I watch as it happens in slow motion and her long locks of blond hair fall softly on her shoulders. Her blue eyes hypnotize me like the first time I saw her. I watch as she walks up to me and then I feel her hand on my chest. She stands so close to me and then she looks up at me. She puts a soft kiss on my cheek and says.

"Nick, everything is okay now. We need to go to the hospital. Do you understand me?"

She makes me feel completely at ease and my hand involuntarily goes to her hand on my chest. All I can get out is.



I watch as my strong and powerful Navy Seal breaks down in front of me and I know that this is very difficult for him. I understand why is feeling this way. Dealing with family is very different from dealing with the enemy. You have no feelings attached to the enemy where you have loads of feelings attached to family.

"Soldier, there is hope for you mom. I do not want you to get too excited and I am actually not supposed to tell you this but she squeezed my hand and usually, that means that she is coming to"


I hear what she is saying and I feel a burst of hope injected into my heart. This woman could have just saved my mom. I wrap my arms around her waist and then give her a kiss. This kiss is not like our normal every kisses this one is filled with so much more passion. She truly is my angel.

Then it is as if I realize what is going around me and I watch as they put my mother into the ambulance. I want to go with her but I do not want to leave Kim behind. I walk to the paramedics making sure to hold Kim's hand tight.

"Can we come with you?"

"I am sorry, sir, but we can only take one of you?"

Then I look at Kim and before I can say something, she says.

"You go! I will follow you in the car"

Suddenly I feel torn behind Kim and my mother. I want to go with Kim but I want to go with my mother too. But then I feel as Kim leaves my hand and kisses me on the cheek.

"Go! I will see you at the hospital. I promise"

I can feel her love for me and it is overwhelming. She turns around to walk to the car but I grab her arm and turn her around to me.

"I love you so damn much"

I watch as a smile appears on her face and then she kisses me on the lips, saying.

"I love you too, soldier. Go, look after your mother!"

I turn around and run to get into the ambulance just before they close the doors.


I make my way to the car and watch as the ambulance drives away. I know that the town probably only has one hospital and I quickly search it on the GPS. Then I set the GPS to take me to the hospital but just as I wanted to start the car I decide to just take a breather. I fall back in the chair and take a view deep breath.

I know that I am a doctor and I should be used to feeling this way but for some reason, I just can not separate my "doctor" from making this very personal. I wish I can just somehow go into the doctor mode when needed and not let it affect me so much.

If I messed up with his mother then he would have never forgiven me. I only now realize how serious it was. How I could have messed up. But I shake my head and try to forget these thoughts that keep streaming in. I start the car and make my way to the hospital. I know that Nick needs me now more than ever.


I sit in the ambulance and I look at my mother just staring at the roof. I watch the monitor and it shows that she is still alive but I see no life-like symptoms except for her chest rising and falling. I feel so uncomfortable sitting next to this woman and who I do not really know. I knew her up until college but after that, she is a mystery to me.

I want to say something to her to just see if she is really not with us. Kim said that she squeezed her hand so there must be some kind of life still in her?

"Mom? Can you hear me?"

Then the paramedic turns to me and says.

"I am sorry, sir. But she would not be able to react to anything you say"

I just nod my head and then look at the floor. I know that she is not here. She has not been here for as long as I remember. I wonder why I even try? I guess a person never stops hoping for some kind of sign that maybe you have meant something to someone. I do not understand why I need her approval or acknowledgment at all.

But then as I stare at the floor, I suddenly see her finger twitch as if it is a reflex.. It is almost in an instant that a tear falls down my cheek.

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