"I think that the honor is all mine, don't you think?"

"As I recall you were the one that saved my ass?"

I met Dan when I was only studying to become a doctor. I was still wet behind the ears and he was so kind to guide me through my studies. He also wanted to become a doctor at that stage. We were in a very good relationship regarding friendship and we never expected anything else except friendship.

He scratched my back when I needed him to help me and I scratched his back when he needed help. Let's just say that he needed a bit more back-scratching as he was not exactly the type to do things legal. But as the years went by he learned very difficult lessons and soon became the doctor he wanted to. Of course, legally.

Soon he was a famous doctor and everyone wanted to be under his care. He was offered a position on the medical board and I remember that night, we went to celebrate his new position. The reason why he says that I saved his ass is because he was in trouble a lot of times. I was the only one of the students that helped him and he did not get him kicked out.

I knew deep in my heart that he was a good guy and just had a difficult childhood.

"Ahh, yes you must be right. I was the one saving your ass the entire time you were in college"

We laugh together and then he says.

"I know that you do not call me unless you need something"

"You know me very well"

"I think you need to know someone after what we have been through, don't you think?"

We laugh once again and then I get serious.

"I need you to look into a doctor. He has done some indescribable things and I do not see a reason that he should carry on with practicing medicine..."

I then tell him the entire story and what happened and it is not long after I have finished that he said.

"Kim, I have always trusted your judgment. What is his name? "

"Dr. Carson, Dr. Neil Carson"

I gave him his practice number and everything he might need to look into him.

"I do not know how to thank you"

"I do not think you have to thank me. See it as I am paying you back for all those times you help me"

We say goodbye and then I put the phone down. I know that I might just have ruin somebody's life but I also know if I did not do this he would have just gone and destroyed somebody else's life.

He prescribed drugs to Nick's mom and Nick lost his entire childhood. I do not see how it is fair. He might just as well have done it to somebody else too and then I am not even going into how is cheating on his wife.

I just sit there for a while, thinking of how this guy has influence Nick's life. I have to calm down before I get all angry again and then I slowly make my way to his mom's room but halfway I see him walking towards me.

I can see he is a bit sad but I can only imagine what happened in that room.

"How are you doing?"

"Much better, now that I see you"

I smile and then I look down at his cast around his leg. He must be so irritated by that thing by now and I know that we can just quickly take it off.

"I have some good news for you"

"Better news than knowing that you are in my life?"

" depends on how you take to the news"

"Okay, let me hear this mysterious good news"

"Do you want to get rid of that cast?"

"Oh god, I never thought you would ask me. I am so ready"

I smile and then I take him by the hand to the closest treating room I can find. Then I carefully remove his cast and I see him watching me the entire time. I know that he must be so happy to get rid of that thing. Finally, his leg is free and then he rubs his leg.

"Thank you so much"

He then kisses me on the lips and while he holds me tight he moves away from my lips only an inch and says.

"Listen, I am starving let's go and get something to eat. What do you say?"

"I say that is the best idea yet"

He takes my hand and we walk to the car. The night has come and the moon is high in the sky. We get into the car and then drive to a nearby restaurant. I stare out of the window just thinking how Nick has grown up here.

Then we make our way into the restaurant and take a seat at a booth.

"It is a fancy restaurant"

"Well, you are the best and you deserve the best"

"Flattery will get you everywhere"

We laugh as we kiss and hug just feeling each other being next to each other. Then we order some well-deserved food and just talk about the people that we see sitting around us. He can almost tell me a story about each and every one. Here and there, there is someone that he does not know.

But we enjoy each other's company and the sorrows of today seem to be washing away. I take the last sip of my wine and then I turn to Nick.

"Are you as tired as I am?"

"Oh, I think I am a bit more tired than you"

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, for starters, I punch a man today"

We laugh about what he is saying but there is some constraint on our laugh.

"Kim, I know that you want to sleep in our house tonight but I do not feel like going back there yet. Would you mind if we just get a motel?"

I can see that this is serious to him and I just nod my head as we walk out the door hand in hand. He drives us to a motel not far away and then books us a room. We get to the room and he opens the door.

It feels so good that we can just be together. The room is not too bad. It is not a 5-star hotel but it has all the necessary things we need.

"I am going to take a shower. Why don't you get us a movie"


I watch as the love of my life makes her way to the shower and then I look around the room. I am sure I could have gotten a better room but this is probably the best that the small town has to offer. I want to give her everything that her heart desires because she has changed my entire life.

I sit down on the bed and start to go through the channels. I know she said that she wanted to watch a movie but the only thing that I want to watch is her. It does not take a long to get out of the shower and then I take a shower too.


I feel completely exhausted and I know that Nick is tired too. I take a seat on the bed and then I hear my phone beeping. I open a text message and it is a text from my mom.

"Hi, honey. I hope things are going well on your end. We are finalizing the engagement party and I was just wondering if we have a date yet?"

I have been so busy with Nick and his mom that I completely forgot to give a date to when the party will be. I know that we do not have a lot of time left before we have to be deployed again and I know that Nick is looking forward to the party.

Just then Nick comes out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. I will never get enough of this man's body. Without his cast, he looks perfect and every muscle is working flawlessly together. He is busy toweling off his hair and then he looks at me with a frown on his face.

"What is wrong?"

It is amazing how quickly he has learned my facial expressions. He instantly knows that there is something that is bothering me.

"I got a text from my mom. She wants to know when we are doing to have the engagement party?"

He moves to sit next to me on the bed and then he put his hand on my leg.

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

"But what about your mom"

"Well, how sick is my mom?"

I look down at my lap and trying to calculate everything that I have seen on her chart and then say.

"Well, now that she is up and about there is no reason that she needs to stay in the hospital any longer"

"Good. We can use tomorrow to help her to settle in and then we can go to the party?"

"Are you sure?"

He kisses me on the mouth and puts his hand in the small of my neck while pulling me into him.

"I am very sure"

Hi Readers!

Thank you for all the gifts and support! Also, don't forget to check out my other books. My Navy Captain, Endangered Love, etc


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