My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 50 - Be Together Forever


I stand alone in the kitchen with my mom next to me. I can feel her hand in my hand and she is holding it tight. This must be very difficult for her and she does not seem to stop crying. I knew it would be difficult to tell my mom that I am deploying but I did not know that it would take such a toll on me too.

It is difficult to see my mom like this. Right now, at this moment, the only family that she got is me and now I am also leaving her. I wish there was a way for me to stay home even if it was just for a little while but I do not have that luxury. I wish there was something that I could say that would make her feel better.

"Mom, I will be back again..."

Suddenly she looks at me with a frown on her face and says.

"My beautiful boy, you can not guarantee that. You do not know what is going to happen over there. You do not know if you going to come back alive"

I know what she is saying is the truth. Whenever I would deploy, I remember that I would kiss my mom on the forehead and I always wondered if I would return. I always wondered if that would have been my last kiss from my mom.

I wish I can tell my mom that I would come back alive but there are no guarantees when you are over there. I can not lie to her because she knows the truth. I pull my mom into a hug and maybe through this, I can bring her some sort of comfort.

I know that she loves it when I hug her maybe this can heal some of her wounds. But the moment I did that she started to cry even more because maybe she had the same thought that I had when I kissed her on the forehead. Maybe she thinks that this will be our last hug.

"Do not cry, mom. I will try my very best to come back. I just got you back and I do not intend to leave you again. I promise that I will give it everything I can to stay alive"

"Oh, my baby. This is just wrong..."

Then she cries some more and I have to fight the tears that might fall from my own eyes. I need to be strong for her. She needs to have a man in her life and I am that man.


I look at the photo that my mom gave me and I can not feel more grateful to have her in my life. She knows exactly what I need to stay alive and she also knows what I need on the other side of the world. She threw me an amazing engagement party and now she has given me this beautiful picture. If there was a prize for the best mom in the world, mine will definitely win it.

I can not help as my thoughts wander back to Nick and his mom. It must be very difficult for them. Then I thought of an idea.

"Mom, you know that Nick's mom just got out of the hospital and everything that happened to her?"

"Yes, honey, I know. She told me about it. Why?"

"You guys seem to get along well?"

"Yes, she seems like a nice person but once again I ask why?"

"I am worried about her as a doctor because if she goes back to that house she might get depressed and she is not strong enough yet to be on her own... "

" you want her to stay here with me for a little while? "

I pull my mom into a hug and then I say to her.

"Have I told you that I love you and that you know me very well?"

She starts to laugh and then say.

"I think sometimes I know you too well"

"Mom I can not thank you enough for what you are offering. I know that it would take a big weight off Nick's shoulders"

"Honey, at this point you can ask me almost anything and I will give it to you"

"...then...I would like to have a million dollars?"

We laugh together and then she says.

"Okay, now pushing it"

We sit and chat for a little while longer and then I make my way back to the kitchen where Nick and his mom are. I softly knock on the door before I walk into the kitchen and I find him and his mom hugging.

"Nick, we should probably...get going?"

I can see that is very difficult for him to say the words.

"Yeah, you are right"

Then I give him a slight smile and say.

"But before we go. My mom has offered that you stay here with her for a little while longer, Mrs. Roberts. That is of course, if you would like to stay. They will take you home after a few days"


I can not help but feel like the weight of the world is off my shoulders. This is the best suggestion I have heard today. The one thing that I feared the most is my mom being alone and now she can spend some time with people around her. I turn to look at my mom just waiting for her answer in anticipation.

Then she looks at me and back at Kim.

"I do not know...Will I not be an convenience to your mom?"

At that exact moment, Kim's mom walks through the door.

"There is no way that you would be an inconvenience for us. It would be nice if somebody would visit with us for a while. Maybe we can mourn together with children being across the world somewhere"

Everyone laughs a suppressed laugh for it is not really something to laugh about but we needed some sort of cheering up. Then I watch as my mom's face lights up and she says.

"Then, I would love to stay for a couple of days. Thank you"

I watch as Kim turns to her mom and smile while nodding then I knew. I turn to my Mom and say.

"I will miss you a lot and I will not stop thinking about you. But I guess that we have to go now"

I give her one last hug and she starts to cry again then I watch as Kim says goodbye to her mom. It is not a beautiful picture but it is something that we have no choice in. Then we all walk to the car and as we drive out of the driveway they wave for as far as we can see them.

We drive for about ten minutes in silence and then I say.

"You did it, didn't you?"


I was still staring out of the window almost in shock of leaving my mom behind when Nick says those words out of the blue. I can not help but frown at his words and then say.

"What did I do?"

"You organize that my mom stays with your mom. Didn't you?"

"Maybe I did"

"Well, then I want to thank you out of the depth of my heart. Because I was afraid that you might be alone again"

I can see him struggling to tell me what he was afraid of and then I put my hand on his leg saying.

"Nick, you should know by now that we are not alone anymore. We are now together in everything that we do"

He smiles his cocky smile and then I know that he is feeling better. As we drive back to the base we almost do not speak a word the entire drive. We know that the situation that we are finding ourselves in is not perfect but at least we have each other.

After what feels like hours and hours of driving we finally make our way to the base. As Nick stops the car in the parking, he turns off the engine and he just keeps his hands on the steering wheel, staring out in front of him.

"What is wrong?"

"I really do not want to deploy"

I know what he means and I agree with him one hundred percent. I do not want to open this car door and walk onto the base because I know the moment we are there we will be separated and almost be alone again. Even though everyone would know we are engaged that would make no difference. I would be the doctor and he would be the Navy Seal.

We would have to operate by ourselves and we would have different missions. But here, right now, in this car, it is me and Nick together as one. Here is safety and peace but out there is war.

"I know. I do not want to get out of this car either"

Then I open my purse and take out the photo that my mom gave me. I give it to him and say.

"I have one too. Let's keep these photos close to our hearts and maybe somehow, we can be together forever"

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