My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 53 - Drive Me Crazy


As I get into my quarters so many things come back to me. I remember how I looked at everything around me the first time when I was on a ship for the first time. Everything was new to me and I felt like a brand new penny. But this time it is different. This time I do not even want to unpack my clothes because I am afraid that we might not stay long on this ship.

It is dark outside and I do not see the ocean the way that I saw it the first time. Everything just feels wrong, like I do not belong here. But I know that I should man up and that I have signed up for what I am doing now. I put my bag down and then I take a seat on my bed.

I know it would be the best thing to do to get some sleep before we have to get off the ship again. There are going to be so many things that I should do once we land but I can not get myself to close my eyes. Finally, I decided to just lay on my back and stare at the ceiling.

This, too, does not work. I just lay there and stare hoping that time will pass. Then suddenly I hear a soft knock on my door. I walk slowly to my door and then I look at my watch. It is almost midnight, who can possibly knock at my door now?

I open the door and that is exactly who I wanted to see.

"Can I come in?"

I grab him by the shirt and pull him inside. I give him a kiss on his lips and say.

"What kind of a question is that? You can always come into my quarters"


As I have settled into my own quarters. I can not help as my mind traveled back to Kim. I can see that this entire thing is very difficult for her and I know that I should do something to make her feel better. I quickly go and do my rounds with my team to make sure that everyone is settled in.

I also make sure that everyone knows the plan and that we will meet up at 03:00 hours. Then I decide to go and check up on Kim. She truly is the love of my life and I need nobody else in my life. As soon as she opens the door she pulls me into a kiss and I love the way that I am greeted.

"How are you doing?"

Then she leaves my embrace and walks back to her bed.

"Well, perhaps not so good. I should probably get some sleep but that does not seem to happen"

"Luckily for you, I have the magical touch"

She turns to look at me with a smile and they lift her one eyebrow.

"Oh? What makes you think so?"

"Let me demonstrate"

I make my way to her bed. I take off my shirt and my shoes and then get under the covers. She just stands there with her arms folded then I say.

"Don't just stand there come and join me"


I watch as my fiance starts to undress himself and then make himself comfortable in my bed. He is the best man in the world and he knows exactly how to make me feel safe again. I quickly get into bed next to him under the covers and at the moment, that his strong safe arms surround me, I knew that I will be okay.

I lay my head against his chest and

then I close my eyes, saying.

"I love you so much, Nick Roberts"

I feel him kissing the top of my head and then he says.

"I love you more, Kim McPherson"

I hear his steady and stable heartbeat in my ear. Everything is fine now and everything will be fine. As long as I have him in my life, there is nothing that I need to be afraid of.


As I kiss her on the top of her head I smell her lavender scented hair and suddenly I know I am home. I have the privilege of taking my home with me on deployment because she will be my home forever. I love how she feels safe with me.

I suddenly feel her body getting heavy in my arms and I know that she is falling asleep. I quickly put an alarm on my phone and then I cozy up next to her, falling asleep.

It feels like I have just closed my eyes when my alarm goes off. I know that it is time to do what needs to be done but feeling this perfect woman in my arms does not make me want to leave her. I softly whisper in her ear.

"Doc, it is time to wake up"


I can not help but smile at her response and I know that I will never get tired of it. I love how confused she is when she wakes up in the morning. I want to wake up next to her for the rest of my life.

"We should get up, beautiful"


I hear her yawn and see her stretches. She looks so perfect in every way. Then I stand up and start to dress. I turn to her and say.

"Are you ready for this?"

She still is lying in the bed looking like a princess and then her eyes turn all serious.

"Yes, I think so. What about you?"

"Oh, you know me. I have done this a million times"

I can not help laughing while saying it but if truth be told I am a bit nervous. Maybe not for myself but for everyone else. Then I bend down and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"I will see you out there?"

"I will be the one still sleeping"

I laugh as I turn around and walk out the door but just before I leave her, she calls me back"

"Hey, soldier!"


"Thank you for tonight, I really needed that"

I smile in satisfaction and then I open the door, leaving her alone. I wish that she could be by my side and I can make sure that she is safe but I guess that this is the part where I need to trust her to do what she needs to do.


I slowly get out of bed wishing that Nick was still next to me and we were back home. But I have to get my head straight and make sure that I know what to do. I start to put on my clothes and then I take my bag of medicine, fastening it securely to myself.

I look around me making sure that I have got everything and then I leave my quarters. Halfway to the deck, I meet up with Nita. I turn to her and say.

"Are you nervous?"

"M? Nervous? Nah...yeah okay, I am very nervous, and you?"

"I must say that I am very nervous too"

We then quietly make our way to the deck and when we open the door to the deck we know that there is no going back. There are a few helicopters on the ship and we are starting to board the helicopters. I grab Nita's hand as I do not want to get on this chopper without her.

I also had such a wonderful experience with a helicopter and now I have to get on one again. It is almost as if this deployment has been made me face all my fears. Unfortunately, Nick is nowhere to be found because he is busy seeing to it that everyone gets on a helicopter.

This time it seems like I am on my own but I am not completely alone because Nita is not leaving my side. I thought that I was holding her hand tight but she is returning the favor. We are getting very close to the helicopters and the engine has been turned on. I turn to her and scream.

"I guess you are just as nervous as I am!!"

"Maybe even more!!"

Finally, we get into the helicopter and fasten our seat belts. I can not help but just look around me to see if I can not find Nick. I guess that I am going to have to trust that he would get on a helicopter and that I would see him on land.

It is not a nice thought to not know whether he is on or not. Then I feel our helicopter lifting up and suddenly the rest of the helicopters look small in comparison. My heart starts to race as I remember the last time that we were shot down on one of these.

I can but I only hope that the darkness of the night would be our cover and that we would be safe. I turn to look back at the ship again but by now everyone is small and covered in darkness. I do not know if Nick is on a helicopter or not.. I know that this thought will drive me crazy.

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