My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 32 - Medical History


I give Nick one last kiss and then make my way to the nurse's station while I watch him go back into the room. I am not very sure where I should start as I do not know this town very well. But I have grown up in a small town myself so, I know that everyone should be connected.

I walk to the first nurse that I can find and then ask her.

"Hi. I am Dr. Kim McPherson and I am looking for a medical history of my patient in room 547 and the patient can not tell me who her treating doctor is. I am completely lost as I do not know this town. Is there any way that you can help me?"

When I started speaking to her she looked like I was scolding her for some reason but when she heard what I wanted to know something, her face changed and I can not believe the assistance that I got.

"Well, you have come to the right nurse. I know everyone who knows everyone in this town. You are treating Mrs. Roberts right?"

I feel completely relieved by her answer and I am so glad that I am talking to most probably, the person that likes to gossip the most in town.

"Then I am very glad that I came to the right person. Yes, it is Mrs. Roberts"

She gets out the patient's file and quickly looks at the address.

"Patients usually like to see the doctors that are close to their houses for in case there is some kind of emergency. Let me just see where she stays... Ah! Ok, this is an easy one it can only be Dr. Carson or Dr. Milton. I would go with Dr. Carson as Dr. Milton is a physiotherapist "

I can not believe my luck. She has saved me so much time. I feel like I want to reward her in some way.

"Thank you so much! Please can I have your name?"

"It is Betty, doctor. May I ask why?"

I put my hand on her shoulder and look into her eyes.

"Where I come from usually when somebody does something that helps you tremendously, as you did right now. It does not go without reward. Please point me in the direction of your head nurse?"

She just stands in front of me with her mouth wide open and then points to the woman standing behind the counter. I thank her one more time and then make my way to the head nurse.

I introduce myself and then I give Betty a good review and encouraged her to give her a raise. Then I ask for Dr. Carson's telephone number and I give him a call. It is a secretary that answers the phone.

"Dr. Carson's Office. How can I help you?"

"Hi. My name is Dr. Kim McPherson, I have one of Dr. Carson's patients with me and I would like to get some medical history from him if possible"

"Of course, who is the patient?"

"It is Mrs. I. Roberts"

"Okay, let me just quickly get the file. If you can hold on for me?"

I patiently wait for her to get the file and hope starts to rise in my heart that I might get to the bottom of this. Then she gets back on the phone with me.

"I am sorry Dr. McPherson but Dr. Carson is not in at the moment and can not be of any help"

That is funny that she is saying that to me. Didn't she just say that he would be able to help me, no problem?

"When will he be back?"

"Oh, he...well, you see, he is actually on vacation. So, he won't be back for a few weeks..."

"Oh, I see. Well, thank you for your help..."

I put the phone down and I can not help but feel like something is not right. One moment she is telling me that he can give me the history and the next, he is on vacation. I need to go and tell Nick what I have discovered.


I go back into my mother's room and I watch as she is staring out of the window. I am sure that everything that she has discovered today is driving her insane. If I remember correctly my mother would always like to fix the problem as soon as it arises.

She would not rest until she gets to the solution. I slowly make my way back to her bedside and then she turns to look at me.

"What are we going to do, Nick? How am I ever going to get back those years? I must have missed so many things? I did not get to see you graduate and I did not see how you get accepted into the Navy Seals. Did you go on tours yet?"

I can see the severe remorse in her eyes and I know that she feels extremely sad about the things that she has missed. I was there every day and thought she just did not care. It is as if she is slowly preparing my heart.

Now that I understand the reason behind her attitude and the things that she did, I do not feel so much hate towards her anymore. But there is one burning question that I want to ask her and I do not know when the right time is.

"Yes, mom it is already my fourth tour and you did not miss the graduation as I never graduated. I saw an opportunity to join the Navy Seals and I took it. I gave up my studies to become a Navy Seal"

Then she frowns at me and takes my hand.

"Did you tell me all these things? Did I say something about it?"

I can not believe that I am going to have to be the one that tells her that she did nothing but sit in front of the television. I swallow deeply and then say.

"What I am about to tell you might be very hard to hear. I spoke to you a lot, the times that I was at home but you were kind of out of it. You never really reacted to what I said as you were just watching television most of the time. I I am so sorry, mom"

As I tell her all these things I see tears starting to form behind her eyes and it is a phenomenon to me. She never cried so this is uncharted territory for me.

"Oh, my beautiful boy. I must have made you feel so bad. It is almost as if I did not care for you or love you?"

It is As if she puts her hand around my heart and starts to hug it. The emotions that I felt earlier on today are much more severe right now. Because she is healing every part of my heart with the words. I never thought that I would ever be healed for what you did to me in my younger years.

I fight as hard as I can, not to let the tears fall down my cheeks because I know I should not cry.

"I am okay, mom-"

She interrupts me trying to explain to her how I feel.

"It is not okay, Nick. It is not okay that your mother can not share in your happiness and sadness. It is not okay that your mother is there but she is not even there. It is wrong and not right. Do you hear me? You do not deserve that. You deserve the best"

I hear what she is saying and then her voice finally cracks with her last sentence. I can see that she is in severe pain as it is clear that she did not want her child to suffer. I remember how she used to care for me in the days when I was in school.

She was present and she cheered me on. This must be killing her. But then, I could not hold it in any longer and I ask.

"Mom, were you happy when I was in school?"

"What do you mean? "

"I mean did you ever wanted to take your own life?"

When I say those words to her she almost jumps back in her bed from shock. Her eyes go wide and then she says in the calmest voice.

"Why in the world would you think that? I enjoyed every moment with you. I never would want to take my own life"

I am so glad that my thoughts about my mother not ever taking her own life are correct. This one time, Kim was wrong. I knew my mother would never do that.

"It is just something that people would ask in a situation like this. You were drinking too many pills and it seemed like you wanted to take your own life"

"I want you to know, Nick, I would never do that"

I can hear the seriousness in her voice and her body language is telling me the truth. I know that she was a very strong woman even after things that my dad did to her.. She would not just give in like that.

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