I would lie if I said that I was not worried about what he is going to do in that house. I wanted to go with him to make sure that he does not do something stupid. But what kind of wife would I be if I do not trust my husband to be. Of course, when I saw him walking out of that house I knew that he have done the right thing.

I could see the peace that was written all over his face and I know a man that was just in a fight does not look like that. But what I enjoyed the most was when he got into the car and gave me a kiss. And now he says that he has everything he needs.

I think I might just have fallen even harder for the man next to me.

"I am so glad that you did not do something stupid"

I hear him chuckle as he smiles with his cocky smile.

"Have I ever done something stupid?"

I just lift my eyebrow and then smile back at him.

"...I guess there is a first time for everything?"

He starts to tickle me while he says.


I am enjoying every moment that I spend with this man but what I love the most is the way that we can turn something sour into something sweet.


I can feel how I can at any moment, take hold of her around her waist and just lift her up to sit on my lap with no effort. I can do exactly what I want with her when I want to, and the best of all that is she would love every minute of it. She means the world to me and she is definitely my future.

Suddenly, I hear the house door swings open and my demeanor changes instantly. I thought he would be clever enough to just stay down but I guess he is a sucker for punishment. I hear him scream from his porch like a coward.

"You have not seen the last of me!! I will make you pay"

I can not believe the nerve of this man. I think he believes that he is still twenty years old but now he has pushed the wrong buttons. There is no way that he would think that he would make me pay in any way. I open the door and as I want to get out I feel Kim's hand on my arm.

There is nothing that she can do now to stop me. I turn to her and look at her with a stern look. Then she says.

"I think you should just put him in his place"

I can not believe what I just heard her saying. Did she just give me permission to punch this guy? If I was ever in love with her, now, it just has deepened so much more. I give her a smile and then nod my head.

I get out of the car and without hesitation walk straight up to him. I can see him stepping back a step but still trying to stand his ground. I stop right in front of him making sure to tower over him.

"This is for mom"

I make sure to connect his face with a solid right hand and he falls to the ground instantly. But he makes the mistake of getting up on his elbows spitting the blood out of his mouth and saying.

"Boy!! Who the fuck do you think you are-"

I do not give him time to finish his sentence when I hit him with a hard intentional left hand making him fall back to the ground, unconscious.

"and that one..."

I rub my fist and say.

"...that one's for me"

I give him one last look just checking if he is still breathing and then I turn around walking to my car just knowing, this will be the last time I see him.


I watch as Nick punches him and I know that it might not be the right thing to do but it is what is needed. Nick gave him every chance not to get hurt by him but he kept on pushing. Even though I am not someone that agrees with violence. I feel that it is sometimes necessary to put those people who can not listen, in their place.

That is not the only reason though, this man has destroyed Nick's life and it is just right that someone destroys his face. I see Nick walking back to the car and I know he is completely in control. I know now that I never have to worry if Nick would do the right thing or not be able to control himself because this was the ultimate test. He had high emotional reasons to kill this man and yet here he is walking back to me.

As he gets into the car and closes the door while staring out in front of him, I say to him.

"Feeling better?"

He turns to me with an unsure look on his face.

"Much better. But why did you encourage me to do it?"

I put my hand on his cheek and then I say in the calmest voice.

"Sometimes, people have to learn the hard way"


She fills me completely and she is definitely my missing puzzle. I am so happy that I am going to make her my wife. I will do everything in my power to make her happy. I never want to lose her. Then, I start the car and make my way back to the hospital.

We get to the hospital and I ask Kim to let me talk to my mother alone. I would one day want to tell Kim all about my childhood but for now, it feels like she has seen enough. She smiles at me and gives me a kiss while she walks to the coffee shop. Then I open the door to my mother's room.


I start to tell her everything that happened and how my father drugged her and to my surprise, she does not look surprised. It is almost as if she knew and when I finished telling her everything she says to me while staring out the window.

"I am so sorry, my beautiful boy"

I am completely confused as to why she says she is sorry while it is my dad that is supposed to say sorry.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I should not have married that man..."

She does not look me in the eye and just keeps staring out the window while she continues.

" mother warned me many years ago but I believed that I could change him. They say that regret comes too late and if there is one thing that I could teach you it would be that, that saying is very true. I should have run. I should have taken you and run away-"

I quickly take her hand and then say.

"Mom, this is not your fault. Do not put this on you. It is that bastard of a man, he should not have treated you like he did. It is all his fault, not yours"

She turns to look at me and her eyes are full of tears and her cheeks are soaking wet.

"But I am your mother and I should have taken you away"

"Mom, it is not your fault. Listen to what I am saying, I am not blaming you. I am blaming him. Do you hear me?"

I see her nodding her head at me but I know that she blames herself. There is nothing more that I can say that would make her feel better. She is the only one that can make herself feel better. I, on the other hand, wish that I have killed that man when I had the chance because seeing my mother heartbroken like this can possibly kill me.

"It is getting late. Just get some sleep and you will feel better in the morning. I promise that I will be back"

She pulls me into a hug and she kisses me on my cheek. I can not believe how much I have missed that. It feels like everything is right in the world and I have my mom back. Then as I pull away from her, I realize something. Nothing of this would have happened if Kim did not see that medicine and acted immediately.

I do not know how I would ever be able to repay her for what she has done in my life. Not only am I completely in love with her but now she is sort of a hero to me. I will look after her and protect her for the rest of my life. I will make sure that she feels what I feel for her.


I watch as Nick goes into the room and I know I told him that I am going to the coffee shop but that is the last place I am going to. When I told that doctor that I am going to see to it that he never practice medicine again, I was not joking.

I will make sure that he would not get a job packing bags even if it is the last thing I do. I quickly get to a quiet place and take out my cell phone. I dial the number and say.


"Well, hello, Dr.. McPherson what a pleasant surprise. What do I owe the honor to?"

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