I know that I can not just stand here like a statue and I need to get moving. I just wish with my entire heart that I could get a glimpse of Nick. I did not know what kind of an effect he has on me but it looks like he has more of an effect than I could ever think.

I need to go back to that strong independent woman that I was before I met him. No one could touch me and I was completely in control of everything. And then it is as if something clicks inside my head, he did not take away my independence, he just made it stronger.

He showed me that two is better than one and I will be forever grateful for him for that. I take a deep breath and then I look at Nita.

"Yes, we should go and help them"

As I walk closer to the soldiers on the ground something changes in me. Suddenly I am not Kim anymore but Dr. McPherson. I completely take over everything and I start to help as many people as possible. Every injury is unique and should be handled differently and I know that this can take us a long time to get to everyone.

We quickly establish a sort of shelter that we can use as a hospital and every nurse and doctor is doing their job as well as they can. Almost every patient that I have is clearly in shock and whatever has happened to them is indescribable. It must have been suddenly and they must have been caught off guard.

I also see a lot of patients with third-degree burns. So, it must have been a bomb of some kind that landed here because shrapnel is also found in their wounds. The cleaning of the wounds takes much longer than treating the wound and so the time that we spend on one soldier takes very long.

I am still in the middle of treating my patient when Nita comes to me and says.

"We have prepared a room where you can do surgeries. You need to get there as soon as possible. I am afraid that you might be busy for quite some time"

I leave everything that I am doing and then I look at Nita.

"I guess that is why I am here"

I only smile at her and then I make my way to the room but before I get there, I can not help but see if I can not find Nick. Just one glimpse would be enough for me but no such luck. Then nurse Tracy waits for me at the door with my scrubs and gloves in hand.

I still wanted to look around me but I guess this is where I need to be now. I turn back to look at everyone and then I softly say.

"Just be safe, Nick"

Then I turn around and take the gloves and scrubs out of Tracy's hand. Then I say to Tracy.

"Let's save some lives"


There is some sort of urgency that wants to get me to the base as quickly as possible. I understand that I need to get these people safely there but I can not stop the thought that is willing me to the base. I need to know if Kim is safe. I need to know if she is there already.

So, I put on my best tracking skills and try to get there as quickly as possible. Luckily, we get there without a hitch and everyone is running around like there is no tomorrow. The place is even in a worse state than what I thought it would be. There are too many men lying on the ground, dead and I feel anger starting to rise up in my heart.

I am going to make the enemy pay for what they did here. I search through all the people only because I want to find Kim but I can not seem to find her. I do not want the thoughts that are creeping up in my mind to take residency there because she must be here somewhere then I find Vic the one man I wanted to see.

"Is she here? Is she safe?"

"Sir, yes, sir! I made sure that she was behind me the entire time, sir!"

I feel a deep relief filling my heart as I know that she is safe. I put a hand on his shoulder and then I smile while I say.

"Thank you, for taking good care of her. Do you know where she is now?"

"Yes, sir! I have been keeping an eye on her still. She is in the shelter they made for a hospital"

"Thank you. You may carry on"

"Thank you, sir!"

Finally, I know that she is fine. I can carry on with what I was planning to do here. I walk around the base just analyzing everything when I noticed that there are no guns and no amination. They must have taken everything when they raided the base.

I find one of these soldiers just sitting on the ground with his head in his arms. I bend down to sit next to him and say.

"Soldier, what is your name?"

"Michael, sir"

He wants to stand up and salute me but I push him down to sit.

"At ease soldier. Do you remember what happened here?"

I can see it is very difficult for him to say what happened but I give him time to tell me when he is ready. He could possibly still be in shock and that usually takes some time to figure out what is going on around a person.

"I do not remember much, sir"

"I will take whatever you can give me"

"It was a normal day like any other. We were just standing up from breakfast when we heard the missile. It was very quickly and then...nothing...there was nothing. Everyone was lying on the ground and all you could hear is the moans from the pain everyone was in. Here and there was the scream then I think I passed out, sir"

I can see how he is reliving what happened to him and it is clear that it was horrible. I can see tears starting to form behind his eyes. I know that I should stop asking him questions but I need to know one more answer.

"I am so sorry that this happened to you but I really need to ask you one more thing"

"Yes, of course, sir. Anything that can help my teammates"

"What happened to all the guns?"

He looks down at the ground as if he can not quite remember but then suddenly it is as he remembers.

"They came to the camp afterward...The people that were alive were pretending that they were dead we just weren't enough soldiers They walked through the base as if they owned it. They took whatever supplies we had and all our guns. They kicked a few of us in our sides while laughing like they just did it for fun"

The anger that I felt earlier, is only increasing the more he is telling me I am going to get those shits that did this. Each and every one of them will pay and I will make sure of it. I put my hand on his shoulder and then I say.

"I promise you, that I will get them and they will pay. They will pay for these lives that they have taken"

"What can I do, sir?"

"I think that you have already done enough. Thank you. Go to the hospital and let them check you out"

"Yes, sir"

I stand up from the ground with a new fury inside my heart. At this point, I want to kill them with my bare hands and I am going to enjoy it. I want them to pay. What they did here today will be a picnic in comparison with what I will do to them. They will be sorry for what they did today. They will beg for mercy.

I see John in the distance and decide that it is time to make a plan of action. As I get closer to him I can see the anger that is inside my heart on his face.

"Who the hell do they think they are?!"

"We are going to make them pay and they will not have a chance to cry to their mommies. They will be sorry that they crossed our paths"

We quickly gather around then and then find a spot where we can figure out a plan of action. We decide to check out the territory in the daylight but first, we need to set a perimeter to protect the people in our base. The sad part of all of this is that I knew a few of these soldiers.

I do not know them personally but I have heard of their achievements but now they are all lying here, dead. This thought makes me want to go back to Kim and just leave all of this behind. I want to take her away from all of this and start a family with her.

I would be happy if I could just pack bags in a convenience store for a living as long as I am with Kim. I do not want to see this anymore.. I do not like the fact that Kim is here and that a missile could just destroy this base in an instant without warning.

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