I stand in the Admiral's office and I am afraid to hear what he has to say. Normally, when he calls us back in the middle of a vacation it is something very important. He asks me to take a seat and then he let me know what we are going to do.

"One of our base camps has been attacked by the enemy and there is a lot of casualties. We are sorry to say that we have lost a lot of men over there and we need to go and rebuild that base. The threat is still very much alive over there and has not been immobilized. We are called to immobilize whatever the threat is at the base..."

I can not help but feel an instant feeling of despair in my heart because so many soldier's lives have been lost. I can only imagine how it would feel to lose my men in my team. I wish this feeling on no one. Then he continues.

"...we will deploy 22:00 hours tonight. We want to keep the news of us deploying as quiet as possible because we will first go by ship and then by plane. So, we will need the cover of the night..."

They do not allow many deployments to happen at night as there is a lot of risks but this must be very severe if they want us to deploy at night.

", I am going to need your help to get your team together and let us deploy and land as smoothly as possible"

He hands me the file with all the details in it and then he continues to tell me that I need to brief my men before we deploy. I stand up and salute him and then I walk to the door but just as I am about to leave he calls me back.

"Master Chief!"

"Yes, sir?"

I turn around and look him in the eyes.

"This one is going to be a tough one. Are you sure that you and Dr. McPherson will make it through this as a couple?"

I know exactly what he means. He does not want me to destroy my relationship with my fiance but he does not want her to influence my decision making. What he does not know is that she is the reason for me to operate the way I do. Without her being by my side, things become much more difficult.

"Sir, if you want me to be the best that I can be, then I am going to need her by my side"

I watch as he only nods his head and then I turn around and walk out of the door. As I close the door behind me I just take a minute to breathe. I know that the moment I meet up with the team, I have to be sure of myself. I know what I am going to see on their faces when I tell them what happened over there and I should keep my cool.

I wish I can go over to Kim and just tell her what the Admiral told me but I do not want to worry her and I need to get my men ready. We only have four hours left before we must deploy and I better make use of these hours.

So, I take a deep breath and then I make my way to the briefing room where everyone is waiting for me. I step into the room and then I start to tell them all about what the Admiral told me. Then in an instant, I can see everyone's face is dropping to the floor. Some of them are sad and some of them are angry. I am one of them that is angry. I will not let anyone get away after slaughtering a base.


I finished packing all my luggage in the locker and then I return to the department. I find Nita and it is not long after I do, that a soldier addresses us. I listen to every word that is saying and I can not help as my heart starts to sink into my shoes. How can someone be so heartless?

I know now what we are getting ourselves into and as soon as he has finished talking to us, we gather around and start to make a plan. We start to get all the inventory that we need and some extras just in case.

We do not have a lot of time to get everything that we need and we need to pack it into easy carriable bags. Each one of us must carry a bag because we would be responsible for our own inventory. I can see that this mission is going to be hard and even a little bit scary.

But I am ready for that because that is what I signed up for when I decided to join the Navy Seals. I can not help as my thoughts quickly go to Nick and I know that his heart must be filled with anger because of what happened.

I would lie if I say that I am not feeling angry but I think my sadness is overtaking the anger. Before we know it, it is time to deploy and everyone is packed and ready to go. It feels as if it is that first day that I am boarding a ship except, this time it is just me with the load of the world on my shoulders.

I have not seen Nick the entire day and I know for sure that he has his hands full. He is the leader and he should organize all the soldiers. I know, because it is already difficult to just handle the people that were under me. I can only imagine how much work he has to do.

As we board the ship I quickly check if I have my photo. If I do not get to see Nick today then I will definitely look at him in the photo. I nervously get onto the bridge that leads to the ship but halfway on the bridge, I stop.

Suddenly my entire heart is filled with fear because I remember what happened the last time I was on a ship like this. We were stranded on an island for months on end and the ship almost sank with us in it. I do not know if I would be able to do this but then I feel a hand on my back.

I know exactly who it is. His scent is musky and I know it very well. Then I hear him whisper in my ear.

"Are you coming?"

I turn around with a smile on my face and I see his cocky smile staring at me.

"I thought I am not going to see you today?!"

"There is no way that I am going through a day without seeing my fiance"


I feel her soft perfect back in my hand but something bothers me. She looks pale as if she just saw a ghost. As I smile at her, she only gives me a slight smile and I know that is not enough for me. A frown develops on my face and then I say.

"What is wrong?"

Immediately she is avoiding my eye contact and then she says.

"Nothing, why?"

I turn her around so that she can look at me and then I say.

"I know it is not nothing and I want you to remember that you are talking to your future husband. Please tell me what is going on with you"

I hear her sigh loudly and then she looks into my eyes, saying.

"I am just a little bit afraid"

"Afraid? Of what?"

"I remember the last time that I was on a ship..."

Then everything became clear. She is afraid that we would get stranded again on an island. I put my hands on her shoulders and starts to rub them.

"I can not guarantee you that it might not happen but what I can guarantee you is that I will not let anything happen to you as long as I am around"

I see her smile and then she looks back at the ship. I take her by the waist and say.

"What if I walk with you? I am sure it will make it a bit better?"

She gives me a gentle smile and then we start to walk to board the ship. The night is thick and we must all walk with flashlights to make sure that we do not stumble. I hold tight onto her and I know that I want no other woman.

As we board the ship and we get our assigned quarters. I make sure that Kim is happy with where she is. My quarters are not too far away from hers. Then I say to her.

"See, I am not so far away from you. Do you like your quarters?"

"Yes. Thank you so much for walking me. I am sure you still have a lot of things you need to do. So, go. I am okay now"

I know that she is only being brave because if there is one thing to be said about Dr. Kim McPherson, it is that she is very brave. I kiss her on her cheeks and then I close her door behind me.. I say to myself that I will come back again and make sure that she is really okay.

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