My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 54 - One Of These Days


I feel the wind in my hair and I can not lie it is ice cold. I can not believe that I am on a helicopter again after what happened to me and Nick the last time we were on one of these things. Sometimes when I close my eyes at night I get flashbacks about the time we had on the island and the helicopter scene comes up quite often. But I take a deep breath because I know there is no way out.

It does not take us long to get to the drop-off point but now the next thing is on my mind. They told us that this is enemy territory and that we should be vigilant. Luckily, they did send a few soldiers with the doctors or nurses. But the thing that I am worried about is the fact that we have to propel down this helicopter.

There is luckily no wind so it should be fairly easy to go down to the ground. We did try to go down from a rope hanging from the ceiling in a building with lots and lots of mattresses beneath us but this is quite something different. I watch as everyone goes down one by one and I know that they said we should do it as quickly as possible.

They do not want to let the enemy know there are helicopters in the area. The first ones to go, are the soldiers to secure the ground where we going to propel down to and then they signal to the soldier in the helicopter that we can continue. They give him a green light and then we start to make our way to the ground.

Nita is the one that goes before me and I watch her go down all the way to the ground. I can feel my heart starting to race almost uncontrollably as this is a high adrenaline situation. The soldier does not give us much time between each other and soon it is my turn.

"Let's go!"

I grab hold of the rope while they secure me with a harness and then I go down as quickly as possible. With every slide I take on my way down, I pray that I make it safely to the ground. I am not a friend of heights and I have told myself to just not look down. All the way down I can but only wait for my feet to hit the ground again.

I make it just in time before my nerves got out of control and my feet find their sweet home. I want to kiss the ground but there is no time for fooling around. The soldier quickly pulls me to the side and tells us to stay low. I can see that they are very aware of everything around them and should the enemy approach they would be ready.

There is something inside me that wishes that the helicopter will get away now because he might draw attention to us. Finally, the last person is on the ground and the helicopter quickly goes back to the ship. It is clear that not everyone is dropped at the same place and I can only but hope that Nick is safe.

Then the soldiers turn to us and say.

"We are not too far from the base but it is going to be difficult to navigate through the darkness. I ask you to please stay together and let us form a single line. Know who is your buddy in front of you and stay right behind him or her. It is also imperative that you keep quiet the entire trip"

Then we stand in a line and the soldier in front starts to walk slowly towards the base. There is a soldier in front of me and I am so glad that I can be behind him. It is strange because no one else has a soldier in front of them. It is very scary because the darkness is so dark that you can not see your hand in front of you.

All you can see is the movement in front of you which is the other person. I try and stay as close as I can to the soldier because I know if I lose him, I would not know which way to go. Then suddenly the soldier in front of me stop me in an instant. He turns around and softly whispers.

"You have to go over that root"

Then I look down and I did not even notice that there was a root of a tree that stuck out. I only put my hand on his shoulder as a thank you because they told us not to say a word. I am so grateful to have him in front of me.


I wish with my entire heart that I could have been the one that went with Kim but I had to stay behind to make sure that everyone got onto a helicopter. My first priority of course is to make sure that everyone is safe but my selfish priority is making sure that Kim is safe. I knew that it is going to be difficult to keep my feelings for Kim out of the work that I need to do but it seems like almost an impossibility not to constantly wanting to protect her and her alone.

I watch as Kim's helicopter leaves the ship and I can but only hope that she would be safe. Then I quickly get my thoughts back on track and help everyone get onto a helicopter. Finally, we are down to the last one and I get on it myself. Then I watch as the ship disappears into the night and I hope that the enemy does not detect us.

What the Admiral has told me about this enemy is that it seems like they are very clever and this could be a very difficult mission. But then again there is no one better than us, to deal with this enemy. I know that I should not be too confident but I do have a lot of faith in my team. Never have we met an enemy that we could not handle. We get to the drop-off point and I make my way to the ground.

We still have a few passengers of our own that we need to get to the base. As I hit the ground I quickly analyze the surroundings. Everything seems to be quiet and I give the signal for them to come down. I found the perfect hiding spot and then we quickly get everyone to the ground. As the soldier explains to the people what they need to do, I figure out in which direction we need to walk.

Every spot that we have chosen to drop everyone off, is strategically laid out close to the base. If everything works out everyone should arrive at the base at least twenty minutes apart. Kim was one of the first helicopters that departed so by the time that I get there she should be there.

Then I take the lead and start walking with the line of people behind me. I can but only count a few times that we operated at night because we only use this as a cover if there is no other way to approach something. The terrain is difficult with lots of trees in an unexplored forest. I do it as carefully as possible but I know that we are not far from the base.


I can see some lights in front of us and I know that we are close to the base. All I want to do is just get there. I do not want to feel so nervous any longer, walking in the dark. Finally, we get there and almost every one of our team is there already. But I do not walk any further than what I have to because I am shocked by what I'm seeing.

The base is completely destroyed. There is still smoke coming out from some parts of the area that has been attacked. Everything is raided and all their supplies are lying scattered on the ground. There are soldiers lying covered with blankets and it is clear that they are all dead. I can feel sadness feeling my heart rapidly as this is just so wrong.

I know that I can not just stand here and stare at everything because there are still a few that are alive. I am a doctor and I need to go and help them. But for some reason, my feet can not move. Then I feel Nita standing right next to me.

"We should go in and help them"

"Yeah, we should"

She put her hand on my shoulder and then I look at her.

"Are we going? They need us?"

I know they need us. I just need to move. I need to go and not be frozen by all this sadness.. There is an ugly thought rearing in my mind. What if Nick is one of that soldiers one of these days?

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