My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 46 - A Thousand Years


I stand with a smile on my face just staring at Nick listening to what my dad has told him. Nick must have really tried very hard to hold back his laugh when he threatened to kill him but at the same time, I love that my dad did that. It shows me that he truly loves me and that he cares for me.

Then Nick turns to me and says.

"You know, we do not have a song"

I frown and then look at him.

"What do you mean?"

He takes my hand and then looks deep into my eyes.

"I mean every couple has a song and we do not have one. We need a song"

I can see that this is very important to Nick and so I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek while I say.

"Well, then I think it is time that we get a song. The next song that they are going to play is going to be our song. What do you say?"

"I say, you have got a deal"

He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. It is nearly the end of the song and then the next song starts. "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. It is as if the song was made for us and I see the cocky smile appearing on Nick's face.

"This is the perfect song because I will love you for a thousand years"

We start to dance and he holds me tight against him. It feels as if we are the only people on the dance floor and everyone is staring at us. I feel so perfectly happy and I want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

I never have to wonder if he loves me because it is clear to me that he has given his mind, body, and soul to me. He wants to love me the way that I want to love him. I will give him everything that he needs to be happy and I am sure he would do the same for me.


I feel her perfect body tight up against mine and I know that I will have my way with her tonight. She is my perfect match in every way and I enjoy celebrating our engagement. As we go around the room, dancing, I see the people almost adoring us.

It is very clear to me that the people in this town love her very much and she has family who cares for her a lot. I intend to continue loving her and give her the desires of her heart. I will remember this night for a very long time and now, when I hear this song I will always think about her.

Then she moves closer to my ear and whispers to me.

"I will love you forever"

I feel the warmth of her words moving straight to my heart and I know that her love for me is pure and right. Then as the song finishes, we walk over to the bar where I get a drink for us.

But at the far end of the bar, I see her sister and John. I can not believe the nerve of that ex-boyfriend to show up at this party. I can see that her sister is very miserable but not as miserable as her ex-boyfriend.

I want to get the drinks and just get away from the bar but then I see her standing up from her chair and walking our way. It looks like the ex-boyfriend is clever enough to stay seated but it is clear that the sister is looking for trouble. I will definitely protect Kim if this comes to that.

I put my hand around Kim's waist and then whisper in her ear.

"I am so sorry"


I look around me and see all the happy people at my party. I can not thank my mom enough for this wonderful party that she has put together. I am so glad that all these people could celebrate with us.

Then I feel Nick putting his hand around my waist and whisper that he is sorry. I can not help but frown as I look into his eyes and then he shows me, with his eyes, what he is sorry about. I look in that direction and I see my sister walking towards us.

This is the last person that I am interested in seeing tonight and I really do not want to deal with her. I put my hand around Nick's waist as I almost want to hide behind him. Then my sister stops right in front of us and I know that she is only looking for trouble.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the golden couple. Of course, mom is going to throw you this ridiculous expensive party because you are her favorite"

It is very clear to me that she had one too many drinks and now she is just saying what is on her mind without filtering. I then very calmly replies.

"Listen, we do not want any trouble tonight maybe you could just go back where you came from. I will stay out of your way and you can stay out of my way"

I must say that there is still a bit of resentment in my feelings towards her as I hate the way that she told me that I was adopted. But I see that my attempt in getting her away from me clearly is failing. She walks even closer to me and says.

"Why don't you just stay out of my way"

She reeks from the alcohol and I know that when she is drunk, she always says things that she regrets. But right now this very second I am not making any excuses for her. I do not want to deal with her and I want to enjoy this night with my fiance.


I have dealt with many people in my life and some of them were drunk and others weren't. I know that Kim's sister is very drunk and upset. That combination usually turns into something really ugly, really quick.

I listen to how calmly Kim speaks to her but it is not good enough for her. Then I look at Kim's expression on her face and I can see that her sister is getting to her. It is as if she wants to get away from her sister but she can not. So, I decided to help her out.

"If you would please excuse us"

I lead Kim to our table but before we can get away Angie grabs Kim's arm. This, of course, makes me very upset and I know that I am not allowed to punch a woman but I am very close to doing that. Then Kim tries again.

"Why don't you just leave me alone? I just want to get away now, please"

I can see that Kim's plea to get away is not heard and Angie is not about to give in.

"Do you know what kind of pain you have caused me?"

That was the last straw. There is no way that I am letting Angie insult Kim at her engagement party. Then, I decided to interrupt.

"Angie, I think your boyfriend needs you over there"

She then turns around and looks back at John who is just staring at us. But I make use of this opportunity and take Kim's hand while we run into the crowd. I know from experience that drunk people struggle to figure out what goes on around them and it is easy to fool them.

We laugh as far as we run and I am so glad that I can see Kim's smile on her face again. I kiss her on her lips and I know that I would not be able to control myself any longer around her. I want to make this night special for her and I think it is time to leave this party.

"Are you ready to go?"

She kisses me one more time and then says.

"I have been ready for quite a while now"


I take her by the hand and lead her to the car. I open the door and then get into the driver's seat. Then I start the car and start to drive off.

"Where are we going?"

"You are just going to have to wait and see"

"Oh no, what did you do?"

I only smile at her as I want to make her the happiest woman alive.


I do not know what Nick is up to but I watch as we are leaving town. He has already done so much for me today. I can not help but wonder what he is doing now. Then after we have been in the car for over fifteen minutes. I watch as he turns into a small gravel road.

As far as we go there are trees along the path and then it reveals a cabin. It is almost like a fairytale. A beautiful cabin in the woods.

"What is this?"

"This is where we are staying tonight"

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