I have a half-naked man sitting next to me and telling me that he wants the engagement party. I probably could not have wished for a better fiancé as the one sitting next to me. His body is doing all kinds of things to me. It is awakening things inside my heart and in my core of desire.

When he is kissing me it feels like everything is right in the world. I never believed in soul-mates but in the small amount of time that we know each other, it was like we were made for each other. He fills me in every part of my life and I believe I do the same thing for him. We get each other even when we are in a stressed situation.

I have had so many failed relationships but not even for one second, I am wondering about ours. I quickly text my mom back and tell her to make it the day after tomorrow and then we find our way into the bed. We cozy up next to each other and start to watch a movie that I think both of us do not even know that we are looking at it.

We are both thinking about what happened today and how things changed in everybody's lives. I feel a strong arm around me and I lay my head on his chest. I want to be in this place forever. But soon I feel my eyes get heavy at the peace that he brings me and it quickly sent me to dreamland.


I feel her head on my chest and it feels like home. I never really had a place to call home but when she is with me I am home. I feel her perfect body in my hands as I caress her side.

I want to make her mine again but then I feel her body getting heavier on mine. I know now that she has fallen asleep and I can but only smile and give her a kiss on her head.

I put the television off and then the lights. But my eyes do not close. I can not help thinking about what happened today and how I disowned my father and got my mother back. To have this happen all in one day seems unreal but then again nothing in my life has been the way a normal person should live.

Suddenly a wave of exhaustion fills me and I know that I should take my chance and close my eyes. I have another day to face tomorrow and who knows what that might hold for me.


As I open my eyes I feel the sun's rays on my skin. I know that it must be well into the day already and I am glad that we both slept late. I turn my head and look into the face of my future husband and suddenly joy fills my heart. I decided to go to the Navy and serve my country but never in my wildest dreams, I thought I will come back with a husband.

I must say that it feels very good to have caught the cream of the crop. He is not just one of the soldiers but the leader of the best team in the Navy Seals. But what I love the most about this is that he can not seem to take his eyes off me. That feeling is the best.

I give Nick a light kiss on his cheek and then he jerks away. Then I remember that I should not be close to him when I wake him up. He suddenly sits upright and it looks like he is ready to fight someone.

"God, I am so sorry, Nick. I completely forgot"

I jump out of the bed and I watch as his chest rises and falls. It is clear that he is anxious and I hold my hands up in surrender.


Suddenly I am upright and ready to attack whatever comes my way but then I see her standing with her hands up telling me she is sorry. I feel like a fool making her stand up like that and getting away from me. How can I be her husband if she can not just wake me up like any other wife?

I take a deep breath to calm down and then I stand up. I walk slowly towards her and then I say.

"Fuck...I am so sorry, Kim. I am so damn-"

Then suddenly I feel her arms around my waist and she is holding me tight.

"Don't you ever apologize for something that you clearly can not control? Do you hear me? I need you to hear me?"

I hear her words vibrate through my entire being and I know she is very serious but I can not help feeling guilty for the way that I treat her.

"I hear you but it is not right"

"I know, Nick but I am not about to blame you for something that is clearly not your fault"

"But what if I do something to you and-"

"Stop it! Stop it immediately! You are not to blame for this. Do you not think about this again. I will handle things as it comes my way. I know what I got myself into"

I take a deep breath and I know that she just wants to make me feel better but I can not help somehow feeling like it is my fault. I hold her tight and then she kisses me on my lips while she is smiling.

"Did you sleep well?"

"It was so good to sleep without my cast and with you, in my arms, made it even better"

Just then my pager goes off and it is the hospital. They let me know that Nick's mom wants to discharge herself. I tell Nick and I see that he is completely confused. I feel just like he does and we quickly get dressed and make our way to the hospital.


I do not understand why my mother wants to get discharged as I did tell her that I will come back today again. I get in her room and then I see her all dressed and not lying in the bed.

"Mom, what is going on?"

"I just can not lie like this any longer. I have missed so much in my life and I do not want to spend another day in the hospital. You understand where I am coming from?"

"Yeah, I understand. Let's just get the papers then and we will take you home? But before we go I need to tell you something"

I can see that she is preparing to receive bad news as that is almost all that I have been giving her since I saw her. She sits down on the bed and then says.

"Okay, I am listening"

"Do not worry, mom, this is good news"

"Well, I must say it is a relief"

"Just wait here for me okay?"

I turn around and walk out the door where Kim is waiting for me.

"So, why does she want to be discharged?"

"She says she wants to move on with her life. But that is not why I came out"

I take her by the hand and then lead her back into the room. I see my mother's eyes go wide as I am holding her hand.


I feel Nick taking my hand and leading me into his mother's room and I immediately know what he is going to do. I can not stop him from telling his mother any longer. I know that he wants his mother to be happy for him and I can only hope that she will react the way he wants her to.

As we get into the room I see the look on her face and I suddenly feel completely unsure of myself. Every time I walked into this room and looked at her chart, I was in charge but now she is the one in charge and I can not help feeling vulnerable.

But then it is as if Nick realizes how I am feeling and he squeezes my hand.

"Mom, I would like you to meet my fiance"

I can hear how proud he is in his voice and it fills my heart with warmth. For a man to go to his mother and tell her who is going to marry with so much joy in his voice is something every wife-to-be longs to hear. And here I am standing next to a man that wants to show me off.


It is as if I am bringing home a trophy and I want my mother to be proud of me. I feel like a little boy again and I know that I have missed a lot of things in my life with my mom. But I want her to be proud of me now.

Then I look at her facial expression and I am not sure what I am seeing. Then she says.

"The doctor is your fiance?!"

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