I look at the photo that Kim just gave me and I can not believe how perfect this gift is. No matter where I am, I would always have her with me. I can not stop myself as I pull her in for a kiss. I want to tell the world that she is going to be mine. As soon as we get out of this car, I will make sure that everyone knows that she is my fiance.

"You know you are perfect, right"

"I think you have mentioned that, one or two times before"

I see her smile and then she covers her mouth. I know that I will miss her if I have to go on a mission. I know that I will miss these peaceful moments that we have. I will miss just being with her for no apparent reason.

I will miss everything about being at home. I know that I am supposed to be the strong one but I think getting my mom back just makes me want to stay even more.


I feel his lips against mine and I hear his wonderful words. He is everything I need and will ever need. He completes me in every part of my world. I will never get enough of him. Then suddenly I jump as someone knocks on Nick's window.


Then Nick turns to look at the man standing on the other side and he rolls down the window.

"Are you guys ever going to come out of this car?"


When I see John knocking on the window I remember why I loved being deployed. I have a family over here and close-knit friends. I never really was alone and always enjoyed their company.

"What the hell, man?"

I get out of the car and give him a hug.

"I have missed you, sir"

"I have missed you too but I have also some news for you"


I walk around the car and open the door for Kim. Then I take her hand and walk back to John. Then I pull her forward as if she is a trophy and say.

"Meet my fiance"


I can not believe the grand gesture that Nick is doing. He is telling his best friend that he is my fiance and I can see that his entire face is lit up with proudness when he introduced me as his fiance.

"Dr. McPherson, congratulations! This is the best news ever. I never thought that a woman will get our Master Chief to commit"

Nick slap him against his shoulder and then John pulls him in for a hug saying.

"Congratulations! I am very happy for you both"

I watch as Nick smile at John but this is a smile that I have not seen before. It is completely filled with pride as if he just won some kind of race. He pulls me in close to stand next to him and he holds me tight. I feel so loved when I am in his arms and I am happy to see that is not ashamed of me.

Then we open the trunk and take out our luggage. We make our way to the main building. As far as we go the bravo1 teammates meet us and Nick loves to parade me in front of his teammates. He looks so happy and every one of the guys is happy for him. Not one of them is false but every feeling and congratulations are true.

Then finally we get to the office of the Admiral and just before we open the door Nick turns to me.

"I would like to tell the Admiral that I am getting married to you but if you feel uncomfortable, I will completely understand?"

Why in the world would I not want Nick to tell the Admiral about us? He has been so happy telling everyone as if it is his family. Why would I take the one that means the most to him away?

"Nick, I do not have a problem. If you feel that you want to tell him or you feel that you do not, I will leave that decision up to you"

He then pulls me into a hug and lift me up while swinging me around as if I just told him that we want a million dollars. I can not help but laugh and then he puts me down on the ground, he put his head into my hair and softly whisper to me.

"You mean the world to me"

I thought that I would stop with the butterflies in my stomach but he has this way of saying things that drive me over the edge. I can not help but quiver under his touch and then he knocks on the door.


Just before he opens the door he looks at me and then smiles. Then he walks through the door and I follow him. He salutes the Admiral and then the Admiral says.

"Welcome back, Master Chief, it is so damn good to see you"

"Same here, sir"

"Ah, Dr. McPherson I see that you have not left Nick's side"

I can not help but smile at his comment and then I say.

"I can not seem to leave his side, sir"

"I know what you mean Dr. McPherson. He is a good man"

I watch as the Admiral looks at Nick but Nick is still standing at attention staring out in front of him.

"Sir, if I may speak freely?"

"Of course, Master Chief. What is on your mind?"

Then he leaves his attention position and walks to me. He takes my hand and then he walks closer to the Admiral.

"Sir, I have had the privilege to ask this woman to marry me and she has said yes"

I watch the Admiral carefully and then I see a smile appearing on his face. Then I look at Nick and I can almost see relief filling his demeanor.

"Well, then I think a congratulations is in order to the both of you. I think that you would make a great couple"

"Thank you, sir"

We both say it together and then we all smile. But then I see the Admiral's face turning serious and I know he is going to share with us why we had to come so soon.

"I am very glad that it is going well with you but we have some urgent business to discuss"

I do not give him a chance to finish his sentence and then I say.

"I will leave you two to talk business as I have some business of my own"

I squeeze Nick's hand and then I leave the room. As I close the door behind me I can not help but feel some relief of my own. I was wondering if the Admiral will accept our relationship but it seems like he approves of it. I start to make my way to the medical department but before I could do that, Nita comes running up to me.

"Let me see it! Let me see it!"

She has this big grin on her face and she is grabbing for my hand with my ring on. She inspects the ring and then I say to her.

"I still wanted to tell you. How did you know?"

"Girl, you know that rumors around like wildfires in this place. Congratulations! I never thought that you and Nick will end up together but in the same breath there will not be a better couple"

"Thank you so much. It means so much coming from you. I dare to say that I have missed you"

She pulls me into a hug and almost squeeze the air out of my lungs.

"I will just come out and say it but I missed you a lot"

We start to make our way back to the medical department and as I enter the room almost everyone attacks me at the same time. They all want to know how he asked me and every little detail. Some of them come out and tell me how jealous they are of me and others just adores my ring.

Somehow, it does not seem so sad anymore to be back here because you know a small amount of time that we have been away and stranded on the island, we became something like a family. I look around me and I am happy to see all the familiar faces. I start to get hope that this might not be so bad as we thought at first.

We will survive this deployment and then we will come back and have the wedding of our dreams. Then I find my way to the locker rooms and put my bag in one of the lockers. But as I put it in the locker in my photo falls on the ground.

I quickly pick it up and put it in my pocket next to my heart. I know that I am marrying the best man that I ever could have chosen. If I never came to the Navy Seals in the first place I might just still be going out with John and not even know that he was cheating on me.

I know that Nick is with the Admiral now but I can not help but miss him already.

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