I do not think that Kim understands what I said when I said if she can take my mother's case. It looks like she is afraid that she made the wrong decision but it is completely the opposite.

There is only one doctor that I trust in this world and it is my fiance. I am so glad that she decided to take the case. So I can know what is really happening to my mother. I know that she would not lie to me and tell me what I need to hear.

I take both her hands and look deep into her eyes while I say.

"Doc, I do not want any other doctor touching my mother except you. I trust you with my life. Why would I not trust you with my mother's life?"

I watch as relief starts to play on your face and then she says to me.

"I am so glad you said that. I almost thought that you wanted someone else on your mother's case. I did not even ask-"

I kiss her lips to make her stop talking and so that she can understand what I am about to say.

"You never have to ask me to decide for the both of us. I know that you know what the right thing is. You have shown this to me ever since I met you. Thank you for doing this"


I am so relieved at what Nick just told me. I almost thought that I made a big mistake. It is so good to hear that he trusts me and that I did not disappoint him. Then suddenly we hear noise coming from the bed where his mother is lying.

I quickly turn around and I see that his mother is moving. She is winking her eyes and moving her head. I know in a case like this that speech will come last as the body is first trying to figure out what is going on.

I rush to her side and Nick comes with me.

"Ma'am, I need you to stay calm for me. I know you want to know what happened and where you are. You had an overdose of pills and now you are in the hospital recovering"

It is clear that she does not accept my explanation and she wants to stand up. Of course, it is Nick's mother how else would I expect the woman to react. Nick must get his hard-headedness from someone.

"Nick you need to talk to her and make her calm down"

I push her against the bed to lie down but she keeps on fighting me. I turn around and look at Nick but he just stares.



I watch as my mother struggles to get out of bed and I know that Kim needs me to say something to her but I have no idea what I should say to her. I have stopped speaking to her months ago and she is like someone that I do not even know.

But then Kim calls me again and I see her struggle to keep my mother down. So, I quickly walk to the other side of the bed and help her push her down. I see my mother looking at me with begging eyes and then I know that I had to say something.

"Mom, you have to calm down. You have to lie still. You need help and your help is here in the hospital "

Then I watched as she calms down and starts to lay back down on her pillow. But as I want to step away I feel her grabbing my hand. She only looks at me and her eyes are begging me to stay. Of course, I am going to stay there, there is nowhere else I need to be right now.

I can not remember when last I have seen so much emotion in my mother's eyes. I can not even remember when last she touched me the way that she is doing right now. I have so many emotions going on inside me and I am feeling kind of drunk because of the different feelings that I am going through.

I want to run away but I want to stay. I want to smile and be happy that she is coming to but I want to be mad at her because she wants to take her own life. I do not know which of all these feelings I should feel. I wish someone can tell me what I should do.

I watch as Kim inject my mother with some kind of medicine and I guess it is something that will give her peace of mind.

"You did good, Nick. Just hold her hand and assure her that she is safe here. She is not going to listen to me or anybody else. She wants to identify with someone that she knows and right now, that someone, is you"

I listen to what Kim is telling me but I do not know why I feel so nervous. I look at my mother and now she is only staring at me. I know that she wants reassurance as Kim said. But what do I say to her? I do not even know her.

"Everything will be okay, Mom. Just relax and sleep a bit"

Then she closes her eyes but her hand keeps holding my hand tight.


I can see that Nick is struggling with everything that he needs to feel and what he needs to do. I can only guide him so far and then he must do the rest. I will be here for him for as long as he needs me.

I do not know what he and his mother has gone through but they almost seem like strangers to each other. When he speaks to her, it is not as if he loves her but as if she is someone that he hardly knows.

I walk over to Nick and then I whisper to him.

"I know that this is difficult for you but you need to know that you are her only lifeline right now. If she had any kind of thoughts of taking her life then you are the one that can pull her out of it"

He looks at me and I know that he is completely unsure of what to do.

"Just tell her that you love her and that you are not going anywhere. That should be enough to bring her back for now"


Once again I am completely amazed at what my fiance is saying to me. If I have ever thought if I made the right decision to ask her to marry me then this confirms definitely that she is the one for me. She told me exactly what I needed to hear and how to handle the situation without even asking her.

She is not just a brilliant doctor but an extraordinarily intelligent woman. I smile and just nod my head so that she can see that I am appreciating what she is telling me.

"I am going to the nurse's station and give them some instructions. Then I am going to get myself a cup of coffee. Would you like one?"

"I think that it is the best idea that you have had and I know you had quite a few good ideas today. That would be great, thank you"


I kiss him on the cheek and then smile as I walk away. I do not really have anything to say to the nurses but I thought I will just introduce myself. I needed to give Nick and his mother some space because he needs to talk to his mother.

I go over to the nurse's station and say my hellos and I thank them in advance for their services. I ask one of the nurses to please keep an eye on my patient and if something happens they should come and let me know.

Then I walk over to reception and tell the receptionist that we will soon give her all the details that she needs. Then she shows me where I can get some coffee and I make a cup for me and Nick.

I take my time in doing all these things because I know that Nick's heart is heavy and he needs to talk about it.


I watch as Kim leaves the room and as I turn back to my mother her eyes are open. Suddenly it is only me and her. Awkward is not the feeling that I am feeling right now because there is no word to describe it. I do not know this woman holding my hand.

I vaguely remember her from my school days and the woman lying here is unknown to me. But something in her eyes makes me think that I still know her. It is as if the emotions that I remember about her now come to lay in her eyes.

I wish I can let just switch off all the memories that were wrong and hateful in my brain. But I remember how many times I looked at her and she just ignored me as if I'm not even there. Now she is lying in the bed and she is once again staring at me but she is not talking.

I am used to having a one-way conversation with her many many times before and I just do not see in doing it again.. I wish I can just tell her how hurt I am because of what she did to me.

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