My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 41 - Life's Misson


I stand there holding my breath without knowing it. Then she turns to look at Kim and it almost looks like she is disgusted by her. I want my mom to be proud of me and the choices that I make. I know that I am a full-grown man but for some reason, I still crave her approval.

"Yes, mom, your doctor is my fiance. We did not want to tell you when you were unable to communicate with us because we-"

She does not give me time to explain she just hold her hand up in the air. Then she holds her other hand out for me to take it. I take her hand and very nervously walk towards her. Then she looks at Kim and says.

"Dr. McPherson, could you come closer?"


I can not help as my heart starts to beat in my chest. I am actually meeting my future mother-in-law for the first time. Then she looks at me and holds out her hand.

"Please, call me, Kim, Mrs. Roberts"

I take her hand and then she put our hands together saying.

"I am so glad that Nick found himself a capable wife. I do not know much about you but I know that you have treated me with respect ever since you found me in the house. I remember how gentle you worked with me and help me out of my misery. I will be forever grateful to you and now it is only an honor to be calling you my daughter-in-law"

Never in a million years, I thought I would hear her say something like that. I thought that she would be mad because it is her only boy and a mother only wants the best for her boy. I am so glad that she likes me.

"Welcome to our family, Kim. I trust Nick to make the right choices in life and this is definitely one of them"


I got nervous for a second but when she put our hands together I knew that she approved. My mother is someone that speaks through her body language and hands were always important to her. I can see how proud she is and that makes my heart filled with joy. Then Kim says.

"Mrs. Roberts, I promise to look after your son and I will be a good wife to him"

I watch as my mother only smiles at her words and then says.

"I know that you will take good care of my son. If you give him a fraction of what you have given me, as your patient, I know that he would be in good hands"

Then she turns to me and says.

"I am glad you waited until I was able to react to the news because I did not want to miss this for all the money in the world"

I could not be happier at this moment. The moment that my wife-to-be and my mother are by my side and happy. I am indeed a lucky man to have both of these women in my life. Then I pull Kim in and closer to me and say.

"I think I should just clear the air?"

My mother lifts her one eyebrow and says.


"It was actually Kim that said that we should not tell you while you are not able to react"

"Well, then I like her even more"

We all share a laugh and then we get the papers to discharge her. We make our way back home and as we get to the front door my mother stops. I look at her and say.

"What is wrong?"

" is just, I thought I was ready to go back home but I just can not get myself to go inside"

It must be horrible not knowing what she would find in her home that she only remember living in when she was aware of things around her. Now, she must face this house alone and I am sure she is scared.

I take her hand and then try to lead her inside but she stands fast.


I keep my distance as we make our way into the house because I know this is something between Nick and his mother. But I see her not wanting to go into the house and then I get an idea.

"If I may make a suggestion?"

I watch Nick and his mother turn to look at me and I can not say that I feel a little bit scared. I watch as Nick looks at me with an expression of curiosity. Then his mother speaks up.

"You may?"

"Well, my mother is throwing us an engagement party tomorrow and if you are not up to going into your house, you are more than welcome to come with us-"

I have not even finished my sentence and she answers me.

"Yes! I mean...that would be nice, thank you"

I see Nick starting to smile and I know that smile. That is a smile that would get us both into trouble.


I knew that Kim had a good heart but when she invited my mom to our engagement party I knew I never want to be with anyone else ever again. She has taken permanent residence in my heart. Then I turn to my mom and say.

"Do you want me to go inside and help you pack a few things?"

She nods her head and then walks much easier into the house. I think that Kim was right in inviting her to the party because she is probably not ready to be alone yet. It is that sense of her that I am so in love with.

As we walk through the house many memories run through my head and I believe it is the same thing that is happening to my mom. We walk in silence to her bedroom and then I quickly take out a suitcase. I help her put a few things inside and then close it up.

As we walk back outside she suddenly stops me in the middle of the hallway. She stares into my room and then says.

"How could I not have known that you stayed with me all these years? How could I have missed so many things in my beautiful boy's life?"

I feel her sadness and heartache but there is nothing that I can do for her. I give her a hug and try to comfort her.

"It was not your fault. We will make him pay"

Then we walk on and just as we get to the door I tell her to wait for me here. Then I make my way back to my room and get a few clothes for the party. Then, finally, we get into the car and make our way to Kim's hometown.

The ride down to her town is an interesting one. It is almost as if my mother is filled with happiness as she asks us all kinds of questions. She starts to ask me what I am exactly doing in the Navy Seals to what Kim does as a doctor etc.

She seems just like her old self, full of joy and questions. I am glad she is asking so many questions and we have to give her all the answers because, in some way, Kim and I are also getting to know each other. Things like why Kim wanted to work with the Navy Seals and how I got to be a Navy Seal.

Also, Kim seems to be enjoying these questions and there are some embarrassing moments shared between us. I can see that Kim and my mom will get along just fine and if I am not careful they might team up against me.


As we drive back to my home, I can see how happy Nick is and that is all that I want in life. Nick deserves so much more than what he got in his life. He is not just a good man but the best Navy Seal that can protect our country. That is why I would make it my life's mission to keep him happy.

His mother reminds me a lot of my mother and I think that we would have a great relationship. I quickly text my mom.

"I know that it is short notice but can we bring Nick's mom to the party?"

I put my phone away and then we chat and laugh even more. It is not too long after my text when I get one back from my mom.

"I would love to meet his mom. I think it is a great idea"

I put the phone against my chest after reading the message as my heart is filled with joy and I can not be happier. I turn to look at Nick and I see that cocky smile never leaving his face. I know now that he is just as happy as I am and then I feel his hand on my leg.

I turn to look into his eyes and then he mouths to me without his mom seeing.

"Thank you...."

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