"Did you see that?!"

I point towards her hand that just moved a finger. The paramedic looks at me like I am crazy.

"I am sorry, sir but someone in a state like your mother does not make movements so early on"

I know what I saw. She moved her finger. I look into her eyes making sure whether she does not give me some sort of sign that she is alive. But all I see is her staring at the ceiling. There is no sign that she has come to.

I sigh loudly. I really wished that it was real. I sit back and just wish that we can get to the hospital so that the doctors can tell me more about what is going on. I find myself even praying a little.

I never thought that my heart will reach a point where it wants to pray for my mother. I remember how I used to pray a lot at the beginning when she started to ignore me. I prayed every night that she would come back to me and be the mother that I used to know. But then somewhere along the line, I stopped.

It's not far to the hospital. We get there and they push out my mother into the emergency room. The receptionist stops me as I want to go in with my mother and politely ask me to sit down and fill in some forms. I do not want to fill in any kind of forms and quite frankly I know nothing about my mother and her insurance.

All I know is that I do not want to leave my mother's side right now and now I am sitting here in the waiting room filling in forms that I know nothing about. I feel completely defeated and overwhelmed. Usually, I just walk in and everyone does what I say and now someone like a receptionist stops me from doing what I want to.

But then the emergency doors open again and it is Kim. She truly is my saving grace today and every day of my life. She quickly walks towards me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you holding up?"

"I don't really know. I want to see my mother"

Then she takes the forms out of my hand and tells me that she will be right back. I watch her as she walks towards the receptionist and says a few words. She leaves the forms at the desk and then takes my hand leading me to the treating room.

"Where are we going?"

"You said you wanted to see your mother?"

"Yes, but the receptionist-"

"Don't you worry about her. Let's just get you to your mother"

I do not know what she did but it felt like she was me for a moment. She just said what you wanted and then walked right through. God, I do not know how I got to be so lucky.

"I love you, you know that?"

I see a smile appearing on her face and then she turns to me while saying.

"I love you too"

"I saw her finger move"


I see how the boy in my soldier appears again as he says that he saw her finger move.


"Yeah and they did not believe me"

"I am sure that she did move her finger but the paramedics are trying not to give hope to friends and family if they are not hundred percent sure. So, what you have seen could possibly have happened but they will not acknowledge it as they are not doctors"

I can see how he starts to hope again and I feel so happy that I can give him some of that. I am not sure if we would be able to flash out all the pills that she took because we do not know for how long she has been taking them and what damage it did.

But for her to move her fingers and hand like that usually means there is hope. We get to the door of the treating room and I ask Nick to stay outside.

"I will come and get you now okay?"


I entered the room and I see them putting on drips and then the doctor turns to me.

"I am sorry ma'am but you can not be here"

"I am Dr. Kim McPherson and I was treating this lady when she came in with the ambulance. What is your diagnosis doctor?"

He tells me all his findings and I tell him about the pills at home and then we finally get to a treatment plan for her. I tell him thank you for all he has done and then he assigns the case over to me. I then walk over to Nick and tell him that he can come in.

He opens the door but he just stands at the door. He stares at his mother and I am sure he is in shock.


As I get into the room I see my mother lying on a hospital bed with pipes coming out of her arm and bags hanging next to her bed. Somehow, I can not get my one foot in front of the other to walk into the room as this is just a little bit too much to bear.

I wish that I can be out in the field so that I can kill someone. I hate all this emotional shit that I have to handle right now. But then I feel Kim's hand in my hand and she slowly pulls me towards my mother. Then she leads me to stand next to my mother and then says.

"I spoke to her treating doctor and your mother is going to be just fine. It is clear to us that she has been using those pills for quite a while and that would be the reason why she was unresponsive towards you. The more pills she took the more unresponsive she became"

I hear every word that she is saying and suddenly I realize that she was not ignoring me but she was being drugged.

"What? Why would a doctor prescribe these pills to her?"

Suddenly I feel like anger flashing through my being.


I can see that Nick is getting very angry and I do not know how to tell him what I am about to tell him.



"I do not think that the doctor has prescribed this to her. Usually, when you drink this kind of pills it is because you do not want to feel anything anymore... Do you understand what I am saying?"

Then he leaves my hand and starts to walk towards the window. I do not have to see it face to know what he is thinking.

"She...she...wanted to kill herself?"

I can hear there is a crack in his voice as he says it and I walk towards him. I put my hands around his waist from the back and I lay my head against his back.

"That is the only logical explanation for it"


What the fuck is going on? I know that my mother had a tough life but she would not do that. If she wanted to do that she would have done it years ago when I was but only a child. Because of what my father put her through would have easily lead her to do something like that.

Why would she do it now if she is rid of him and can be free and happy? I feel Kim's arms around me and I swear that it is the only thing that is keeping me in one piece. I turn around in her arms and then put my arms around her.

"I do not believe that you would do this. She just isn't that type of woman"

"There is no certainty in these kinds of things. Sometimes the people that we least expected to do it, do it"

"I know what you are saying but she will not do it..."

She smiles and nods her head. I know that she does not believe me and she thinks that I am in denial but through all these years and all these tragic times that she had there is no reason why she would do it now.

" she going to be able to talk to us?"

Kim then pulls away and takes my hand. Leading me back to my mother.

"Yes, she would be able to talk to us again. I have asked to take over the case and I will monitor her closely"

"What? You can do that?"


Suddenly I feel unsure of the decision that I made and I wonder whether he wants me to take over her case. In this entire process of working with his mother I never really felt so unsure. I should have asked him whether he was fine with it before I made that decision. I thought that maybe he wants me to be in charge but now I'm not so sure anymore.

"Yes, would you like someone else to handle your mother's case?"

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