I am busy with my tenth surgery and I feel completely exhausted. I am so glad that I got some rest on the ship because I would not have been able to do what I am doing now if I did not get any sleep. I can see that the sun has come up already and it probably should be something like noon.

I take a breath between surgeries and I just sit on the chair trying to regain some sort of normality. I know that there is still a lot of patients waiting and I do not know for how long I am going to be busy. But I am not going to give up because the soldiers sacrifice their lives for our country. The least that I can do is sacrifice some of my time.

The only thing that is bothering me is that I have not seen Nick yet and I can only hope that he is okay. He is the only thing right now that keeps me standing because he is the love of my life. I know that the moment I am finished here I will do everything I can to find him.

If I can only get a hug I would be happy or even just a glimpse. I just need to know that he is okay and I can then carry on for another ten surgeries. I stand up and my legs feel like jelly. I know that I need sleep but I will push it as far as I can.

I walk towards the table and they push in the next patient. I feel sorry for each and every soldier that I need to operate on. It is not beautiful what happened to them and they are injured severely. I will do everything that I can to bring them back to their families.

There are so many families that do not get their father, brother, son, sister, or mother back today but I will save who I can. I pick up the scalpel and I start to cut the soldier in front of me. I will give it my best.


After picking up the scattered supplies everywhere and trying to bring some sort of order back into the base, we started to put up the tents for us as shelters. I can feel how every part in my body is getting tired and some even painful but I will not stop until everything is safe again.

We have moved the camp a little bit away from where it was and we are starting to set up a perimeter around the camp. We set it up almost the same way that we did when we were stranded on the island. We have trees as our cover but we need to have the patrols day and night.

We dare not slack for a moment because in that second that we let our guard down, we might be attacked by the enemy. It is clear to me that these enemies are cowards and will attack from above and not confront us directly. The enemy must still think that the camp is destroyed because they would have come looking for us after they heard the helicopters.

This means that our plan of being stealth worked perfectly. We take a break in the middle of the day just sitting down and eating. As I look around the table I can see that everyone looks defeated. We are not only tired but also sad because of our fellow soldiers that died. They deserve a proper burial.

I have seen to it that the bodies were buried under the ground and that we will not return them back to their families looking the way they do. We will hand them a flag as that is the highest honor that they can get. But we are going to do a small memorial when we finished burying everyone.

Then after we have eaten something I stand up and say.

"I know that this is a tough time for everyone and I want to thank you for your dedication and hard work. But we need to get this camp running by nightfall. So, eat as much as you can to get energy so that we can move on. Thank you and that's all for now"

Then everyone disperses and some still stay to eat some more food. I help wherever I can and delegate as much as I can. I truly have a great team behind me and every soldier is doing their part. It is beginning to get dark and finally, all the tents are in their places. The camp almost looks like it can function again and all things are in order.

I feel happy about what we have done today and I dismiss everyone to rest and eat. I divide up some patrol groups to relieve each other every four hours. We need to make sure that we are safe in this camp. After I have done everything that I can and then decide that I am ready to sleep as well, I know that I would not be able to fall asleep unless Kim is by my side.

I look around me and then I see the shelter that they build for the hospital. I know that Vic said that she is safe but I want to see it for myself. I walk into the hospital and Nita finds me.

"It feels like we are back on the island again doesn't it?"

I hug Nita and then I say.

"Maybe a little but this time we know that we can go back home anytime"

She laughs and then says.

"Yes, that is probably one small detail that makes this different"

Then we laugh together but the laugh is not really born from joy but more from tiredness.

"I guess you are here to see Dr. McPherson?"

"Yes, I just wanted to say hello"

I see her lifting her eyebrows she does not believe me as if she knows that a hello is not what I am looking for.

"Unfortunately, you are out of luck"

I know that it is just a way of speaking but for some reason, those words could not have come out right in any way that she could have said it. Immediately my mind goes to what is wrong with her.

"Why? What happened?"

She frowns at me and then says.

"Nothing happened. She is just in surgery. Actually, she has been in surgery ever since we got here. You have one tough fiance, she is not letting up"

I take a deep breath of relief and I make sure to calm my heart. It is so easy to get whined up when I have not seen Kim yet. I walk in the direction of the one room in the shelter that is closed off but Nita grabs my arm and says.

"Where do you think you are going, Master Chief?"

"I am going to my fiance"

"I am sorry but it is a sterile room and we can not just walk in there"

I feel like I am defeated by her words because I just wanted to get a glimpse. She must have seen the sadness on my face and then she says.

"But because you are such a gentleman, I will tell her that you are waiting for her"

I hug her and pick her up, spinning her around.

"Have I told you that you are the best?"

She laughs as she turns around and walks to the room and then says to me.

"Not really, no..."

I watch as she disappears behind the curtain and then it is as if I see what is happening around me for the first time. I thought the shelter was small but there are about fifty soldiers lying on beds. Some have bandages on and others had a few missing limbs.

I swallow deeply at the sight in front of me and I realize that this is not a vacation. This is full-on war and I will make sure that the enemy pays.


This will be my eighteenth surgery for the day and I know that I might pass out any second. There is no way that I can do another surgery and the nurses are almost as tired as I am. I have done every urgent surgery and I think that rest should just wait till tomorrow.

I am about to close up when Nita comes walking in. My heart stands still for a second because she never interrupts me. This can only mean that there is something wrong.

"What is wrong, Dr. Naidoo?"

"Do not worry everything is in order. I am just here to tell you that your fiance is waiting for you outside"

If words were beautiful then those words would have been it. The thought that Nita saw him is almost as good as that I have seen him. I smile behind my mask and then I say to her.

"Please tell him that I am just finishing up and I will be there as soon as I can"

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