My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 48 - Head Over Heels


I am sitting in front of a fireplace next to the man of my dreams and I could not be happier. I just had a successful engagement party that easily could have gone south if Nick did not come to my rescue. But seeing all the people there and family that came from afar to wish us congratulations mean so much to me.

Nick is feeding me strawberries and it is almost as delicious as the sex we just had. Then I feed him a strawberry and he eats it from my hand. At that moment everything feels right and like nothing can touch us. We are strong when we are together but when we are apart things do not go well.

As we are finished with all the strawberries we lay down on the soft carpet in front of the fireplace. I then turn to look at Nick and say.

"I think we should sleep here tonight"

"I think you have a good idea"

Then I watch him stand up and run to the main bedroom. He comes back with pillows and blankets. We make ourselves comfortable in front of the fireplace and then I put my head on his chest while his strong arm is around my waist.

I play with my finger on his chest and then I say to him.

"So, do you want a big wedding or small wedding"

I hear a deep groan coming from within him and then he says.

"Doc, you know I am not good with these things. All I know is that I want you to be happy and I want to be married to you. The rest is up to you"

I smile against his chest as I know that he is not a man for this kind of detail and he would very easily get bored with all the planning. There is a burning question in my mind that I need to ask.

"Okay, I understand. Then I will see to it that the wedding will be perfect but I do have another question for you that I need an answer to. When do you want to get married?"


I was wondering when that question is going to pop up because I know we have a mere five days left before we deploy. There is one of two things that we can do. We can either rush our wedding and do it before we deploy or do it when we come back.

I start to caress her back with my hand and then I say.

"It depends..."

"It depends on what?"

"It depends on whether you want a rush wedding or a planned out wedding"

I know what type of a woman she is and I know what is her heart's desire.


Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt to have a wedding. I remember how I would page through the wedding magazines and cut out all the wedding gowns. My Barbie and Ken will get married every other day. I would then dress them up and make an entire venue just for their wedding.

So, when Nick asks me if I want a rush wedding or a wedding that is planned out. I definitely want the wedding that is planned out.

"I do not want to rush it. I want to invite the entire world and everyone should know that I am getting married to Nick Roberts"

I feel him kissing me on the top of my head and then he says.

"Then, doc. We have to wait until we come back"

Even though that was not what I wanted to hear I know that it is what I want to do.

"I guess you are right. That is what I want"


I hear her say that is what she wants but for some reason, I do not believe her. She sounds sad but happy at the same time. Then suddenly an idea comes to mind. I sit upright and she quickly sits upright with me.

"Give me your ring"

"No! I am sorry but you gave it to me..."

I laugh at her stubbornness and then I say to her.

"I will give it back to you. Just give it quickly to me"

She unwillingly and stubbornly takes the ring off her finger and then hands it to me. It looks like somebody took her puppy away. I smile at her as it is very funny to see her so protective over that ring. Then I take her hand that had her ring on and say.

"Then, we will do this which would be the same as getting married"

I can see that she is completely confused about what I am saying but I want her to be happy and I am sure that this will do the trick. I put the ring close to her finger and then I say.

"How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust make me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we have been together, there has always been a mutual understanding that is only shared when two people love each other truly..."

I watch as the tears start to stream down her face but I continue.

" were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped me believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything. I am proud to call you my wife. I will love you forever"

Then I slip the ring on her finger and say.

"In my mind, we are already married"


I am not sure what just happened but this man that I am completely head over heels for just made me fall even deeper for him. I listen to his words and I can not believe that it is coming from the man sitting next to me. As I look into his eyes I see that every word that he is saying is coming straight from his heart and he means everything.

I can not stop my tears from falling down my cheeks as this is too beautiful not to deserve tears. Then when he puts the ring on my finger and says that he is already married to me in his mind it pushes me over the edge. This man is completely in love with me and I am completely in love with him.

"God, Nick, it is perfect. You are perfect. You are everything that I would ever need. Never, will there be another man for me but you. You have proven to be my soulmate and I can only hope that I will be yours. I will love you for eternity"

Then I kiss him again as if it is the first time that I have kissed him ever. I press him into me and make sure that he knows that my entire being is his. Then I realized that my face is soaking wet and I pull away from him.

"I am so sorry, I did not realize-"

I gesture towards my face and start to wipe away my tears. But then he stops my hand from wiping the tears away and he says.

"Do you not dare take away the tears which resemble your happiness. You should never have to apologize to me when you kiss me, ever"

Then he kisses butterfly kisses all over my face. He goes down to my neck and I start to giggle as he clearly now enjoying tickling me. Then he throws me down on the carpet and starts to tickle me all over. We laugh together as we roll around on the floor.

Then at this moment, I realize that I am the luckiest and happiest woman alive. The cabin, the strawberries, and the poem, he has truly given a girl everything that she wants. It is also thanks to my mom that has arranged such a beautiful party for us that makes me a happy woman. Then Nick's pager goes off. We stop in the midst of our laughing session and then only stare at each other. He looks at me and says.

"That was mine right?"

"Well, I do not have one so it must be yours"

I watch as he gets up and walks to his pager. His face immediately has a frown on it.

"It's a 911 from the Admiral"

I can not help but just stare at him.

"What does that mean?"

"I need to phone him right away"

I watch as he starts to look for a cell phone and then quickly dial the Admirals number. It does not take the Admiral long to answer the phone.

"Sir, you page a 911?"

I watch as he listens to every word that the Admiral is saying and I can see his face changing as he listens to it. Then, while he is busy listening to the phone call, he looks at me and I know exactly what is going on.

I can see the sadness on his face and I know that I should prepare myself for the worst. I sit upright and look at him intently until he finished and then I say.

"Nick, what is it?"

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