I am sitting next to my mother and she's wide awake and aware of everything around her. But it is very clear to me that she has no recollection of anything that happened these past few years. How is it possible that someone can lose years like that?

Does this mean that she can not remember that I am staying with her and that I spoke to her? I remember there were times that she would at least say yes or hello. How is it possible that she does not know anything?

"Mom, do you not know that I am staying with you?"

She frowns again and then looks at her fingers that she is fiddling with. It is clear that she is trying to remember something.

"You are living with me? I thought you went to college?"

I can not help a shot of shock shoots through my body. She has lost all the years since after I finished school?

"Mom, I went to school years ago. I am in a Navy Seal now"

I see her face lit up with joy and pride.

"You are a Navy Seal?! My son, my beautiful boy is a Navy Seal?"

That was probably the one reaction that I was looking for my entire life. I wanted my mother to be proud of me and now for the first time, I can see that she is proud.

"Yes, I am a Navy Seal, mom"

"I can not believe it. How did I get to be such a proud mother? How did I not know something so significant? How did I not know it? "

I can see that this is very difficult for her that she can not recall what happened to her these past few years. I can see that it is breaking her and suddenly I see a tear falling down her cheek. I try and think back but I can not remember a time that I saw my mother cry.

Even after everything that my dad has done to her she never cried. So, I know that what she is feeling right now is very serious. For the first time, it feels like I want to know her again. It feels like I want to love her again. I want to make her feel better.

I take her hand and she looks at my hand. I know that this is not normal for her as I never wanted to touch her hand. I look deep into her eyes and say.

"We are going to figure it out, mom. Just stay calm and let us figure it out together?"

Then I hug her and I can feel her smiling against my cheek. I know that hugging her would make her happy. Then I hear a soft knock on the door and Kim opens the door.

I leave my mother's embraced and then turn to her. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. I am so glad that she is here. I turn to my mother and say.

"Mom, this is my-"


As I walk into the room I see both their expressions that they are both in shock and happiness. Then I see Nick smiling at me and I know exactly what he wants to say. But I know that this is not the right time. As he starts to speak I interrupt him. I stretch out my hand and say.

"I am Dr. McPherson it is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Robert. How are you feeling?"

I see Nick out of the corner of my eye and I know that he is completely confused but at the same time, he let me do what I need to do. This is what I like about us. We never need to explain anything to each other as we just "get" each other.

"I am feeling fine doctor except that I can not seem to remember the last few years. What is wrong with me?"

"We are still trying to figure out what is wrong with you and if you answer a few questions for me maybe we can figure it out. But what I can tell you is that you have been exposed to a drug that would suppress your memories or any kind of motor skills that you did these past few years"

"Drugs? I do not recall drinking any pills?"

Then Nick interrupts me and says to her.

"Mom, you have a few pills that you drink almost every day. You would drink at least three times a day"

She then turns to Nick and I see her looking at him with a blank expression on her face. It is clear that she has no memory of what he is talking about and this makes me a bit concerned.

"Mrs. Roberts, what do you remember? What was your last memory?"

She then frowns and looks at her fingers.

"I remember being very tired and so I decided to sit and watch some television"

"Do you remember feeling any kind of physical pain?"

"No...I...yes! Yes, I remember now. I had these terrible headaches after, well, since I divorced your father and I remember going to see a doctor. Oh god! Was that the pills you were talking about? He prescribed some pills for me to help with the headaches"

Then Nick speaks up.

"Do you remember the name of the doctor?"

" I...I just can't..."

I can hear her heart monitor starting to raise and then I walk closer to her putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Mrs. Roberts it is okay if you do not remember. I need you to calm down. You are not strong enough yet"

I look at Nick and then shake my head trying to tell him not to ask any more questions. Then as if he understands what I am saying he says to his mother.

"Mom, just get some rest, okay. I am just going outside to talk to the doctor. I am not going anywhere"

Then she nods her head and lies down on her pillow closing her eyes. I walk out of the door and Nick follows me. Just as we get out of the room and the door is closed he grabs my hand.

"Why didn't you let me tell my mother that you are my fiance? I am not ashamed to tell her this"

I feel his love towards me and I smile at him.

"I know that you are not afraid to tell anyone that I am your fiance. You were not even afraid to tell the Admiral. But this is not about that. In my experience, if the doctor is not personally related to someone then I can be a better doctor for her for now. Because now she sees me as the doctor and not her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. She will be honest with the doctor and maybe not so honest with the daughter-in-law "

He pulls me into a hug and then he kisses me.

"I do not know if I have told you this before but I am in love with your brain"

I see that cocky smile on his face again and I know that he is happy. I giggle just a little bit about his comment but I love his compliments. Then his face turns serious again.

"We need to get the name of that doctor so that we can get to the bottom of this. I know that he has something to do with this"

"There isn't a lot of doctors in a small town. Don't you remember that your mother maybe went to visit a doctor at some point?"


I hear what she is saying and ever since my mother said she has a doctor, I tried to remember a face and name or anything that I might have seen. The joke of it all is, that I have been trained to analyze and see things that other people do not see around them but here I am in my own home and I have not noticed anything.

"I guess I was so focused on my mother not being there that I saw nothing else. I wish I can be of more assistance"


Then suddenly I get an idea. If there isn't a lot of doctors in this small town then that means that everyone is connected to everyone. I think I should speak to some of the nurses and maybe make a few calls. I can spread the word that I am the doctor for Mrs. Roberts and that I would need some previous records from her treating doctor.

This way we can find out who the doctor is that prescribes her pills.

"You don't need to be sorry, Nick. When it comes to family we all are blind. And you know that I am talking out of experience. I think that I have an idea to get his name. Why don't you go back to your mother and then I am going to make a few calls?"

As I turn around to walk away I feel his hand on mine and he pulls me back to him.

"I love you, Kim McPherson"

I just smile as he gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"I think I might love you more, Nick"

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