My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 30 - My Beautiful Boy


I am still trying to realize what just happened and how I was completely put under Kim's spell. She has this way of just taking over my mind body and soul and then I am left with no control. I do not want any other woman in my life. I know that when I decided that she would be my wife that it was the best decision of my life.

Then I hear her pager goes off and I watch as her body sits upright. I am staring at her beautiful perfected back and how her curves are just right in every place. I put my hand on her back and just caress it. Her skin is soft like silk and perfect in every way.

Then I listen as she speaks to someone on the other side of the phone.

"Thank you, we will be right there"

I sit upright myself and then I turn to her.

"Who was that?"

"It was the hospital. They have good news. Your mother is talking and she is asking for you"


I am so happy that the hospital let me know that Nick's mother is talking. I could not put the phone down fast enough to tell him the good news but when I did it, I saw an expression that I did not think I would see.

Immediately there is a frown on his face and he is avoiding my eye contact. I do not understand how his mother talking would be bad news for him. Isn't that what he always wanted? Did I do something wrong by making her better?

"What is wrong? Don't you want your mother to talk?"


I was so relieved when I have finally got a break from this emotional rollercoaster that I was on but now every emotion comes running back to me. I hate this. I need to be happy because my mother is talking but at the same time, I do not know what to say to her.

Maybe, I also feel a bit I am afraid of what she might say to me. I do not know this woman and I am not very sure if I want to know this woman. She has become a complete stranger to me and now it seems like she wants to make things up to me.

But I know that she took those pills to get away from life. She did not want to deal with my dad and me. This must mean that she thinks we are cut from the same cloth.

"I want her to talk but I am in two minds of how I feel about it"


I have no idea how he is feeling but I can only imagine that it must be very difficult for him. He hasn't told me anything about how his relationship was with his family yet or if he has a dad or if he is still alive? I do not know.

I put my hand in his hair while I stare deep into his eyes.

"Okay, I get it. So, are we going to the hospital?"

"Yeah, I guess I need to go. I do not know what I'm going to do when I get there but it is the right thing to go to her now"

"Okay. I just want you to know that I want you to do whatever makes you comfortable and I will be by your side all the way"


I can see in her eyes that she loves me more than life itself. I can feel the way that she touches me that she has my best interests at heart. I can not stop saying what a lucky man I am. I kiss her on her beautiful lips and then I say to her.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me"

Then we get dressed and we make our way to the hospital. I make sure to hold her hand. She walks into the hospital as if she owns it. She does remind me of myself as I always take control of any situation. It is clear to me that this is her territory and she knows who is the boss.

Then we get closer to my mother's room and I stop just before we go into the room. I hate it when I freeze like that and become utterly useless.


I feel at Nick pull me back just before we want to enter his mother's room. I know that this is very difficult for him and I have seen this many times before. If there was a patient that came out of a coma for many many months and the family members had to see them again they would usually hesitate before they go in.

I have learned from that experience that sometimes they just need a push. Because I remember the words of my dad " the anticipation of death is much worse than death itself " sometimes we think that it is going to be bad but then it's not so bad.

"Hey, you know that I will be with you. Don't you?"

I give him a kiss and then slowly start to walk through the door while pulling him behind me.


We start to walk through the door and then I see something I never thought I'll see again. My mother is sitting in an upright position awake and alert. For the first time she's looking at me and she is actually seeing me.

This time it is not just me wondering if she is seeing me but she really sees me.


I hear her voice but it is like it is a strange voice to me. I can not remember when last I heard her voice.


I start to walk closer to my mother. Then I feel Kim leaving my hand but it doesn't feel wrong. It feels like it's the way it is supposed to be. As I get closer to my mother she holds out her hand so that I can take hers.

My hand automatically goes out to her as if she always holds my hand. When I put my hand in her hand it feels like time reverse. Then she pulls me into a hug and I remember how she always used to trick me that way.

I was a big boy and nobody needed to hug me but then she would convince me to just hold her hand. And then she would trick me into pulling me into her so that she can hug me. Everything comes flooding back when she is hugging me, I remember everything and I also remember what you used to say. Then she says that exact words.

"My beautiful boy. I have missed you so much"

Then suddenly without warning, I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. How is it possible that a few words can forgive everything?


I leave Nick's hand as I know exactly what is going to happen now. In my experience as a doctor, I have seen many patients reuniting with their families and usually, the tears will come down. So, I decide to make myself scarce and I quietly leave the room. I know that Nick needs some time with his mother alone as I am sure they have a lot to say to each other.

As I get outside the room I stand against the wall just taking a breath. It is a lot of emotion going on in that room and I know that Nick does not want to be seen as vulnerable. So, I will give him a chance to be a child. Everyone deserves to be a child.

I make my way down to the coffee shop and get myself a big slice of cake because I feel that I deserve it.


It is strange how somehow I feel good and bad at the same time. I love to be in my mother's arms but I hate feeling all these different emotions. If I can just choose one emotion and stick to it. I feel how she pushes me away from her and starts looking into my eyes while looking me up and down.

"You have grown so much. I knew that you would be a handsome man one day but this is more than I could have ever wished for"

I watch as she speaks to me with emotion in her eyes and touching me like any other normal human being. Like the way she was when I was in school and now it seems that she does not even know how I look like these past few years.

"You mean you haven't seen me all the time that I stayed home? Every time I come back home? You didn't see me? "

Then I watch as a frown starts to form on her face. It is clear to me that she does not know what is going on around her.

"What do you mean every time you come home and the time that you stayed with me? Nick, what happened to me?"

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