I am still standing in awe after I put the phone down. I am almost a hundred percent sure that the receptionist was lying to me. I think I need to get this news to Nick as fast as possible. Something does not smell right.

Why would a doctor not give the medical history of one of his patients to another doctor that wants to help his patient? I remember when I was working in the hospital that the General Practitioners would usually give us the necessary information to look after their patients.

If the doctor cares for his patients he would willingly give us everything we need and more. I start to walk back to his mother's room as I know that Nick needs to hear this. I softly knock on the door and then open it.

I see Nick turning around while he is sitting next to his mother's bed. I can see that he must have had some kind of heartfelt conversation with his mother again. The expression on his face is that of sadness and hopelessness. I can only pray that the information that I am going to give him now, would give him some sort of hope.

"I am sorry to bother you Mr. Roberts but could I have a moment with you?"

It feels so strange to call him by his last name and I am sure that we need to tell his mother as soon as possible that I am his fiance. She seems to be in good health and alert about what things are going on around her.

"Of course"

Then I watch as Nick tells his mother he will be right back and then we walk out of the room. Almost immediately he takes my hand and I can see that he longs for my touch.

"What is going on?"

"Well, I had a kind of a strange call with your mother's treating doctor's receptionist"

"You found him? Tell me everything"

I started telling him about my entire conversation with his receptionist and as soon as I start, I can see how he is analyzing every word that I am saying. It is not long after I finished and told him that something is not right that I can see the Navy Seal taking him over again.

"I think we need to go and pay him a visit. Don't you think?"

"I think that is the best idea yet. I just need to go and get his address. Why don't you tell your mom will be right back?"


As I listen to every word that Kim is telling me I know that something is going on with this doctor. I do not think he knows who he is dealing with but he will soon find out. If I find out that he gave drugs to my mom to make her into something that I have hated for all my life I can promise, that he will regret it.

I turn to go back into the room and then I say to my mother.

"We found your doctor, mom. Do you remember a Dr. Carson?"

Then it is as if a light goes on in her mind. She smiles and points a finger at me.

"Oh yes, yes, Dr. Carson I remember now. I remember how I took you to him once because of the injury that you had playing football. Yes, I remember now. I went to him for my prescription. I never had any other doctor except him"

"That is great news, mom. Then we have the right doctor"

"What are you going to do?"

"We are just going over there and ask him a few questions about the drugs. We will be right back?"

I turn around to walk out of the door when my mother stops me.


I realized that I probably used the wrong personal pronoun and I know that I need to tell my mom that I am engaged to her doctor. But I know that now is not the time.

"Yeah, I want to go with the doctor. Just so, I can hear it from the horse's mouth"

I do not give her time to react to my answer as I can not lie any longer to her at this moment. When we get to the bottom of this we should tell her the truth. I close the door behind me and Kim waits for me.

I am just about to take her hand when she put her hand in mine. She knows exactly what I need and I love her for it.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, let's go and see what this doctor has to say to himself"

We go out to the car and then put the address in the GPS. As I make my way to the doctor I suddenly remember this neighborhood. When my mother mentioned that I went to see him once for an injury, all of that memories came back to me.

"I remember this doctor now"


"Yeah, he took care of me once when I hurt my ankle playing football. But that was the only time that I saw him"

"You played football? You were that guy?"

"Hey! I was good at football. No, wait I was the best. What do you mean that guy?"

I hear her giggle while she is covering her mouth and her beauty radiates from her.

"I just mean you were a jock. You know? The guy with all the girls?"

"Really? That's what you think of me? The guy with the girls?"

"Well? Am I wrong?"

"No, you are not. I had girls but I have to say none of them match you or come close to you"


Once again he has this way of slapping all my thoughts out of my mind. He hits me with this one-liner that gets me completely off my game. I thought I had him in a bag in a corner but then he just turns it around and makes me weak at my knees.

"Oh god, how do you do that?"

I watch him giving me a frown on his face and then he says.

"What are you talking about? Did I say something wrong?"

"I understand now why you would have a lot of girls?"

"Why? What did I do?"

"You don't know, do you?"

"I thought that was clear?"

"All I can say is that I love you more than ever before?"

"So, you are not going to tell me?"

"I think it is better that you do not know because if you know you might lose it and I do not want you to lose it"

He put his hand on my leg and then smile at me with his cocky smile.

"You truly are a woman of mystery and just in case you were wondering, I love you more"

Just then we pull up in the driveway of the office of Dr. Carson. It does not look like he has any patients at this moment and that could mean that the receptionist was telling us the truth. There are only two cars in the parking lot.

Nick quickly opens his door and then runs around to open my door. I just pray to God that he will never change and that he will stay such a great gentleman that he is. I give him a smile and a kiss on the cheek and then he quickly put his hand on his cheek.

"What was that for?"

"Just for you, being you"

"Well, then I will stay me, being me. So I can get more of those kisses"

We laugh while holding each other's hands and then we knock on the door.


As we get into the office I immediately analyze my surroundings. I need to keep my eyes peeled and I do not want to miss a thing as I have messed up things with my mom. I will not let this happen again. I should have known what was going on with my mom. We approach the receptionist and then before I can say one word Kim asks her.

"Hi, we don't have an appointment but we were wondering if the doctor is in so he can maybe give us a consultation?"

The very friendly receptionist then replies.

"You are very lucky, the doctor is in between appointments so he would be able to see you right away. If you could maybe just fill in these forms and I will go and advise the doctor"

I can not believe what my ears are hearing. As the receptionist leaves the room Kim gives me a look and I never thought I will see her look like this. She looks completely disgusted and if I might even say angry.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I am absolutely not okay. Do you know, that bitch lied to me? I am a doctor for goodness sake. I think I deserve some level of respect and she lied to my face.. Or the doctor lied to me which makes this even worse. Doctors are supposed to put their patient's health before their own selfish reasons"

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