I wait in anticipation for him to answer me but I know what he just discussed with the Admiral as I have studied all his expressions. The one that is currently on his face is that of a Navy Seal and that must mean only one thing.

He then walks slowly to me and sits beside me on the carpet. He then stares into the fire and he says with a calm voice.

"We must return to base immediately and we will deploy tomorrow"

I hear his words echo in my mind. Not he nor I want to leave right now. He just got his mother back and I just got an engagement party with my mother. We thought we still had a few days with them and I guess Nick wanted to spend some time with his mother.

I put my hand on his back and then he turns to me.

"I used to love to hear those words. I did not have much in my life that kept me home. My mother was non-existent and like you know I do not really have a father. But now, I have a fiance and a mother, and everything is calling me to stay home. So, now when I hear these words it feels like a death sentence"

I know exactly how he feels and I wish I can make him feel better. I also joined the Navy Seals because I did not have anything that kept me home. I did not have a somebody that was waiting for me. All I had was my job but now, like he, said I have a fiance.

I kiss him on his shoulder and then I softly say.

"At least we will have each other"

He then immediately put his hand around my waist and pull me in for a kiss. Then he smiles against my lips and says.

"Yes, we still have each other"

I know now that tonight will be the last night that it would be only me and him with no worries. I want to remember everything about tonight and I do not want to leave his arms for a second.

"Then, we should make the most of tonight, for it might be our last night without anything to worry about"

Then he lays me down on the carpet he makes love to me. His kisses are gentle and filled with passion. This time when we finally reached our climax we know that every touch and feeling we felt was real and true.

We then fall asleep in each other's arms knowing that this might be our last night of complete peace.


I wake up with the sun's rays in my eyes and as my eyes start to focus I see an angel in my arms. She is sleeping so peacefully and even in the morning, she looks beautiful. I see her ring on her finger and I think to myself how lucky I am.

Then my thoughts go to what must be done today and I can not believe that the burden feels so heavy. Normally, I would pick up and go as I had a better family in my team than here at home. But this time everything has changed and now I must say goodbye to my mother whom I only met again for the first time this week.

I do not want to wake her up and I just want to stay in the moment but I know that if we waste time now we might not be able to spend it with our families. Then I kiss her on her forehead and she moans softly when she wakes.

"Is it morning already?"

"Yes, beautiful and unfortunately we have to go"

Then she jumps out of my arms as if she has seen a ghost.

"What is wrong?!"

"We can not waste any time we need to go back to our families. We need to say goodbye"


I suddenly realize that time is of the essence and we need to get back home. As I stand up and started getting dressed, I can not stop the sadness starting to fill up in my heart. Just last night was the best and happiest day of my life and now today sadness seems to find me again.

I know that I am doing this for our country but suddenly it does not seem so important anymore. I want to stay here and make a life with my husband but I know it is a reality that is not ours. We quietly make our way back to the car and then we drive back home.

As we get into the driveway both me and Nick jump out of the car before it even stops. We barge into the house only to find his mother and mine having a coffee in the kitchen. This is probably as good a time as any to tell them our news.

Nick leaves my side and walks to his mother holding her hand. I walk over to my mom and hold her hand. Then my mom speaks up.

"What is going on with you two?!"

"Mom, we have some news that we need to share with you and it is probably not the best news"

I see Nick moving closer to his mom as if he wants to protect her from something. It will probably be very bad for her as this is the first time she would hear that he is leaving to fight for his country.

"Well, out with it?!"

"We have been called to deploy again"

"Yes, we knew that"

"But that is not the bad part. The bad part is that they want us there today"


I feel as my mother suddenly drops her hand from the table to her leg. It is clear to me that it is a big shock for her. Then I realized that she has never heard me telling her that I go on deployment and usually it is the most difficult time for the families the first time they hear it. Then she turns to me and says.

"So, you are leaving? The country? For how long?"

"They do not have a definite time, mom. They keep us until they do not need us any longer or until we have finished the missions"

"But they can not do that? I just got you back. You can not leave now"

I can see how the tears are starting to fall down her cheeks and my heart is starting to break with every tear that is falling down. I wish that I did not have to go. I wish that I was not good at what I did. I wish I could just say no.

"I am sorry, mom but there is nothing I can do"


I can see that this is hard on Nick and his mom. I know it is hard on me and my mom but I know it is much more harder for them. I can see how Nick's heart is breaking and I wish I can do something for him. This only makes this moment so much more worse.

"We will give you guys some time alone?"

I see as Nick nods his head in agreement for what I just suggested. Then I see him mouths to me.

"I love you"

I then return the gesture with an "I love you too" from myself. We make our way to the living room and my mother is sitting in silence next to me.

"But I have not had any time with you yet and now you are leaving"

"I know, mom. I wish there was something that I could do but you know that I can not"

She then grabs my hand and holds it tight. She stares out in front of her and says.

"It was a great party last night, wasn't it?"

I love how she can change the subject to something much more happier.

"Yes, it was a great and wonderful party. I still wanted to say thank you so much for that"

Then she jumps up and runs to her room. I do not know what I have done wrong or said wrong but I do not want to leave things like this. I am just about to get up and follow her when she returns with something in her hand.

"I still wanted to give you this"

It is the picture of me and Nick just before the party. He is looking at me and not the camera. I can see how much he adores me.

"I made two copies. One for you and one for Nick. You know, for when you are over there. You can have a picture of each other maybe?"

Tears fall down my cheeks and I pull her in for a tight hug.

"It is perfect, mom, it is so perfect. Thank you"

I do not let go of her because I want to take in this moment. I want to remember her scent and her arms around me. I do not want to miss anything.. I want to remember everything.

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