My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 36 - Visit You In Jail


I just sit here and stare at the ground. When I decided to approach this doctor and show him that I am not backing down until he gives me the truth, I never thought that he would be able to knock me down. But with just one name he was able to immobilize me.

I am such a weak man for not being able to act and be the strong man that I need to be. I realize that my dad has done quite a number on me and now it seems like he has done a number on my mom too. I watch as Kim interrogates the doctor more and I am so glad that she is here with me.

There are so many more questions that I want to ask this doctor and I am sure that Kim will see to it that it is asked. I heard her whisper to me that she is with me and that is enough to not make me fall apart.


I can not describe the anger that is staying in my heart. How is it possible that someone that has created a gentle and loving man like Nick, could have drugged his own wife? Nick must be devastated and he even admitted that his dad would do it.

I am still staring at his confession that his dad will drug his own mother when I realize that the doctor still needs to answer a few questions.

"Why would he want his wife to get this medicine?"

"I swear! I do not know. He just said that he needs her not to be able to talk but he did not want to kill her. I begged him not to do it but he swore that he would tell my wife."

I can not believe how messed up this is but this makes me wonder why he did not want her to talk.


Fuck! Why would he not want my mother to talk? What did he do to her that he needs her to shut up? But he wrote me a letter that he wants to get to know me again? What is he up to?

I stand up from my chair as I have heard enough and then make my way to the outside. I just need to take a breather. I need to get some sort of clarity. I am afraid if I stay there any longer, in that room, I might kill the doctor and I know it is not his fault.


I watch Nick storm out of the room and I know that this is very difficult for him. But I am long not finished with this doctor. He deliberately put someone's life in danger to protect his own interests. I know what a doctor is supposed to be and this man in front of me is not a doctor.

"I hope you know that today was your last day that you have practiced medicine. I am reporting you to the medical board and I will see to it that all your patients know about you. Not only your patients but the hospital and all the doctors in it. I would hang up my coat, if I were you"

I turn around and start to walk out the door but he walks after me begging me not to ruin his reputation. But I could not give a damn about what he is feeling. As I get to the receptionist, who I am sure wants to hide from me, I turn to her and say.

"You better go and find another job because this doctor is done"

Then I walk out the door and I seen Nick just staring out in front of him. I walk closer to him and put my arms around his waist letting my head lay on his chest. I can hear his steady heartbeat against my ear and I know that he is calm.

Then I feel him kissing me on the top of my head and I look up at him.

"Are we getting out of here?"

"I thought you would never ask?"

He takes my hand and then we walk to the car. But before he opens doors for me he looks into my eyes.

"Thank you"

"For what? For making you feel even worse than what do you do already?"

"No, doc. For taking over as you did. Without you, I would have never known what happened to my mom"

I put both my hands on his cheeks and then I give him a kiss on the lips.

"We are in this together now. The moment you have asked me to marry you we were not two separate beings anymore. You should know that I would do anything for you"


Her words are like medicine to my wounds. She does not know what great big effect she has on me when she talks. She just has this way of handling me and making sure that I am functioning at a hundred percent. I love how she is seeing us as one, already before we even get married.

I pull her in even closer and I give her I kiss that she will never forget. I hear a soft moan escaping her mouth and I know I have her exactly where I want her. I feel her pushing me away with much effort and then while her eyes are closed she says to me while licking her lips.

"We need to get back to your mom and tell her what we know"

"Yes, you are right but I want you to know that I will have my way with you"

I watch her smile that shy smile that I love so much and then I turn around to walk to the driver seat. I start the car and make my way to the hospital but when I got halfway there I suddenly make a u-turn.

"What is going on?"

"I think we need to go and see someone?"

"You mean?"

"Yes, I think he needs to get what is coming to him"

I feel her putting her hand on my leg and then I quickly glance at her. Her face is filled with concern for me.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Don't you want the authorities to take care of this?"

"Doc, what can the authorities do to him? Maybe they will send him to a trial and maybe they will find him guilty or maybe they will not. That will not bring back what I have lost"


I know where he is coming from and I understand that he needs to get some sort of closure. But I am afraid that he might not be able to control himself and do something he will regret. I know that I was able to stop him in the past from doing things that he should not have but I do not know if I would be able to stop him now.

"I know what you are saying but..."

"But what?"

"I am afraid to tell you what I think..."

This time it is him putting his hand on my leg and then he says to me in a calm voice.

"Please, do not ever be afraid to speak your mind with me. Your words have done nothing but restore me on the inside"

I can hear the sincerity in his voice and I know that he is telling me the truth but that is not my problem. My problem is that he might be able to control himself now but when his rage takes over he might not be able to.

"I know if I tell you now what I want to, you are just going to tell me that you will not do it but when we are there, I know that you will do it"

Then it is as if he chuckles and then with a soft smile, he says to me.

"I know what you are afraid of. That I might kill him..."

Suddenly his voice turns to a serious tone.

"...I could kill him and I could make it look like an accident. But I would rather break all his bones and let him live with the pain as a reminder of what I did to him"

I can not help swallowing deeply at what he is saying. I do not know what his dad did to him and his mom but it must be something really, really bad. I do not know Nick to be such a vicious man for no reason at all. He then just stares right in front of him and it is clear that he focuses on what he is about to do.

"I just do not want you to do something that you might regret later on. I do not know what kind of relationship you had with your dad or what kind of relationship he had with your mother but I am about to marry you and I do not want to visit you in jail"

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